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Caught in the Act vor der Auflösung - WZ BILD
WZ - Letzter Auftitt beim ZDF Fernsehgarten EXPRESS
Das wird Tränen geben - BILD Frankfurter Rundschau
Megastar (british) - Interview with Carlo
Magdeburg Mirror (british) - My son was bullied ....
Rheinische Post Zoned Out (british)
Westdeutsche Zeitung Berliner BZ
Mirror (british)


Luciennes Hochzeit - HIT! SMASH HIT! (britishe Jugendzeitung)
The SUN 14.9.99 - Happy and Free
(Danke an Kathy für den Bericht!)
ATTITUDE - Interview mit Stephen
"Elton John schickte mir Blumen"
Bravo - Das andere erste Foto
(Danke an Kristen für den Bericht)
ATTITUDE - Interview with Stephen
"No matter what" Saint Stephen
Yahoo - Duett mit Stephen (5/00) Ja, wir lieben uns! (BRAVO)
Wer lügt, wer nicht? (Popcorn)



Boyzone-Sänger Stephen Gately ist schwul
"Caught in the Act"-Sänger ist sein Lover

(Berliner BZ)

Boyzone-Star Stephen Gately (23) bricht seinen weiblichen Fans mit einem Geständnis das Herz. Er offenbarte: "Ich bin schwul und habe einen Freund."

In einem Interview mit der englischen Tageszeitung "The Sun" enthüllte der Popstar: "Mein Freund ist der ehemalige 'Caught in the Act' Sänger Eloy de Jong." Der Ire Gately hat den Holländer schon vor vier Jahren in London kennengelernt, die beiden sind aber erst seit letztem November ein Paar. Mit seinem Geständnis wollte der Sänger Gerüchten zuvor kommen, die besagten, daß ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter von Boyzone (Nummer-Eins-Hit: Words) über ihn auspacken wolle.

Der Sänger beichtete: "Dieses Geständnis ist das Schlimmste, was ich je im Leben hinter mich bringen mußte. Aber ich schulde es unseren Fans und mir selber, endlich ehrlich zu sein." Seit der Gründung der Band vor sechs Jahren hat er nie richtig abschalten und einfach er selbst sein können, weil er sein Geheimnis nicht verraten wollte: "Ich hatte viele schlaflose Nächte, in denen ich mich gefragt habe, was am nächsten Tag in der Zeitung steht. Es entstanden so viele Gerüchte über mein Privatleben." Besonders schwierig war es in den letzten 12 Monaten: "Weil alle anderen Bandmitglieder jetzt eine feste Beziehung haben, wurden die Fragen nach meinem Privatleben immer eindringlicher." Es gab Gerüchte darüber, daß er die irische Sängerin Kerri-Ann (23) heiraten wollte.

'Caught in the Act' Sänger und Stephen Gately-Lover Eloy de Jong

Seitdem er 15 ist weiß Stephen, daß er schwul ist. Aber mit seiner Familie hat er zum ersten Mal darüber gesprochen, als er 18 Jahre alt wurde. Sein Vater Martin meinte: "Mach Dir keine Sorgen, mein Sohn. Es gibt nichts, wovor Du Angst haben mußt. Deine Familie liebt Dich."

Nicht nur seine Familie, sondern auch die anderen Boyzone-Mitglieder stehen voll hinter ihm. Ronan Keating (22), Shane Lynch (22), Keith Duffy (24) und Mikey Graham (26) akzeptieren ihn und seinen Freund Eloy. Graham sagte: "Auch alle Fans sollten Stephen unterstützen. Er hat ihnen immerhin in den letzten sechs Jahren viel Musik und Glück geschenkt. Ich freue mich einfach, daß er glücklich ist. Lebt und laßt leben."

Stephen hofft sehr, daß seine Fans ihn auch weiterhin akzeptieren werden: "Ich war für Euch stark, ich habe Euch Autogramme gegeben, Eure Briefe beantwortet und bin auf den Bühnen aufgetreten. Jetzt brauche ich Euch, damit Ihr für mich da seid. Ich weiß, daß ihr mich nicht hängen laßt."


Eloy und Steve lieben sich! "Ich bin schwul und ich bin verliebt! Mein Partner ist der Holländer Eloy de Jong!" Mit diesen Worten hat sich Stephen Gately (23), Leadsänger und Mädchenschwarm der irischen Gruppe Boyzone am 16. Juni in den englischen Tageszeitungen geoutet. Daß sein Partner ausgerechnet Eloy de Jong (26), Ex-Caught-in-the-Act-Sänger ist, ist doppelt brisant für die Fans beider Gruppen.
Dieses verblüffende und mutige Bekenntnis sorgte nicht nur in England für viel Wirbel. Auch bei uns schlug die Nachricht wie eine Bombe ein und löste eine heftige Diskussion über Homosexualität aus. Die vielen weiblichen Fans der beiden Sonnyboys waren geschockt, verwirrt und wollten die Meldung zunächst kaum glauben. Eloy zu BRAVO: "Ja, Steve und ich lieben uns. Ich werde immer für Stephen dasein. Ich weiß, wir können es schaffen!"

Stephen und Eloy trafen sich zum ersten Mal 1995, als Boyzone noch am Anfang ihrer Karriere waren, in London, wo Caught in the Act im April ihr Video zur Single "My Arms keep missing you" drehten. Ein Jahr später, bei der BRAVO SUPERSHOW im März 1996 in der Stuttgarter Schleyerhalle, sahen sie sich wieder. Aber erst am 31.10.1998, als Boyzone zu einem Auftritt nach Köln flogen, funkte es richtig zwischen den beiden. Eloy moderierte die Show, bei der Boyzone auftraten. In Köln wurde beiden klar, daß sie mehr als nur gute Freunde sein wollten. Seitdem verbrachten sie so viel Zeit wie möglich zusammen und teilen sich Stephens Luxusvilla bei Dublin.

Monatelang hielten die beiden ihre Beziehung geheim. Steve: "Es war schrecklich! Wir konnten nie zusammen weggehen, mußten uns immer verstecken! Das war ein enormer Druck." Die Angst, entdeckt und an den Pranger gestellt zu werden, war für Stephen, der aus dem prüden, katholischen Dublin kommt, zum Schluß unerträglich. Steve: "Ich wollte nicht die Karriere von Boyzone ruinierten!" In England und Irland sind Boyzone – ihr neues Greatest-Hits-Album "By Request" stürmte dort mit Rekordverkäufen auf Platz eins der Charts – so erfolgreich wie BSB.

Doch Boyzone, die zur Zeit auf Deutschlandtour sind, gehen im Herbst getrennte Wege. Ronan Keating startet als Solosänger und Steve wird "Bright Eyes", den Titeltrack zum neuen Zeichentrickfilm "Watership Down", solo singen. Das war der richtige Zeitpunkt für das Outing. "Ich wollte nicht mehr länger lügen", sagt Stephen. "Ich will mich nicht mehr verstecken, die Fans sollen die Wahrheit wissen. Ich will mich zu meinem Partner bekennen – Eloy ist meine große Liebe!"

Boyzone star announces: I'm gay

Boyzone star Stephen Gately has broken many a teenage heart today by announcing he is gay.
The 23 year old singer says he has been forced to come out after a someone close to the band tried to sell the story to the papers.

Ronan and the boys say they're backing him all the way, and are delighted he has found love with a former member of a Dutch boy band.

In an interview with the Sun Gately said: "I'm gay and I have had gay romances, but now -for the first time in my life - I am in a relationship with someone I love."

He told the newspaper that he met Eloy de Jong, 26, a former member of Dutch boy band Caught In The Act, four years ago but their relationship only began in November last year.

Gately, a singer with five-strong Irish boy band, took the decision to go public after hearing that he might be "outed" by someone who worked with the group in the past.

A statement released by the group's press office, the Outside Organisation, said: "Boyzone's Stephen Gately today confirmed that he is gay.

"Stephen recently discovered that someone was trying to sell this story to newspapers.

"He made a decision to tell the fans himself and has chosen to do so in the Sun newspaper."

The statement said the pop star hoped the interview would "explain all to the fans and bring an end to the matter."

Gately, 23, said: "This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do but I owe it to our fans - as well as to myself - to be completely honest.

"I know this may come as a bombshell to our followers. Many of them may be upset. I only hope they understand how important it is for me to reveal I am gay."

He said that he realised he was gay when he was 15 but decided against admitting it when he was handpicked by club owner and manager Louis Walsh with the other band members from 300 hopefuls to form Boyzone in 1993, for fear be might lose his chance for fame.

A year after joining the band he told his family, whom he said have been very understanding and supportive.

His partner, Eloy de Jong, told the newspaper: "I will always be there for Stephen. We will get through this."

Gately stressed his announcement would not affect the future of Boyzone and
vowed: "We'll be around for years to come."

He also addressed the band's millions of fans and said: "I've been strong for you, I've signed your autographs, answered your letters, and given the performances you deserve on stage.

"Now I need you to be there for me."

Boyzone, which also includes Ronan Keating, Keith Duffy, Shane Lynch and Mikey Graham, have enjoyed massive chart success.

They have had a string of Number 1 songs including Words, All That I Need and No Matter What and achieved the best ever start to a UK singles career with 13 consecutive Top 5 singles.

Last year, Shane Lynch married Eternal's Easther Bennett and Ronan Keating and his wife Yvonne now have an eight-week-old son, Jack.


It's a bright, sunny day in London and Stephen Gately's skin is glowing. Swamped in baggy black Gucci trousers, designer T-shirt and chunky boots, Stephen's face breaks into his huge trademark smile as he strides into the studio. The smile gets wider still when Stephen spots the huge box of letters from Smash Hits readers. He dives in and starts reading them, looking more and more pleased with each envelope he rips open.

Watching Stephen happily read your letters of support it's easy to forget the past few months have been, in his own words, "a very
emotional time". After discovering that someone was trying to sell a story about his sexuality, Stephen took the huge step of telling the world he was gay. To this day Stephen doesn't know who had the story to tell, and he doesn't want to know. But there was one thing Stephen did know, if people were going to find out, he wanted to be the one to tell them, and so he agreed to an interview with The Sun newspaper.


SH: You've done the interview. How did you feel the night before The Sun story came out?
(He takes a deep breath) Eloy (Stephen's boyfriend) and I were in Milan, and obviously I knew that the story would be out the next day, but we didn't know how big a thing it was going to be. So we were watching Sky News and it said, "Now here are tomorrow's newspapers", and it was on the front pages of four newspapers! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so I laughed. I said to Eloy, (raises his hands helplessly) "Well, this is it. Let's hope people's reactions are good". Thankfully all the papers were very supportive.

SH: How did it feel to wake up knowing that the whole world knew?
It felt very. . . weird. Terrifying, I suppose. I was in Amsterdam (where Eloy lives) the actual day the story broke, and I got tons of
calls from people saying, "Fair play to ya, congratulations". Victoria from the Spice Girls called a press agency to say, "Tell Stephen not to worry, everything will be fine". I got a message from the Backstreet Boys, (his eyes widen) Sinead O'Connor left a message saying she thought it was great. Not one person let me down. I got flowers from Elton John and his boyfriend David, a phone call from George Michael. Graham Norton sent me a lovely letter, Lily Savage called and Boy George said some really nice things.
It made me feel really supported. And the fans have been just amazing. .

SH: In what way?
(Looking over at the letters) I keep getting big packets of letters from them, and I'm trying to read all of them, or at least most of them. I'm reading them wherever I can and going around smiling to myself because they've been so incredible. So uplifting. They're from fans, parents of fans, young kids. . . you name it. I couldn't have asked for a better response.

SH: Were you scared when it was all happening?
(Wrinkles his brows and nods) I was sooo scared. It's a big, big thing. My family and my close friends knew, but it was a shock for the fans. I'm so glad they heard it from me and not someone else, I had to be upfront. It was a very emotional time, lots of ups and downs. I'd laugh, then I would cry, and I'd constantly question what was happening. But Eloy and I decided we had to be really, really strong and be there for each other.

SH: And were you?
Totally. It was a big thing for Eloy as well, especally in places like Germany where his band (Caught In The Act) is big. We decided it was better to come out at the same time, then for the next few days we were very down 'cos we were scared how everyone would react. But we said we'd get through it, and we have.

SH: What did the rest of Boyzone think when they found out the story was breaking?
I told them I was gay five years ago and they said, "So what?" And they were the same about this. They've been absolutely wonderful. Wonderful!

Stephen knew that he was gay from his early teens. He describes it as an incredibly hard time, and realises there are a lot of other teenagers going through similar things. He looks heartbroken as he reads a letter from a girl whose friend committed suicide because he was gay and couldn't stand the bullying he endured. "It's shocking," he says, looking away. "Terrible." With this kind of prejudice it's no wonder Stephen, or anybody, takes their time before 'coming out'.


SH: What stopped you from admitting you were gay before now?
(Thinks) I was at an age where I wanted to be successful, and unfortunately, if people know you're gay they think twice about you. I
was determined to be famous and I didn't want people judging me. Plus, I was still finding out who I was, I genuinely don't think I could've handled this before.

SH: Was The Sun story inevitable?
I think the newspaper articles happened at a time when something was going to happen anyway. The rest of Boyzone were getting married and having kids and I was still single. It was lonely, and I was thinking, "What am I going to do? People are going to talk". It was building up and I felt it was going to break at any time.

SH: Did you always fear someone else would 'out' you?
Yep. Every day. Some nights I'd go to bed and (takes a deep breath) I'd be nervous about the next day, about what the papers would say. That's no way to live. I read a lot of spiritual books which made me stronger. I pray to God, and get on with things. I'm the exact same person I always was. My personality hasn't changed, or the way I look, I just feel good in myself. (Smiles) I don't have to worry anymore. You can't imagine how relieved I feel not having it all hanging over my head.

SH: But if there hadn't been the threat of exposure, would you have waited to tell everyone?
(Pauses) I don't know. I probably would have waited until the very last minute I could. But looking at things now I wouldn't change a thng.

Smiling once again, it appears Stephen's not just happy, but happier than ever. Could it be love? Just as he's about to reply to our probing question, Stephen's 'saved by the bell.' Someone is buzzing his mini-mobile and the huge grin across Stephen's face, tells us who it is.
... Eloy. "Yep, I'm doing the interview," he tells his concerned boyfriend, "don't worry, it's going really well." The couple go on to discuss how their dog's been swimming again, and Steve signs off by promising to take a pic of the shoot home for Eloy to see. When the conversation's over, Steve laughs when Smash Hits points out the ear-to-ear grin he had on his face the whole time. "Did I?" he says coyly, blushing slightly. Next he takes out a photo of his boyfriend to show us and looks on proudly as Smash Hits peruses Eloy's perfect features. Our question is answered. Stephen's in love.


SH: Where did you meet Eloy?
At a party, but we'd met in the business before, travelling, y'know- we'd seen each other around! We've known each other for a long time, and we've been together for a year now.

SH: You seem very settled. . .
I am. We've just bought a dog. He's a black and white shih-tzu called Joey. we took him for a walk yesterday and we were just sitting down together chatting, getting away from it all. It's wonderful.

SH: It must seem funny looking back at you old 'lurve' interviews now...
It is because. . . (laughs) I always dreaded interviews because i knew that people would say, "So Stephen, why aren't you going out with a girl?".

SH: But you never said you hadn't met the right girl, you always said the right person.
Yes, I didn't want to lie, so I chose my words carefully!

SH: Has 'coming out' affected your relationship with Eloy?
Yeah, I can walk down the street with him now. I don't have to be careful about everything. (Rolls his eyes) What a relief!

Interview over, Stephen plays us his upcoming solo single, the classic Bright Eyes taken from the new Watership Down cartoon in which Steve will voice one of the bunnies. Everyone in the studio is stunned when a mature, rich voice blasts out of the stereo: "I always sing in high keys in Boyzone," explains Stephen, "but with this I've been able to try out different voice styles, whcih is really exciting." The single sounds great, but after all he's been through Stephen wasn't really worried about the small matter of a solo career. . . was he? "Oh yeah, I'm very nervous," he blushes, "I don't know what to expect from Bright Eyes. If it just gets into the charts I'll be happy!" He pauses. "If people knock me, they kncok me, at least I know that I've tried." So you do feel stronger now? "I know one thing, I'm more ready for all this," he says, throwing his hands out wide, "than I ever was." And with that final flourish, Stephen collects his post, says his goodbyes, and walks out the door. Head held high.

THE MIRROR 17.6.99


Mum blast The Sun over 'blackmail'
THE angry mother of Boyzone star Stephen Gately has claimed he was bullied into confessing he is gay.
Cleaning lady Margaret Gately hit out at what she called "blackmail" by The Sun - who persuaded Stephen to admit his secret sexuality by saying a member of the band's roadcrew had approached them to sell the story. Margaret, who has one other son and three daughters, says Stephen did NOT want to go public, but realised he had no other option.

In an emotional outburst, Margaret, 50, told The Mirror: "Stephen wasn't ashamed about his sexuality - but he never wanted people to know about it.
"Because it was always his own business, and that is the way it should be. I think what has happened is blackmail. I always thought my children should never be pressurised. "But Stephen has been bullied into doing this."
Margaret learned of the "deal" between her son and The Sun last week - and says the news broke her heart.

"We have been going through hell since we were told that this was going to be published," she said. "I haven't slept for a week. "The effect it will have on the whole family will be phenomenal."Everyone has been so worried. I have problems with my lungs and I'm afraid that the stress of this will affect my illness."Margaret added: "The Sun has destroyed so many lives. There was Lenny Henry and there was Sophie Rhys-Jones. Now it's my son - and us."All of us are involved in this. I have to go out and do my day's work with the whole place looking at me."Stephen's younger brother Tony said that he would be lying low after the fuss generated. "I have no notion of sticking around for this one," he said. "I'm going to my girlfriend's to stay for a while until it all dies down.

"I can't believe that anyone would want to do this to Stephen. It's going to affect the whole family. But at The Sun, they don't care whose lives they ruin. Tony added: "This will have a huge impact on us. Since we were told The Sun was going to print it, we have literally been waiting for the worst to come."

The Sun claimed in an editorial yesterday that Stephen had approached them to ask for their help in coming out. But it is now established that the paper approached Stephen to tell him his gay secret was going to be revealed by a roadie. They suggested to him that the best way to deal with this was to go public in an exclusive interview. Boyzone's PR agency last night denied The Sun had threatened to "out" Stephen if he did not co-operate. But a source close to the band told The Mirror: "Stephen knew The Sun had him over a barrel. They made it clear that if he didn't go public, the information would come out somehow anyway."The paper's behaviour flies in the face of a pledge earlier this year never to out gays.In a hypocritical declaration of intent, the paper announced: "From now on The Sun will not reveal the sexuality of gays - men or women - unless we believe it can be defended on the grounds of overwhelming public interest.
"If gays choose to come out, we will report it if we feel it is newsworthy or relevant. Otherwise, we will not invade the privacy of gay people. Why are we doing this? Because we recognise that public attitudes are changing." In fact, The Sun published its statement because the day before it had caused widespread revulsion by suggesting on the front page that Britain was being run by what it described as a "Gay Mafia".
In yesterday's Sun, Gately told all about the homosexuality he had kept a secret throughout the six astonishingly successful years he has been with Boyzone.
He even told how he has fallen in love with a Dutch singer called Eloy de Jong, who he has been dating for the past eight months.
After dodging the issue for so long, Stephen's candour was - to say the least - surprising.

Megastar 17.6.99

A GAY TV presenter told last night of his heartbreak at losing his partner to Boyzone star Stephen Gately.

Dutch telly host Carlo Boszhard warned Stephen: "He broke my heart - don't let him break yours."

Carlo had pleaded with boy band singer Eloy de Jong not to leave him after five years together.
But two weeks ago, the £300,000-a-year presenter realised he'd lost him for good when the handsome blond revealed he was seeing Stephen. Carlo, 29, who hosts the House Party-style show Monte Carlo on Dutch TV, was shattered. He said: "I still love Eloy and I think it is a shame that we are no longer together and won't grow old together as we once hoped.
"I had always hoped we would kiss and make up because we have unfinished business together and a special love.“But when Eloy told me two weeks ago he was in love with Steve I finally realised there was no chance."
Eloy, a member of Caught in the Act, shared Carlo's luxury home in the village of Nieuwendam outside Amsterdam. He met Dubliner Stephen, 23, four years ago, but only began dating him last November.Carlo and Eloy had a major bust-up last year when Eloy announced he was going back on tour and wouldn't see him for months.
“I told him I couldn't live with that any more," he added. "We had a long and emotional talk during which we both cried. I decided we didn't have a future any more."
But, when the tour ended Caught in the Act, who enjoyed 15 No. 1 hits n Germany and sold 20 million records, broke up.
Carlo began seeing Eloy once again but he admitted: "We stayed best of friends but we couldn't revive our love.“To be honest even up until a couple of weeks ago, I hoped we'd start all over again but when he told me about Stephen and their affair I knew there was no chance any more."
Eloy, who is reputedly worth £8 million, called Carlo to tell him that he was seeing Stephen and planned to let the world know about their affair."I was very, very surprised, to say the least, given the fact that he'd been so reluctant to reveal his love for me for so long."I found it hard to understand how he could love Stephen because I thought after being with me he would rather have an unknown boyfriend with whom he could live anonymously.
“I suppose, even though I caused the first rift, Eloy has ended up breaking my heart. I just hope he is truly happy with Stephen and doesn't end up breaking his heart too.
 "I have met Steve many times, even when I was with Eloy, but never could I have expected he would be my lover's new love. I didn't even know he was gay.

"I haven't spoken to Steve since but I spoke to Eloy today. I think it is brave what they are doing because the whole world is watching, especially because Eloy is starting a new career as a TV presenter in Germany."Eloy was a star on his own but from now on he will be seen as the gay lover of Steve from Boyzone. I wonder if that's easy to live with."Stephen gave Eloy a sporty Audi convertible as a present a few weeks ago and they have been spotted driving around Amsterdam together.

The couple are due to visit Holland this weekend so Stephen can meet Eloy's family and they are expected to visit Amsterdam's gay disco It Eloy and Carlo were both regulars at the club, where Spice Girl Mel G's hubby Jimmy Gulzar was a dancer.But Eloy, mindful of his image and effect on his lucrative career, was reluctant to be seen as gay and went to extraordinary lengths to keep his affair with Carlo secret."I had to leave his home in the early hours to prevent fans from seeing me," said Carlo."I had more and more troubles with that because I felt I was lying to the public and eventually I came out as gay. That felt very good."

Zoned Out 17.06.99

READERS who thought Boyzone was a Hamburg nightclub will be surprised to hear that it's the name of an Irish boy band. They may be less astonished to learn, from the Sun, that one of its members swings the other way. Hot on the heels of the stunning revelations that former Take That front man Gary Barlow was a pill-popping, groupie-boffing hetero, comes news that Boyzone's Stephen Gately is gay and in love. The Sun would usually expect the nation's screaming girls to plaster its front-page photo of the outed one on their bedroom walls. However, today's news has meant that it is not the fans but Stephen who has been left screaming. As girls rush upstairs to redecorate their rooms, while some of their brothers salvage pics of Stephen from the bin, the boy himself makes his "courageous announcement". The paper that once warned of a gay mafia running the country is no longer worried about a pink menace and shows commendable understanding towards the star. The rag of the nation's clean of thought and deed reveals Stephen and his lover, the pornographically named Eloy de Jong, on its totty-loving Page Three. "The time is right to tell the world who I really am and who I really love," announces the headline to the "most moving showbiz interview you will ever read". After years of dodging questions about his lack of female companionship, Stephen was sick of answering questions with the phrase "I'll settle down when the right person comes along". Well, roaming Eloy came, saw and conquered Stephen. However, there is one woman who has got close to him. The Mirror misses the main feature, so hunts down the old B-movie that is the Stephen's mum Margaret. She may well love her boy "whatever he is" but his kindergarten of fans may not be so understanding. His secret may "break so many hearts" but it seems that, although Stephen's future is in jeopardy, the rest of the band will survive. After all, they're all married. Mind you, so was Elton John once.

Express 17.06.99

Boyzone-Star Stephen: "Ich bin schwul"

Boyzone-Star Stephen Gately

exp London - Boyzone. Eine der erfolgreichsten Boygroups unserer Zeit. Ihre Lieder ("Words") stürmen die Charts. Ihre Poster zieren die Zimmer von vielen tausend junger Mädchen in der ganzen Welt. Und jetzt das. Stephen Gately läßt die Bombe platzen. "Ich bin schwul", gesteht der schöne Ire dem englischen Massenblatt "Sun", "und ich bin sehr verliebt."

Das Selbst-Outing, erklärt Gately weiter, sei das "härteste, das ich jemals tun mußte. Aber ich schulde es meinen Fans und mir selber, endlich ganz ehrlich zu sein."

Seit vergangenen November ist Stephen fest mit Eloy De Jong (26) zusammen, der war früher bei der inzwischen aufgelösten niederländischen Boygroup "Caught in the Act". "Ich denke, die Zeit ist reif, der Welt zu sagen, wer ich wirklich bin", so Stephen selbstbewußt.

So ganz freiwillig gewählt aber ist der Zeitpunkt nicht. Ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Band plante offenbar, Stephens Geheimnis gewinnbringend zu veröffentlichen. Da entschloß sich Stephen, in Absprache mit dem Rest der Gruppe, dem Verräter zuvorzukommen.

"Ich wollte, daß unsere Fans es von mir erfahren und nicht irgendeine verdrehte Wahrheit vorgesetzt bekommen", erklärt Stephen . Und ist spürbar erleichtert: "Der Druck, jemand zu sein, der ich gar nicht bin, wurde immer schlimmer. Stets hatte ich Angst, erwischt zu werden."

Seine größte Bitte: "Ich hoffe, die Fans halten zu uns."


Wie kann es ein Mädchen verkraften, wenn sein Idol nur Jungen liebt?
Sie kreischen, werfen Teddys, schreiben Liebesbriefe: Mädchen himmeln ihre Boygroup an. Fast alle sind verknallt in die süßen Jungs auf der Bühne.
Stephen Gatly (23) von der irischen Boygroup „Boyzone“ („No matter what“) bekennt: „Ich bin schwul.“

Er ist Schwarm von Millionen Mädchen, sie himmeln sein Poster über ihren Betten an. Sie träumen von ihm, wenn sie seine Musik hören.

Wie kann es ein Mädchen verkraften, wenn sein Idol nur Jungen liebt?

Vielleicht einfacher, als wenn er eine Frau heiratet. Denn da müßte das Fan-Mädchen in Konkurrenz zu seiner Traumfrau treten. Als Homosexueller aber scheint er ihr nicht ganz verloren.
Norbert Lalla (37), stellv. Chefredakteur vom Teenie-Fachblatt „Bravo“: „Die Mädchen in diesem Alter setzen sich ja gerade erst mit dem anderen Geschlecht auseinander. Für sie ist Homosexualität noch etwas sehr Ungewöhnliches. Als Nick von den Backstreet Boys sagte, er habe eine Freundin, war die Hysterie viel größer.“

Stephen über sein Outing: „Diese Sache, das ist das Schwierigste, was ich je tun mußte. Aber ich schulde unseren Fans und mir selber, voll aufrichtig zu sein.“

Die anderen Bandmitglieder wußten nichts von Stephens Männerliebe: „Ich weiß schon seit meinem 15. Lebensjahr, daß ich schwul bin. Als ich dann 1993 unter 300 Bewerbern für die Band ausgewählt wurde, habe ich es aber verschwiegen.“

Jetzt liebt er einen anderen Teenie-Star: Eloy de Jong (26) von „Caught in the act“ (Ende ’98 aufgelöst). Eloy: „Ich werde immer für Stephen da sein. Wir werden da durchkommen.“

Wie können Eltern verzweifelten Töchtern jetzt helfen?

Lalla von „Bravo“: „Vor allem reden. Die Eltern müssen erkennen, welche Bedeutung der Star im Leben der Tochter hat, dann erklären, was passiert ist. Aber so dramatisch wird es hoffentlich nicht: Selbstmorddrohungen sind bei uns noch nicht eingegangen.“

Mit 15 schwul - ist das nur eine pupertäre Phase, oder ist man für immer festgelegt?

„Boyzone“-Star Stephen Gateley (23) – Millionen Mädchen lieben ihn.

Und Sie fragen sich: Ist er nach seinem Schwulen-Outing für immer für sie verloren? Wird er jetzt nur noch Männer lieben?

Psychologe Arndt Stein: „Nein! Es kann durchaus sein, daß sich ein Mann dieses Alters noch mal umorientiert. Allerdings liegt das an vielen Faktoren.

Es könnte sein, daß Stephen sich als Kind sehr an seiner Mutter orientiert hat, den Vater als schwach empfand. In der Pubertät machen sehr viele Mädchen und Jungen dann eine homoerotische Phase durch.“

Stephen war 15, als er wußte: „Ich bin schwul.“

Stein: „Ob Stephen sich noch einmal für Frauen interessieren wird, liegt auch daran, wie glücklich er in seinem jetzigen Leben mit einem Mann ist. Wenn er sich für andere Eindrücke öffnet, ist alles möglich. Auch daß er nochmal die richtige Frau findet.“

Stephen Gately - Das erste Interview nach seinem Outing
"Elton John schickte mir Blumen"
von Alexander Rösch

"Ich bin schwul, und ich bin verliebt", verkündete Boyzone-Sänger Stephen Gately am 16. Juni 1999 auf der Titelseite des englischen Boulevardblatts "The Sun". Das Objekt seiner Begierde:
Caught-in-the-Act-Mitglied Eloy de Jong. Die ganze britische Nation hielt sprichwörtlich den Atem an. Würde Stephen für seinGeständnis von den überwiegend weiblichen Fans im
Teenager-Alter verstoßen? Oder würde die Öffentlichkeit den Umstand kurz nach dem Rummel um George Michael schulterzuckend akzeptieren?

Mit dem, was passierte, hatte wohl auch der optimischste Beobachter nicht gerechnet. Weltweit griffen die Tageszeitungen die Geschichte auf, die "Sun" ertrank in Leserbriefen. Selbst achtjährige Kinder, denen man wohl erst einmal erklären mußte, was "gay" denn überhaupt bedeutet, bekundeten ihre Solidarität und verkündeten, sie hätten Stephen "nach wie vor sehr lieb". Die Verkäufe der Boyzone-Platten schnellten in die Höhe, beim ersten
öffentlichen Auftritt nach dem Artikel, dem Wohltätigkeitskonzert "Party in the Park" wurde der Frisch-Geoutete mit Transparenten und Zurufen aus dem Publikum frenetisch gefeiert.

Jetzt stand Stephen dem britischen Gay-Magazin "Attitude" für ein ausführliches Interview Rede und Antwort. Wie er sagt, habe das Outing eine riesige Last von seinen Schultern genommen. "Ich muss nicht mehr verstecken, wer ich bin. Auch Eloy muss ich nicht mehr verstecken. Dadurch bin ich wesentlich glücklicher geworden. Das haben auch viele Leute aus meinem Umfeld bemerkt." Fast schon amüsiert hat ihn die Reaktion vieler Boyzone-Anhänger. "Sie fragen mich ständig nach Bildern von Eloy, und seine Fans tun umgekehrt genau das gleiche."

Gemütliche Abende mit Eloy

Kennengelernt haben sich Eloy und Stephen übrigens auf einer Promo-Tour in Deutschland. "Wir liefen uns dort über den Weg, als er mit seiner Band unterwegs war. Er wusste nichts über mich, ich wusste nichts über ihn. Ich dachte nur, dass er ein richtig netter Kerl ist. Wir
haben uns dann alle sechs Monate oder so wiedergesehen und sind richtig dicke Freunde geworden." Seit längerem leben sie jetzt gemeinsam in einem Haus am Rande von Amsterdam. Die Abende verbringen sie ganz harmonisch zuhause. "Wir gehen nicht in Clubs aus. Ich hasse Clubs und gehe nie tanzen. Wir sind eher mal zusammen im Kino oder schauen uns zuhause ein Video an. Letzte Nacht haben wir zum Beispiel bei einer Flasche Wein "Patch Adams" geschaut. Wir gehen zusammen mit unserem Hund, einem kleinen Schit-zhu namens Joey, Gassi und machen auch sonst ganz normale Sachen."

Stephen sieht sich selbst auch nicht als typischer Neunziger-Mensch. "Ich bin ziemlich altmodisch, wenn es um gewisse Sachen geht. Aber so bin ich nun mal. Ich geniesse das. Ausserdem ist mein Leben so schon hektisch genug - ständig gibt man Interviews, fliegt in der Gegend herum oder probt. Ich habe morgen einen Tag frei. Wahrscheinlich stehe ich auf,
zieh mir einen Trainingsanzug und einen Mantel an, und dann fahren wir runter zum Strand, toben mit Joey herum, essen was und beschäftigen uns mit netten, einfachen Dingen. Wir holen aus jedem Moment, in dem wir zusammen sind, das Maximale heraus. Wir sind niemals getrennt voneinander, egal, wo ich bin. Es sei denn während der Arbeit."

"Die Jungs haben es immer schon gewusst"

Bei den anderen Jungs von Boyzone hat sich Stephen relativ früh geoutet. Nicht sofort, weil er anfangs noch befürchtete, dass sie ihn aus der Band schmeissen würden. Inzwischen weiss er es besser: "Die Jungs haben es wohl irgendwie immer schon gewusst und sind sehr locker damit umgegangen. Wir haben sogar Witze darüber gerissen." Geoutet hat er sich einige Monate nach der Gründung der Band ganz klassisch: "Ich habe mich einfach mit ihnen zusammengesetzt und gesagt: 'Wisst Ihr, Jungs, da ist etwas, was ich Euch sagen muss', und sie haben das ganz locker gesehen. Zumal Boyzone ja auch in anderen Bereichen Tabus gebrochen haben: drei von ihnen haben Kinder, sind verheiratet - Dinge, die bei einer Boyband normalerweise absolut tabu sind.

Das Outing bei seinen Eltern einige Monate später schien da zunächst schwieriger: "Ich war einer von denen, die glauben, sie würden nicht akzeptiert. Du wächst auf und denkst Dir 'Oh, das ist das schlimmste, was jemals passieren kann. Was tu ich nur?' Aber sie haben das sehr
gut aufgenommen. Sie sagten 'Wir lieben Dich, Du bist unser Sohn', und ich glaube, sie haben verstanden, dass es nichts Schlechtes ist." Beinahe noch mehr hat ihn allerdings die Reaktion der Öffentlichkeit nach dem "Sun"-Artikel erstaunt: "Ich habe Briefe von allen möglichen Menschen bekommen - Müttern, Vätern, Kindern, Männern, Frauen. Ich habe ein großes Buch mit über tausend Nachrichten, die Leute im Internet dazu geschrieben haben. Und natürlich Anrufe von so ziemlich jedem: George Michael hat bei meinem Manager angerufen, ich hab Blumen von Elton John und David bekommen, Lily Savage. Das alles bedeutet mir so viel."

"Und da war ich nun. Auf vier Titelseiten"

Gut erinnert er sich auch noch an den Abend, bevor die Story in die Öffentlichkeit gelangte. Er saß mit Eloy im Hotelzimmer, sie sahen Sky News und beschlossen, einen Blick auf die Schlagzeilen der Zeitungen vom nächsten Morgen zu werfen. "Und da war ich nun. Auf vier Titelseiten, was... ehm... ein ziemlicher Schock war. Ich bin nur ein normaler Kerl aus Dublin. Warum beschäftigt das nur die ganze Welt. Es stand sogar in der 'New York Post'. Es gibt Kriege, Menschen sterben und furchtbare Dinge passieren überall in der Welt. Warum tut man nicht etwas dagegen und beschäftigt sich mit diesen Themen. Diese Sachen sind wirklich wichtiger als die Sexualität von jemandem."

Silvester wird Stephen mit einem netten Abendessen zuhause in Amsterdam verbringen. Seine Familie und die von Eloy werden ebenfalls dort sein. "Meine kommen rübergeflogen. Eloy ist ein hervorragender Koch. Lesen ist mein Ding, Kochen ist seins. Passt prima zusammen." Wie er "Attitude" anvertraut, ist er unheimlich glücklich über die Unterstützung in den letzten Monaten. Er freut sich bereits auf das neue Jahr. "Ich werde wirklich sehr beschäftigt und hoffentlich auch erfolgreich sein." Die Chancen dafür stehen gut: der Art-Garfunkel-Song "Bright Eyes", den er für eine Neuauflage des Zeichentrick-Films "Watership Down" als erstes
Soloprojekt eingesungen hat, wird bereits als heißer Chart-Kandidat gehandelt...

NO MATTER WHAT - Saint Stephen

They were every schoolgirl's teen dream, and a fair few mums' too. Then one of them came out - and nothing changed. Boyzone's prettiest boy talks exclusively to Attitudes Matthew Todd on the back seat of a car on the way to the airport.
Back in 1994, when five Irish teenagers popped up with a cover of an old Osmonds' track, it was hardly surprising they were written off as just another in the long line of Take That wannabies who would momentarily trouble the charts before disappearing to the boyband graveyard in the sky. The freshly-scrubbed face, cutesome dance routines and relentless pasteurised pop barely broke new ground. Yet five years and 15 million records later, and Boyzone have become nothing less than a national institution.
Hardly a 'boy' band any longer, a carefully constructed game plan has seen them mature into wholesome, middle of the road entertainers - virtual paragons of family value. In 1998, crooner and TV host Ronan Keating's marriage and baby brought the total of Boyzone daddies to three. As other bands crashed in a flurry of booze and drugs, the light
entertainment rollercoaster that was Boyzone remained free from even the merest whiff of scandal. While Robbie Williams looked like he might end up in intensive care, Boyzone were in Mothercare queuing for booties. Even little Stephen Gately, the only one of the lads to remain suspiciously single, became a public face of one of the biggest family orientated companies in the world, singing the theme tune to Disney movie Hercules.
And then it happened. In early June of this year, someone contacted the tabloids offering to sell 'the truth' about Stephen Gately's sexuality. Frantic meetings ensued, ending with Stephen deciding to tell his own story in an exclusive interview with The Sun. 'I am gay and I'm in love' declared the front page headline on Wednesday 16th June 1999 and a nation held their breath. Would he be condemned? Would church leaders burn Boyzone records in the street? Or would a public, fresh from accepting the 'What's the big deal?' attitude of George Michael, simply accept it and move on without much fuss, save a few broken teenage hearts?
In the event, even the most optimistic gay commentators must have been shocked at the scale of the reaction. Instead of slashing their wrists, adolescent fans rushed to phone in their messages of support. The Sun's next day edition even included comments from 8 year old children who'd had to have the word 'gay' explained to them by their mummies and daddies - but still loved Stephen anyway. And this was The Sun - a paper which 11 years before had been calling for the heads of homosexuals as corrupters of youth and vectors of disease.
And all the while, the boys' greatest hits album, By Request, (released two weeks earlier), remained virtually immobile at the top of the charts, selling more copies in those early weeks that the rest of the top ten put together. So much for coming out ruining a bands' sales potential.
Three weeks later, Boyzone's first public appearance since Gately's outing was at 'Party In The Park', a benefit concert in London's Hyde Park. Stephen got the most riotous reception of the day. Fathers wolf-whistled in affectionate jest, mums and kids cheered their approval of his honesty. Meanwhile, the teen press clamoured to sing his praises. Smash Hits carried the first post-outing interview, openly discussing his sexuality and relationship, commenting on how much in love these two young men are. Revolutionary stuff.
Today, giving his first adult interview since the news broke, Stephen flies in from his boyfriend's side in Holland, where he'll return as soon as we've finished. He's still obviously anxious to be seen as the amiable family figures that he always was and in conversation is guarded, giving very little away, so as not to stray past the line of what he thinks his audiences will find acceptable. His forthcoming solo projects won't be cutting edge social political comment, but Bright Eyes (from the animated TV remake of Watership Down) will be huge.
And this is exactly what makes his coming out all the more important. In terms of representation and visibility, Gately, in all his childlike simplicity, is the antithesis to Queer As Folk, George Michael and Chris Smith. As positive as they all are, they don't reach in the same way, the most important people in the wider picture here - kids. Those 8 year olds now all know what gay is. Kids, regardless of sexuality have been introduced to the idea that not everyone loves people of the opposite sex and wow, it's not a big deal, it's not bad, it's not evil, it's not even that different. Ironically in the coming year when Section 28 looks set to (possibly) go, Stephen Gately and the overwhelmingly positive media response has rendered that law more meaningless than ever before.
What difference has coming out made to your life?
It's been a huge weight off my shoulders. I'm more relaxed because I don't have to hide who I am or hide Eloy anymore and it's made me happier within myself. Loads of people have noticed it. Of course Eloy was in a big band as well [ the ironically named 'Caught In The Act'] so he was coming out at the same time and it was a big deal for him too.
So has he had any of your fans trying to scratch his eyes out?
(Laughs) No, no, they've been rally supportive. The Boyzone fans ask for a picture of him and an autograph and all his fans do the same with me. It's been a great time for us.
How long have you been with Eloy now?
(He beams, widely) About 13 months and it's definitely made it easier for me to bear. He's a helluva great guy. He's got a heart of gold - the most amazing man I've ever come across. He's stunning looking, too. He's 6ft 3 and I'm 5ft 7, but we gel really well and have a laugh together. We've actually known each other about four and a half years now.
How did you first meet?
In the business. He's big in Germany and we met when I was doing promotion with the band. He didn't know anything about me, I didn't know anything about him, I just thought he was a really nice guy. Then we kept meeting each other every six months or so and became really good mates.
How did you realise that he was gay and vice versa?
[Blushes] We just knew. I never said 'Oh are you gay then?'. It was a feeling [Smiles].
You live together now, don't you?
(Nods) We have a house in Holland just outside of Amsterdam where he comes from. And we have a place in Ireland when I'm working here.
How do you spend your time together?
We don't go out to clubs, I hate clubs I never go dancing. We tend to do things like go to the movies or watch a video at home. Lake last night, we stayed in with a bottle of wine and watched Patch Adams. We walk our dog together, a little Schit-zhu called Joey, and just do everyday things. We're not into going out and coming in at 2 or 3 in the morning I'd rather go out early for a meal, have a glass of wine and come home. I'm not a majorly nineties person - I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to things like that but that's just me, I enjoy it. Plus this lifestyle is so busy - you're constantly doing interviews or flying around or rehearsing. I have a day off tomorrow so I'll probably get up, chuck on a tracksuit and a coat and we'll drive down to the beach and take Joey for a walk, have some lunch and do
simple, nice little things. Any time that we have together, we make the most of - we're never, ever apart anywhere that I go unless it's work. We're very, very happy together. and it's great. It's everything I've always wanted.

You sound like a married couple
(He pauses) Well yeah . just a normal couple.
Do you see it as being for life?
I hope so. I want it to be.
We hear a lot about how difficult it is to be gay in the entertainment industry. What was it like of you?
Well, I remember when I was first joining the group. I knew I was gay but I wasn't going to say 'Oh, you know I'm gay' because I'd be knocking an opportunity.
What would have happened if you had?
Because I didn't know the lads them I didn't know what to expect. They could have asked me to leave. Looking back, I now know different.
How long was it before you came out to the band and the manager and the people around you? That must have been difficult.
No, no it wasn't. The lads have always known and have always been cool about it, we've always had a laugh about it. They've seen how difficult it's been for me on a day to day basis and they think 'Good on ya.' They've had girlfriends and gotten married so they understand in a way.
Understand what? The pressures of having to hide relationships from your fans?
No, no, they never did that. None of us ever had to hide. With me it was by choice but they didn't hide their girlfriends or anything like that. We broke a lot of boundaries for boybands - three of us have kids, some of us got married, all those things which don't normally happen. We broke all those barriers - you couldn't have a drink, you couldn't smoke. I don't think it could have worked for us with all those restrictions on us.
So, how did you come out to the rest of the band?
I just sat down with them and said 'you know lads, there's something I've got to tell you' and they were really cool.
When was that?
Very early on. About a couple of months after I joined the band I think.
Were they worried? Did they think it would damage the prospects of the band?
No, no, no, not at all. They were just really cool, like I've said. We've always gotten on fantastically well. People just look and say 'I can't believe after all this time you can still laugh and joke, you can still stand each other' but we do, we're as close as brothers.
But you were all there because you wanted to be successful and famous, you wanted to be popstars. There must have been a lot of pressure put on you by management and people around you to make sure no one found out .?
No, no! They all left it to me. In fact, the lads encouraged me to come out earlier. They would say 'You know what, I think you should, and some time soon' and I said 'No, I'm not ready for it yet, I'm really not ready'. They said it'd be a lot more relaxing for me. 'You'll have your family, you'll have your fans, you'll have your friends and you'll have us. We'll stick by you, what more do you need?'. I was nervous because I didn't know which way things would go whether I would be accepted or whether I would be completely rejected by everyone.
A lot has been said about how your sexuality was an open secret. What was it like thinking the press could break the story at any moment?
It was really difficult for a couple of years and, it's difficult when every night you go to bed thinking 'Shit, what's going to be in the paper the next day, will the find out?'. Magazines always asked me about settling down an I would say 'When I meet the right person and fall in love'. I never said when I meet the right girl because I didn't want to blatantly lie, I tried to be an honest person. There was a lot of pressure when the guys were all getting girlfriends and they'd say 'You're the only member left, what's happened?'
You did an interview in Attitude back in October 1997.
Yeah and we've played at G.A.Y. every year since we started. I really have a laugh there and we all really enjoy it. With Attitude, I just remember being really jealous that Ronan got the cover.
That's Ok. (Laughs) I like doing interviews and as much as I might have dreaded being asked certain questions I still remembered that there's a big audience out there who might be gay and it's important to remember them. I did try to be as honest as I could.
In that interview, we asked you if you ever fancied a boy. You said 'There are people you look up to, admire. in the industry. But fancy.? You might say they're good looking but it's a different thing. Actors like Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise or actresses like Demi Moore and Meg Ryan - they're all really beautiful looking'. Looking back, what are your thoughts about that answer?
I remember that question because they only asked me that and not the others. I came out of that interview and went to the lads 'Did they ask you that question?'. 'No, it was only me? Oh shit (laughs manically) They know, they know!! I just tried to answer the best way I could without saying, or not saying.
So do you have a thing for Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise?
They're both good looking men. (Looks a bit stern) But I don't have a thing for them.
Lots of famous people have come out over the last decade. What was it like for you when people like, say Michael Barrymore came out and for a few days it was front page news and every one was talking about it?
I was very, very frightening but I try not to look back at that. I just feel sorry for anybody else within the business who is gay and feels trapped - it can be really awful worrying all the time and people might not handle it as well as I did.
When was the first point that you realised that you were going to have to come out?
It was in Holland and I got a call from my press officer saying someone was trying to sell a story to the press. I sat down and thought about it and I decided I'd rather someone didn't make any money from selling a story about me, I'd rather tell the fans myself. I think it's time.
There's been a lot of speculation about the mechanic of it, that you were forced.?
I know, but at the end of the day nobody forced me, it was my decision. Things could have come out at any time and people could have said whatever they wanted but I wanted people to hear what I had to say. And at the end o f the day, everything was done the way I wanted it to be done, let's put it like that. And I wasn't forced at all.
You weren't forced at all?
Absolutely not. The Sun have been great, they've really helped me. Actually all the papers. We have a very young audience and they were very sympathetic towards all of the different audiences.
Was there any point when the pressure got too much?
At the time when I decided to do the story I remember suddenly feeling that I canted to cry. You know, I was scared. And then I though well I can either break down and cry or stand up and be strong about things and that's what I tried to do. It's my life and you've only got one; you could be knocked down by a bus tomorrow. You should just get on with your life and try and do the best you can.
It can be difficult to come out for a lot of people.
It's very difficult whether you're a doctor, a nurse, a student, whoever you are. It can still be a real issue, even though it shouldn't be. Late at night the night before the story broke, sitting in the bedroom in a hotel, myself and Eloy were watching Sky News and they said 'Lets have a look at tomorrow's papers' and there I was on four front pages which was erm . quite a shock. I'm just a normal lad from Dublin. Why is this going all over the world? It was even in The New York Post. There are wars, people dying and horrific things happening all over the world, why not try and make that better, have a look at those issues? There are more important things that someone's sexuality.
Were you scared when you did party In The Park?
Yes I was but as soon as I got out there it was amazing. That was when I know it would all be OK, the noise was deafening. I was so grateful for everyone's support.
George Michael, in an award acceptance speech last year, said 'I want to be seen as a singer rather that just as a 'gay singer'. Do you understand what he means by that?
(Nods) I'm just a normal guy with a normal life who just happened to fall in love with another guy and I don't see what's wrong with that. I'm a friendly guy, I've been very helpful to a lot of people - I do a lot of things for charity, you know. I'm just me and that's how people should see me.
Were you surprised at how positive the reaction was?
I got letters from all different walks of life - mums, dad, children, male, female. I got a big book with over a thousand messages from people left on the Internet, phonecalls from everybody: George Michael phoned my managers office, I got flowers from Elton John and David, Lily Savage, Graham Norton wrote me a letter and it all meant so much to me. Hopefully it won't hurt my career that much . (He stops to pause) maybe I'll even gain some fans..
What do gay people say in their letters?
'You've done a lot for gay people and for teenagers or adults who want to come out' and that's the really touching thing - that out of something so controversial can come some good. I've had all the letters shipped out to Holland and every morning when I get up, I read tow or three of them and I'm going to get through all of them. Caroline (Boyzone's press officer) has brought me another load today.
I read in Smash Hits that you got a letter from a young girl who'd had a young friend who was bullied for being gay and he killed himself. How does that affect you?
It's devastating. that bullying came come to that. You have to stand up for what you believe in and be strong. I f people are knocking you, there are tons of other people out there who won't.
Were you ever bullied at school for being gay?
No. I was one of the smallest but I was friends with everyone. I was lucky.
How do you feel about being a role model to a lot of gay kids?
(He pauses to think, potential front page headlines obviously whirling through his mind). I'm just me basically. I'm just Stephen that's all I am or ever will be. I don't want to be anyone else. I just want to be happy and if I can help people in any way that's great, good. I'm thrilled I can do that for whoever it might be.
You came out to your family a year after joining the band. How did they react?
It was difficult at the time - they were shocked at first. I was one of those who believed I wouldn't be accepted. You grow up thinking 'Oh, this is the worst thing that's ever going to happen, what am I going to do?' but they were cool. They said 'We love you, you're our son' and I think they understood it wasn't a bad thing. There are a lot of worse things that could happen.
How do you plan to see in the new Millennium?
We're just going to have a nice dinner at home in Holland with both our families, and the dog. Mine are flying over. Eloy's an excellent cook. Reading's my thing, cooking is his. [Pauses] Which is handy.
It sounds like you've got it all really, haven't you?
I've been very lucky, I've been blessed. (He pauses) So, will you say nice things? What headline will you put on the cover?

I dunno. We might put 'We hate Stephen Gately, he's got it all.'

(He laughs and then looks serene as his mind drifts.) I'm really pleased with all the support I've received. I'm really looking forward to next year now - it's going to be really busy for me and hopefully successful as well. I hope people enjoy what I'm doing and see me the way I am. It's all I've ever wanted.

Tuesday May 30, 11:13 AM YAHOO!
Gately's love duet
Stephen Gately is reportedly planning a duet
single with his Dutch boyfriend Eloy de Jong. The Boyzone member who releases his debut solo single 'A New Beginning' tomorrow, is quoted in tabloid newspaper the Sunday People revealing his intentions to record the track for Eloy's album as opposed to his own.
"We will be getting together for a duet definitely, and I'm really looking forward to
it", said Gately. "We haven't decided on a song yet, but it won't be a slushy ballad or anything like that. We're definitely going to do something uptempo and with a bit of go in it. It will be a strong pop song that makes you feel good and it will be really happy."