SSGokou1 7/9/2k1- Im workin on the site
SSGokou1 5/11/2k1- Major reconstruction, changed the sites location and sorry for not responding or updating any sooner.
SSGokou1 1/27/2k1- Just fixed the links.
SSGokou1 1/19/2k1-I added a few features, noting big and I don't have any info on the DBZ games by infogames. I added an attacks page and next is characters, which i will get sooner or later. I also added BattleZ, where you choose the fight and i write it. Nothin much you see. BattleZ
SSGokou1 1/15/2k1- Hey everybody. I just need to tell all you dudes and dudesses out there that at least put your email address at the comments before you send your comments. By the way, There is no SSj 5 Vegeta- white haired Vegeta is Super Saiyajin Bebi Vegeta!! Bebi is a white artificial Planting that gets into peoples body to control them and their power. I fixed the downloads ands i added affiliates section and a Q &A Section. Our site is building up with your support, and see ya.
SSGokou1 12/22/2k- Hey, I added Opinions to my site, a fanfic, and more is coming. Dbz games are coming to America by INFOgames!! I'll try to update more often. Until Later!
SSGokou1 11/29/2k- Whuuuups!! I'm sorry for not updating faster, I was loaded with homework and stuffed with turkey. I added pictures of Mugen and I have a new Mugen game for dbz. I also have power levels now up to the Cell saga. I also added emulators for the games. I need emails for what i need and fan fics. I will start getting affiliates and I need rpg members. Until towmorrow from the Saiyajin.
SSGokou1 11/13/2k-Hiya, I'm back! Second day online and I am having major, major updates. I added color,gifs,fanfics, and much more. I'm working on the site and I'm trying to get as much info as i can so I can make more pages to my site. Dbgt will come September of 2003 and until then , there will be the end of Cell saga and the Buu saga. Heck, they might not even release GT!! And I also need your comments. A website is a site without the people. Now to get blasted off to the next dimenson. See Ya!
SSGokou1,11/12/2k- Hey everybody, I finally figured out how to get my site online!! This is my first day and hopefully, we'll become as great as DBZ2057 or Planet Namek some day. Starting tomorrow, I will be updating weekly and expect a lot from this website in the future. Till tommorow, Saiyans,Nameks, and Earthlings.