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Glasweigian Slang

Well, I came across a very interesting (*chuckle* it was v nice) site on my travels one night and I saw this and couldn't help but laugh.  It comes in handy should I ever get out of this hell hole and get over there.  (NB: I was well and truly though a bottle of bourbon when I first did this page, so please forgive the shit setting out. When I have time, I will try to fix it.)
Defintion of a Gentleman:  Someone who can play the bagpipes, but chooses not too.


Ok, lesson time!  This is the place to go to scrub up on the funniest words EVER!
An'all                              And all
Aye                                 Yes
Bampot                           Bastard/Bitch
Beelin'                            Pissed/angry
Banjo                             Smash 'em
Big Yin                            Big One
Black Affronted              Very Embarrassed
Blether                           Gossip for Yonks
Braw (1)                       Hottie
Braw (2)                       Attractive
Choob (pronounced tube)  Uncool
Claim                             Claim
Clatty                             Rude
Clype                             To grass/inform/tell on someone                  
Crabbit                           Bad tempered
Daein'                            Doin'
Dead                              Extremely/very
Deed                              Dead
Disnae                           Doesn't
Drookit                          Soaked through/Satched/saturated
Durtbox                         Ass/arse
Eejit                               Idiot
Feart                             Scared
Fling                              Throw
Foot                               Meddle
Galiss (pron. gah-liss) Cool
Gawk                             Stare (stupidly)
Geezeabrek                   Don't bug me/give me a break
Gemme (pron. ghem)  Cool
Gie                                 Give
Girn                                Cry and moan at the same time/have a bitch
Glaiheet                         Stupid (looking)
Greetin'                         Crying
Greetin' face                 Someone who is always crying
Guid                               Good
Haw!!                            Excuse me!!
Hawd                            Hold
Hawd On                      Hold on
heehaw                        Nothing at all
Hen                               Female
Hoachie                       Unusually lucky
How?                           Why?
Intae                           Into
Iyweez                       Always
Jeely                          Jam
Keek                          Spy
Ken                            To know
Lamp                         See Banjo and Malky
Lalldy                        To perform with force
Links                         Sausages
Loupin'                      Throbbin'
Lum                           Chimney
Malky                         See Banjo and lamp
Manky                        Dirty
Mult                            To strike with force
Mockit                        Dirty
Mooch (1)                 Nosey
Mooch (2)                 Borrow
Myaff                         Pain in the ass
Oh Jobby                   Oh shit
Piece                          sandwich
Pish (2)                     A difference in opinion
Pished                        Drunk
Plank                          To hide
Plook                         Spot/zit
Pokey hat                  Ice cream cone
Puggy                        Fruit machine/pinball
Pure!!                        Extremely!!
Pure Gemme!!           Very cool!!
Pure Riddy!!              How embarrassing!
Rigoot                        Outfit
Right yar!                  Ok then
Scunner(1)               To annoy
Scunner (2)              A person who annoys
Scunnered                 Fed up
See You!!                  My opinion of you is......(in other words F*** YOu)
Shite (1)                   Shit
Shite (2)                   see 'pish'
Shitebag                   Coward
Slabber                     To drool over......(hehehehe)
Square go                  Even fight
Snotter (1)               Boogie
Snotter (2)               Stuck up person
Spare                        Angry
Stoor                         Dust
The morra                 Tomorrow
Wee                          Small/Short
Wheest                     Quiet
Winch (pron. whinsh)  French kiss
Wisnae                      Wasn't
Wullnae                     Will not/Won't


ok,  I would like to thank, the official Sean Biggerstaff site  (www.seanbiggerstaff.com ) for the content on this page.  It is all available at the official Glaswegian slang page, the link to which is located...somewhere on the above linked site! 
I think it would be best to get it from the orinigal source first...or to at least check as it is now a lot larger then when I gathered this.