The Early Church
How Early Is Early? (review of J. A. T. Robinson, Redating the New Testament)
The First Great Bishop (review of John Painter, Just James)
First Steps in Christian Beginnings (review of Bart D. Ehrman (ed.), After the New Testament: A Reader in Early Christianity)
The Subtlety of Scripture (review of Joseph W. Trigg, Origen)
The Reformation
Less Than the Whole Laud (review of Hugh Trevor-Roper, Archbishop Laud)
A "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy", Reformation Style (review of J. P. Kenyon, The Popish Plot)
The Old Testament
The Reality of Ancient Israel (review of William G. Dever, What Did the Biblical Writers Know & When Did They Know It?)
In hac lacrimarum valle
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (1916-2001)
The Crusades: Right and Wrong
Other Sites
The Ancient World
The Reality of Ancient Israel (review of William G. Dever, What Did the Biblical Writers Know & When Did They Know It?
Rome's First Great War (review of J. F. Lazenby, The First Punic War: A Military History)
Imperial Shadows (review of P. J. Casey, Carausius and Allectus: The British Usurpers)
The Middle Ages
A Tangle of Kings (review of Ian N. Wood, The Merovingian Kingdoms, 450-751)
The Early Modern World
Less Than the Whole Laud (review of Hugh Trevor-Roper, Archbishop Laud)
The Right Man in the Wrong Times (review of C. V. Wedgwood, Thomas Wentworth, First Earl of Strafford)
His Red Eminence at War (review of David Parrott, Richelieu's Army: War, Government and Society in France, 1624-1642
A "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy", Reformation Style (review of J. P. Kenyon, The Popish Plot)
The Nineteenth Century
Fascinating Particulars About Nondescript Generals (review of Bruce S. Allardice, More Generals in Gray)
Lifestyles of the Rich and Imperial (review of Fenton Bresler, Napoleon III: A Life)
For Armchair Kitcheners (review of C. E. Callwell, Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice)
The Twentieth Century
Father Turk's Story (review of Andrew Mango, Ataturk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey)
A Discarded Victory (review of Lewis Sorley, A Better War)
The Far East
Vivid Colors, Fuzzy Shapes (review of Lawrence James, Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India)
The Shakespeare Authorship "Controversy"
Deconstructing the Stratford Man (review of Diana Price, Shakespeare's Unorthodox Biography)
A Test of Sobran's Method (comment on Joseph Sobran, Alias Shakespeare)
The Gray Lady Flirts With the Earl of Oxford (comments on a New York Times article on Shakespearean authorship
C. S. Lewis
The Earliest Lewis (review of C. S. Lewis, Spirits in Bondage)
Through Drab to Gold (review of C. S. Lewis, Poetry and Prose in the Sixteenth Century)
Lewis on Storytelling (review of C. S. Lewis (Walter Hooper, ed.), Of Other Worlds)
Lewis' Cinderellas (review of C. S. Lewis (Walter Hooper, ed.), The Dark Tower and Other Stories)
Encyclopedia(s) Lewisiana, (review of Walter Hooper, C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide and Jeffrey D. Schultz & John G. West, Jr. (eds.), The C. S. Lewis Readers' Encyclopedia)
Kay Lindskoog, Detective: Not Sherlock Holmes After All? (review of Kathryn Lindskoog, Sleuthing C. S. Lewis: More Light in the Shadowlands)
Not Even Good Irony (review of A. N. Wilson, C. S. Lewis: A Life)
Classical Literature
Remnants of a Genre (review of B. P. Reardon (ed.), Collected Ancient Greek Novels)
English Literature
Poets of the Queen (review of Steven W. May, The Elizabethan Courtier Poets: Their Poems and Their Contexts )
The Player's the Thing (review of John Southworth, Shakespeare the Player: A Life in the Theatre)
Life (5 Stars) and Lit Crit (Zero) (review of David Riggs, Ben Jonson: A Life)
Trollope Abroad (review of Anthony Trollope, Nina Balatka (1867); Linda Tressel (1867); Lady Anna (1874); Harry Heathcote of Gangoil (1874).)
No Bottom to This Barrel (review of P. G. Wodehouse (David Jasen (ed.)), The Uncollected Wodehouse)
Querulous Notes (on literary matters)
March 2002
April-June 2002
Science Fiction
Chicon 2000
Convention Data
Interview with Ben Bova, Author Guest of Honor
Interview with Bob Eggleton, Artist Guest of Honor
Interview with Jim Baen, Editor Guest of Honor
Interview with Bob and Anne Passovoy, Fan Guests of Honor
Interview with Harry Turtledove, Toastmaster
Chicon Photo Album
Fannish Writings
Daddy Is a Spaceman (verse)
I Came Here By Accident (memoir)
Moskva 1995: Igor's Campaign (story)
A Worldcon to Win (novel)
It's a Gray, Gray World (essay)
What's a Worldcon For? (essay)
Surfin' Their Lives Away (essay)
My Millennial List (essay)
The Well-Foreseen Emergency (essay)
Fanzine Reviews
Fannish Facts and Fancies (review of The Old Fan’s Almanac (Stet #9), Dick Smith & Leah Zeldes Smith, eds.)
Our Kind of Fen (review of "6 in 60", Marcy Lyn-Waitsman, ed.)
Paene Aureum (review of Argenus #1, Steven H Silver, ed.)
Fandom in a Neoclassical Vein (review of Vanamonde, John Hertz, ed.)
Tachyon Sightings (short reviews)
Book and Other Reviews
Indispensable to the Science Fiction Bibliophile (review of Jack L. Chalker & Mark Owings, The Science-Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History, Edition 3.75)
The White Stuff (review of James White (Mark L. Olson & Bruce Pelz, eds.), The White Papers)
As Others See Us (review of Camille Bacon-Smith, Science Fiction Culture)
Lewis' Cinderellas (review of C. S. Lewis (Walter Hooper, ed.), The Dark Tower and Other Stories)
Kay Lindskoog, Detective: Not Sherlock Holmes After All? (review of Kathryn Lindskoog, Sleuthing C. S. Lewis: More Light in the Shadowlands)
Reading With Your Ears (review of Jeremy Bloom, ed., Frequency #3)
Mystical Lore and a "Perfect" Murder (review of Clyde B. Clason, The Man from Tibet)
Quark Watch (notes & comments on science fiction)
October - December 2001
January - June 2002
July - December 2002
Artifacts of Fandom
Solacon (1958 Worldcon) Program Book (excerpts & commentary)
The Best of Fandom - 1958 [edited by Guy Terwilleger]
Introduction [by Robert Madle]
This Little World of Fandom [by Ron Ellik]
Per Ardua ad Fanac [by John Berry]
Shaggy Science Fiction [by Kenneth Newman]
The Mind of Chow [by Charles Burbee]
Incorporation Is Too Restrictive [by Sam Moskowitz]
The Feud of the Century [by Marion Zimmer Bradley]
The Fan Who Hated Quotecards [by Terry Carr]
I Was a Teenage Octogenarian [by Harry Warner, Jr.]
Gafia House [by Robert Bloch]
The Skeptic Tank [by Dean A. Grennell]
Convention Annual: Pittcon 1960, Section 2 [con report by Jay Kay Klein]
Chicago in 2000 Bid Party Manual
The Wonders of Dittography (art work)
SF Fandom Photo Album
Chicon 2000 Photo Album
Fannish Web Sites
Candidates for "Best SF Web Site" Hugo Award
Universe Today: Space and Science News Updated Daily
Not a Nightmare But a Really Odd Dream (review of Michael Laver, Playing Politics: The Nightmare Continues)
Military History
Rome's First Great War (review of J. F. Lazenby, The First Punic War: A Military History)
Fascinating Particulars About Nondescript Generals (review of Bruce S. Allardice, More Generals in Gray)
For Armchair Kitcheners (review of C. E. Callwell, Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice)
A Discarded Victory (review of Lewis Sorley, A Better War)
Wargame Publishers and On-Line Retailers
Other Sites
Public Policy
File 911 (links to articles on the war against terrorism)
Ephemerides (notes & comments on current affairs)
October 2001
November 2001
December 2001
January 2002
February 2002
March 2002
April 2002
May 2002
June 2002
July 2002
August 2002
September 2002
Special Section: The Enron Mythos
Special Section: Hunt Watch (First Series, 5/23/02-9/5/02)
Special Section: Hunt Watch (Second Series, 9/12/02- )
My Views, and You're Welcome to Them
It's a Gray, Gray World (essay)
Surfin' Their Lives Away (essay)
The Only Two Ways to Fix Social Security (essay)
Legitimacy and the Democrats (essay)
The Crusades: Right and Wrong (essay)
Usually Reliable Sources (links to political and public policy Web sites)
The Tory Party at Yale University
Photo Album
Family and Friends
Chicon 2000
Science Fiction Fandom
Stories and Verse
Short Fiction
Moska 1995: Igor's Campaign
A Fire at the End of Time
The Monkey and the Amazon
A Worldcon to Win
Political, Satirical and Frivolous Verse
Daddy Is a Spaceman
Tory Songs By Sundry Hands
Veal & Mackiewicz, Pension Plan Terminations (information about the book)
ERISA Whirled (pension law newsletter)
#01-1 (1/15/01)
#01-2 (1/29/01)
#01-3 (4/30/01)
#01-4 (5/10/01)
#01-5 (6/7/01)
#01-6 (7/11/01)
#01-7 (9/19/01)
#01-8 (10/15/01)
#01-9 (10/26/01)
#01-10 (11/21/01)
#01-11 (12/28/01)
#02-1 (2/19/02)
#02-2 (3/18/02)
#02-3 (4/5/02)
#02-4 (4/19/02)
#02-5 (5/15/02)
#02-6 (6/4/02)
#02-7 (7/1/02)
#02-8 (8/1/02)
#02-9 (9/20/02)
Summary of EGTRRA Employee Benefits Provisions
"Following the Terms of the Plan": What Does It Mean? What If You Don't?
Sales of Stock Options to Family Limited Partnerships: Caveats
Light Through the Glass: More on Discounted Options and the Tax-Exempt Executive
Baseball's Elder Brother (review of Tom Melville, Cricket for Americans: Playing and Understanding the Game andThe Tented Field: A History of Cricket in America)
High-Tech Buddies (review of the movie Startup.com)
Et Cetera (notes and comments on almost anything)
November-December 2001
January-March 2002
Letters of Comment
What's New
Book Reviews (by Author)
Book Reviews (by Title)
Other Reviews
Other Prose Writings
Short Essays: Topical Index
Photographs and Images
Letters of Comment
Links to Articles Elsewhere
Links to Other Sites
Links to Other Sites
Science Fiction Fandom
Possible Candidates for Best SF Web Site Hugo Award
File 911 (articles on the war against terrorism)
Usually Reliable Sources (political and public policy Web sites)
The Tory Party at Yale University
Veal & Mackiewicz, Pension Plan Terminations