Marriage Records
Marriage records are a primary genealogical source.
They can tell many different things about an individual/s.
Here are a few things you can find on a marriage certificate:
Click Here to see Marriage Record Example from 1907
Name of Bride
Name of Groom
Parents of Both/birthplace of parents
Birthplace of Bride & Groom
Place of Marriage
Date of Marriage
Ages of Bride and Groom
Officiant of Ceremony
In many instances of Marriage records pre-1900 you might find your ancestor listed under a nickname. For instance my ggrandfather Woods and ggrandmother Elizabeth are listed as Woodsie and Lizzie. So don't give up if you can't find them listed it
might be under a nickname. Example:(William as Bill, Emma as Em or Emmie, Etc.)
Most marriage records are kept with the County/City in which the marriage took place. Call the local County/City Clerk to find out what years they carry on file. If the Marriage took place before the dates they carry you will have to request a search from the State Archives.
Links to Marriage Records
Where to Write for Vital Records in the United States/Index
Click on state to get info on where to write for records
Kentucky Resources
Pike County, KY Marriages (mid to late 1800's)
Lawrence County, KY Vital Records FTP SITE
Arranged by year and record
England and Wales Marriage Certificate Info
Austalia, New Zealand, Asia
Australasia birth, deathand marriage records exchange
Australian birth, death and marriage records
General Link Sites
Cyndi's Links to Marriage Resources