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a little piece of heaven


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My Beloved

There was a time in my youth
When Islam was only a custom
They said," say Laa Illaha Illa Allah...
and pray, you'll go to heaven"

Ah, how simple, no struggle in this
Just a word and a simple act
Thereafter, I'm absorbed in this world again
With my 'assured' place in Paradise intact

But this is not to be my fate
For Allah choose to guide my heart
I learnt of a man who struggled so hard
When his mission was from the start

Spoke gently,
Kindness he knew
Never fearing to say what's right
His conviction in Islam was true

The touch of his hands was soft as silk
To comfort a crying child
To mend his clothes or do the chores
Never complaining, he always smiled

A living he made with his bare hands
The same that held his mighty swords
Valour shone from the edge of his blade

His smell was always of musk
And cleanliness he kept at his best
Stark contrast with the heroes of today
Who stink of beer and sweat
He held the hands of his companions
Unashamed to play with many children
So modest, so humble, a perfect example
That strangers could not recognise him

His eyes slept little for the nights are precious
His prayers he treasured much greater
To pray Tahajjud in the depths of the night
Seek forgiveness and nearness to the Creator

He broke his tooth for me in Uhud
And bled for me in Taif
He cried for me, tears of concern
Just so I could have this belief

His enemies admired his teachings
Uniting every religion, every clan
Till Islam came to every corner of the world
O, but indeed he was only a man

To own a house, or build his wealth
Was not his main priority
To establish Islam was more essential
To bring us under a Higher Authority

Don't you want him to plea for your case
When before Allah, the Judge, you stand?
Don't you wish to be around his fountain
A burning desire to drink from his hands

So I love him more than any creations
My leader, my humble Prophet
Muhammad (saw) was mercy for all mankind
And to me, he is....My Beloved


Why shed these tears of sorrow?Why shed these tears of grief?
Ya nafsy, how soon you forget,
After trial comes sweet relief.

Why turn you from Ar-Rahman?Why yearn for a listening friend?
Ya nafsy, don't you remember?
On Allah you must depend

Read you not of those stories
of the trials of the days gone by
Of the Sahabats beloved by Allah,
who for Allah's cause did strive?

Why loosen your hold upon him?Why fling away His Outstretched Hands?
Ya nafsy, do you not remember,
Bilal's sabr on the blazing sands?
"Ahad!, Ahad!" he cried
While his flesh did drip and burn
"Ahad!, Ahad!" he cried

To Allah alone he turned
Forget you the firmness of Hamzah
As the gleaming swords did fall?
With sabr he turned to Allah
as the Quraish did slice and maul

Why drown in salty tear drops?
How can you dare compare you pain
to that of Yasir and Summayah
as they laid tortured in the scorching plains
Forget you the charring of Khabbab
as on burning coals he lay?

Ya nafsy, how meager your suffering
Wherefore you lose your way?
Why befriend you not Al-Wali?
Why not in salat to Him complain?
Like job only to Allah?
Turned in all his grief and pain

Forget you that the trials in this life
cleanse your heart and make it clean
Ya nafsy, why all this sadness?
Do you not want your heart to gleam?
Be patient in all your hardships

Allah hears your cries of woes
So trust Him and His hikma
for He knows best and you don't
So tighten your hold on Him

Lest He withdraw His outstretched hands
And remember the example of Bilal
as he lay anchored on the blazing sands
"Ahad!, Ahad!" he cried
While his flesh did drip and burn
"Ahad!, Ahad!" he cried
To Allah alone he turned



Allah Knows

When you're tired and discouraged by fruitless effort...
ALLAH knows how hard you've tried

When you've cried so long and your heart in anguish...
ALLAH has counted your tears

If you feel that your life is on hold and time has passed you by...
ALLAH is waiting for you

When you're lonely and your friends are too busy for even a phone call...
ALLAH is by your side

When you've tried everything and don't know where to turn to...
ALLAH has the solution

When nothing makes sense and you're confused and frustrated...
ALLAH has the answer

If suddenly your outlook is brighter and there are traces of hope...
ALLAH has whispered to you

When things are going well and you have much to be thankful for...
ALLAH has blessed you

When something joyful happens and you're filled with awe...
ALLAH has smiled upon you

When you have a purpose to fulfill and a dream to follow...
ALLAH has opened your eyes and called you by name
Remember wherever you are and whatever you're facing...
ALLAH knows
Author Unknown

You know Allah, Yet you do not obey Him.

You recite the Qur'an, Yet you do not act according to it.

You know shaytaan, Yet you have agreed with him.

You proclaim that you love the Messenger of Allah, Yet you abandon his Sunnah.

You proclaim your love for Paradise, Yet you do not act to gain it.

You proclaim your fear for the fire, Yet you do not prevent yourself from sins.

You say, 'Indeed death is true', Yet you have not prepared for it.

You busy yourselves with finding faults in others, Yet you do not look at your own faults.

You eat that which Allah has provided for you, Yet you do not thank Him.

You bury your dead, but fail to take a lesson from it.