- One out of
two marriages ends in divorce
- 52-62% of
all first marriages will eventually end in divorce.
- 75% of divorced
persons eventually remarry.
- 43% of all
marriages involve a remarriage
- About 65%
of remarriages involve children from the prior marriage
- 60% of all
remarriages eventually
end in divorce
- 40.9% of
all unmarried couples living together also have children living
with them
- Of children
under 18 years of age
living in two-parent households:
- 10.3% lived
with a biological
mother and stepfather
- 0.6% lived
with a biological
father and stepmother
- 9.8% lived
with a combined stepmother-stepfather household.
- 1 out of
3 Americans is now a stepparent, a stepchild, a stepsibling,
or some other member of a stepfamily

Sole custody means that only the custodial parent has physical
custody and legal custody of a child, and that the noncustodial
parent has visitation rights. In most states, courts are moving
away from awarding sole custody to one parent, and they are often
enlarging the role a father plays in his children's lives. This
translates into physical custody for one parent with joint legal
custody shared by both -- plus a generous visitation schedule.
Courts may not hesitate to award physical custody to the father
if the mother is deemed unfit. It's understandable that there
may be animosity between you and your ex-spouse, but sole custody
shouldn't be sought unless the parent is a direct harm to the
Parents who don't live together have joint custody (also called
shared custody) when they agree, or a court orders them, to share
the decision-making responsibilities for, and/or physical control
and custody of, their children. Joint custody may be joint legal
custody, joint physical custody (where the children spend a significant
portion of time with each parent) or both.
A common pattern is for children to split weeks between each parent's
house. Other joint physical custody arrangements include alternating
years or six-month periods, or spending weekends and holidays
with one parent while spending weekdays with the other.
Physical: Physical custody is the right of a parent
to have a child live with him. Some states recognize the concept
of joint physical custody where the child spends approximately
half the time in each parent's home. The latter arrangement is
tricky and should be considered only if you have an amicable,
respectful relationship with your ex. Also, it works best if you
live near the other parent. This lessens the stress on children
and allows them to maintain a somewhat normal routine.
Legal custody of a child is the right and obligation to make decisions
about a child's upbringing. Decisions regarding schooling, and
medical and dental care, for example, are made by a parent with
legal custody. In many states, courts now award joint legal custody
to the parents, which means that the decision making is shared.
If you share joint legal custody with the other parent and exclude
him or her from the decision-making process, your ex can take
you back to court and ask the judge to enforce the original custody

is a holiday called
Family Day"?
It is celebrated on September 16
Oregon, there are laws granting
step parents certain rights?
The UK has addressed issues of
stepparent rights and responsibilities.
There is an entire
legal process
there to acquire rights and
responsibilities as a step parent.
the U.S., twenty
states have a statute imposing a financial responsibility
on the stepparent while the stepchild
is living in the household.
They are Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa,
Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon,
South Dakota, Utah, Vermont
and Washington.
to support stepchildren is
considered in the guielines for child
support calculation in 4 states:
Michigan,New Hampshire,
South Dakota and Vermont