My sister, Brooke, has a friend, lets just call her "Glover" who is 14. This girl has THE most strict parents in the US. You think your parents are bad? Alright, so you may have to do chores, have a lame curfew, or you may have to watch your younger siblings, when you would much rather be doing something more useful with your time. But, believe me when i say this girl has it much worse. She's not aloud to wear any kind of make-up, nail polish, or anything too sparkly, until she's 16. Not even lip gloss or clear nail polish. She’s not aloud to watch TV, and her dad is going to pre-arrange her marriage!!! What’s that? Your parents are even worse?!?! Tell me at and your story will be posted. Until then, just feel better about your restrictions.

Reader's Posts:

    God so strict parents gesh well ma parent get mad at me all da time like 1st I am allowed 2 were makeup, but sometimes my punishment is taking away ma makeup, nail polish, hair stuff gel spray n everything, he even hangs up da phone when ma homeboys call me!! uuugggghhhh he makes me du chores n everything, cant go outside unless w/ permision, cant be long in da computer and not in da phone cuz he says it takes up ma time 2 du chores !!!!!! He wants 98 or above in all my classes or no makeup, no tv,and no radio! 1 time he made me sleep w/ ma older sister n gave ma rum 2 ma lil sis so i had 2 share rums!!!!!!

We say: 98 or above?? damn... get amancipated


    Well, I shall agree that is strict. But my parents are very strict. I have nothing what so ever. I take rides to work, and I have to pay for everything. I even got to college early. I am supposed to be a junior. I have nothing...If I want to use the phone, I have to walk to the closest place. Mine aren't as strict..but life for me literally sucks. SO many things that are wrong...


    I am 18 years of age and want to post a very strict parents ever on here. I am asian and most asian parents are strict at some point, but where I live theirs no hitting involved. I live in British Columbia. My parents hit me with golf-clubs and wooden swords that I made in woodwork class. They scream their f*cking eyes out just because I left a banana peal on the top of my desk, like f*ck, why can't you guys just chill?? Anyways If theres anyone to add something please feel free to do so, we all know how parents an be so f*cking annoying, distracting. There's a point when I wanted to have a fight with them. I am sure i will win, not to be all cool everything. I learned kendo, karate and also Kung fu and mastered and recieved certificate to be instructors. I told them one last time, if you guys ever lay a hand on me, I will seriously make your body unstable for weeks.


     My parents won't let me listen to any music besides christian rock!! They will MAKE me do all of my homework, chores like cleaning the WHOLE house and feeding the dog and make supper and i have to go to bed @ 8:00 or else i am grounded for 2 months!! Now i have to go to bed before i get in trouble bye!!


     I am 18 in 28 days and my parents look through my purse, and the other day my mom found a fake tattoo that my sweet little cousin had given to me. She called me into her room and said what are you planning to do to your body when you turn 18? I told her that I was going to get my bellybutton pierced and she pulled out the tattoo. It had a friend’s from school number on the case. She thought that was like the number for the tattoo place or something. I cracked up, it was a fake tattoo and she was tripping out! Also, for my birthday, my older sister and I planned to go to Florida. She’s my step-sister and does not get along with my parents at all. She is 23 and they still treat her like a child, so no wonder. Anyways, they won’t let me go and I know it is because their relationship sucks. That is so unfair to me. I am just so pissed. It is always something. Do this, do that, why did you do this, or you’re boyfriend is a loser for some lame reason like. He has a GREAT job and isn’t going to waste his time going to college because he is already doing what he wants to do, making more money than my dad, and does a damn good job at it. Last thing, my dad always gets into my car and gets my CD’s to listen to them. If they cuss or talk about sex, he breaks them. Screw that! It’s my car. It’s not like I bring them into the house and blast them for everyone to hear. Feel better about my restrictions? How and why, there’s no point. I am just sick of it!!!


     im nearly 20 yrs old and my parents are so strict that they dun even let me have any relationships at all....even though he is like overseas. Its not like we are always goin out all the time?! Geez.......ive always been single throughout school life......they are too controlling.........they basically tell me not to do this or that like im bloody 12 years old! Come on now.......i reckon ill end up being a 30 year old virgin still single and living with my parents!!!!!!!


     Im almost 16, going to be 17 in like 3 mo., god damn my parents are strict! Im Hispanic and yes my dad is one of those macho wierdo guys, and because im a girl im supposed to be domestic, HELL NO! I dont do crap, they dont let me have a boyfriend, they dont let me go to flyer parties, and are hesitant about letting me go to any parties at all. They dont want me to drive until im 17 1/2, even though i get my liscene next mo., they expect me to get good grades, and do all these things at school, and they always want me to spend my weekends with them. They dont even let me go out it with my guy cousins, and they yell at me for like wearing a hood in the house, WTF is that!


    Im 14 years old... and my parents think that 9:30 is a reasonable curfew. If i don't make my bed once... i have to make my two sisters bed and my brothers bed for three days...the only room we can eat in is the kitchen. My older sister (17) isn't allowed to watch R rated movies.. im not allowed to use the house phone because of my moms buisness... and then when my cellphone bill comes i have to pay for it! Im only allowed to have one sleepover a week. During the SUMMER. And during the school year its like one every two weeks. My step dad wakes everyone up at 5:30 every sunday to clean our rooms! Can't hang out on school days except friday. Can't have more than one friend over at a time. All my dad ever does is ground me.. yell at me.. make me do things for him.. i can't stand him.. and hes my step dad... yeah so thats pretty much my life.. it can get worse sumtimes... but yeah.. basically thats it <3


    I am almost 20 and yet things haven't change for me. Just like any one of you guys, my parents are strict and believe that I should go through an arranged marriage. I never been to parties, never been clubing, etc. Why can't we all just have normal teens life with parents that care about us and what we want. If parents do love us, why are they so strict? Don't they want us to be happy. I will never understand them.


     Im almost 16, going to be 17 in like 3 mo., god damn my parents are strict! Im hispanic and yes my dad is one of those macho wierdo guys, because im a girl im supposed to be domestic, HELL NO! I dont do crap, they dont let me have a boyfriend, they dont let me go to flyer parties, and are hesitant about letting me go to any parties at all, they dont want me to drive until im 17 1/2, even though i get my liscene next mo. They expect me to get good grades, and do all these things at school, and they always want me to spend my weekends with them. They dont even let me go out it with my guy cousins, and they yell at me for like wearing a hood in the house, WTF is that?!!


    My mother is freaking rediculous! ok ...i am almost 16 ...i am not aloud to have older friends ..and no driving friends....but seriously half of my friends know how to drive sure she isn't aware of that not aloud to date...she acts as though im going to be one of those slutty childs that skips around on boyfriends and will have 50 different bf's a month which is totaly not true. And parents wonder y we sneak around??? psh! they need to realize this is y half of us hate them ! and long to move out! they make our lives so much more difficult then what it should be! Not aloud to talk to my male friends on the phone, she asumes i only have friends that are girls for some reason i swear its going to kill me! I can't wait to just be left alone! i dont think she has trust in me that i have good enough judgement on my life ..i know when something is bad and the differences of no no's and okays......she is making my teenage life miserable .....and this should be the time of our lives that we need to LIVE! while we are young!!!!!!!!.....maybe thats y we see these cranky old people ...their lives were screwed by their strict parents it seems as though i should stop i could realy write like a big essay on this..but seriously !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


     My mom is one of the most strict parents ever, well thats what I think. I'm 15 years old and she thinks I'm too young to go and have fun. I go to this dance thing that is held every friday and its 4 hours long and I come back the sam day and one time when I came back she had a talk with me about having to much freedom. Thats the only day I stay gone. I stay home mon-thursday in are apartment and dont go anywhere. On fridays after school I go to the dance and then come home that same night and stay home the rest of the weekend. She also told me that I'm not allowed to move out when I'm 18 and she was not gonna sign for my liscence til im 20 or 25. She gets on my nerves and she thinks I have way to much freedom. I love her but I wish she just lighten up a little!


     My parents are sooo strict, like one time i came home at 7:45 and my mom wuz trip'in out like if it wuz midnight i mean come on can't i have a little freedom with out them thinking wrong and oh yeah they try to keep me away from my friends i hate that so much and if i break a rule im grounded for two whole months no t.v, no phone,no going out which dose'nt really matter cuz i never go out!


     I am 14 and i have to go to bed at 9:30 if i dont, I get forced. I have to eat all healthy foods. have to do good at school. I also have this controlling aunt that makes me do chores and watches what i eat(she is nosey)her son is in worse health than us(he is overweight) but she makes sure we are healthy.She keeps influencing our mom on what we have to eat. She would want to take a look at her own son(because he is allowed to eat all junk food & were not! Then she is giving out to us about it!). I am not allowed a girlfriend! I am 14, I should have a bit of freedom! There's more stuff but that is the basics!


    Hey, mine are alot stricter by far, I have to go to bed at 7.30pm and I am 12 yrs old, my mum walks me all the way to the skool gate holding mine hand and i am not allowed to eat any kind of junk food. I have to do clean the whole house on a saturday plus wash the car. On weekdays after skool i have to wash up, dry up, put away, clean the bath, sink and toilet, polish, vacuum all the carpets and tidy my room. Then after all that i have to do all my homework plus an extra 4 sheets which my mum downloads off the internet. And one more thing, which is the worst thing, is how much jumpers she makes me wear. She alwways thinks i will get cold, e.g when we go for a walk on a sunday on the hills i have to wear a polo neck jumper ( i have loads) 2 tracky top, a body warmer, a thick parker coat ( like the type they wear in the artic), zipped right to the top with hood up, hat scarfs and gloves. it literally sucks.


    I still don't think anyone has it as bad as me, but then again, I'm sure that's how we all feel. I grew up in the care of my mother, who let me do WHATEVER I wanted , My curfew was Dark ( And I was seven years old..o_O), but there wasn't much punishment if I broke it, all she'd do is be all "I was about to call the cops", lounging and drinking beer in either the front or back yard. She was really nice to me though, never gave me much rules, picked up and cleaned after me, constantly let me know how much she loved me.. If's sad how good things go bad. She was bad off on drugs, but they never changed who she was, but she constantly went in and out the hospital. So, This year, I had to move in with my dad. AND WOAH. I'm currently 15,only a few months away from the big 16, and he has ABSOLUTELY NO trust with me. He's literally paranoid that everyone out there wants to rape and kill me. So I stay in this house.. Day after Day, Night after Night, Oh yes, he took me out of school and transferred me to home school. He never leaves my side when I do get to leave the house, for things like clothes shopping, and eating dinner at a restaurant. It's getting to the point, where every time I go into public aside him, I see other people my age, having fun, and just being normal, that I have to excuse myself to the bathroom ( Glad that's the ONE place I get my privacy..x-x; ) and fight my tears. If I want to watch TV, he makes me watch safety videos like "How to avoid drowning" ( As if He'd even let me swim. ) And trust me, I don't deserve this, because all the while I've had all the freedom in the world, I've not once, through all those years, screwed up. And yet, I refuse to run away or rebel, because I love him, even though he puts me through this. I guess the Internet is my knight and shining armor. He has drilled it into my head that I'm going to medical school, no matter what it takes, and now I am sure I'll go, so that I can live a good life ( -_- And lose another 8 years of it while I go through college ). Basically he tells me now is not the time for boyfriends, but when I graduate from medical school, I can have 20 of them and buy them each a house. Sometimes, I just fucking want to be KIDNAPPED.