Here is where the program transfers the data
Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

'Project: usbhidio.vbp
'Version: 1.1
'Date: 11/20/99
'Copyright 1999 by Jan Axelson (
'Purpose: demonstrates USB communications with an HID-class device
'Finds an attached device that matches specific vendor and product IDs.
'Retrieves the device's capabilities.
'Sends two bytes to the device using Input reports.
'Receives two bytes from the device in Output reports.
'(The current device firmware adds 1 to the received bytes and sends them back.)
'A list box displays the data sent and received,
'along with error and status messages.
'Combo boxes enable you to select data to send, and to select 1-time or
'continuous transfers.

'The companion device firmware is usbhidio.asm,
'for Cypress Semiconductor's CY7C63001 USB Microcontroller.
'For more information, visit Lakeview Research at .

'Send comments, bug reports, etc. to .

'Changes and updates:
'11/20/99. Revised a few of the comments.
'v1.1 added Else statement in InitializeDisplay routine
'so both combo boxes have all of the values.

Dim Capabilities As HIDP_CAPS
Dim DataString As String
Dim DetailData As Long
Dim DetailDataBuffer() As Byte
Dim DeviceAttributes As HIDD_ATTRIBUTES
Dim DevicePathName As String
Dim DeviceInfoSet As Long
Dim ErrorString As String
Dim HidDevice As Long
Dim LastDevice As Boolean
Dim MyDeviceDetected As Boolean
Dim MyDeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA
Dim Needed As Long
Dim OutputReportData(7) As Byte
Dim PreparsedData As Long
Dim Result As Long
Dim Timeout As Boolean
Dim DB_0 As Long
Dim DB_1 As Long
Dim DB_2 As Long
Dim DB_3 As Long
Dim DB   As Long
Dim Port As Long
Dim DB_T0 As Long
Dim DB_T1 As Long

'Set these to match the values in the device's firmware and INF file.
Const MyVendorID = &H925
Const MyProductID = &H1234

Function FindTheHid() As Boolean
'Makes a series of API calls to locate the desired HID-class device.
'Returns True if the device is detected, False if not detected.

Dim Count As Integer
Dim GUIDString As String
Dim HidGuid As GUID
Dim MemberIndex As Long

LastDevice = False
MyDeviceDetected = False

'Get the GUID for all system HIDs.
'Returns: the GUID in HidGuid.
'The routine doesn't return a value in Result
'but the routine is declared as a function for consistency with the other API calls.

Result = HidD_GetHidGuid(HidGuid)
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("GetHidGuid")

'Display the GUID.
GUIDString = _
    Hex$(HidGuid.Data1) & "-" & _
    Hex$(HidGuid.Data2) & "-" & _
    Hex$(HidGuid.Data3) & "-"

For Count = 0 To 7
    'Ensure that each of the 8 bytes in the GUID displays two characters.
    If HidGuid.Data4(Count) >= &H10 Then
        GUIDString = GUIDString & Hex$(HidGuid.Data4(Count)) & " "
        GUIDString = GUIDString & "0" & Hex$(HidGuid.Data4(Count)) & " "
    End If
Next Count

lstResults.AddItem "  GUID for system HIDs: " & GUIDString

'Returns: a handle to a device information set for all installed devices.
'Requires: the HidGuid returned in GetHidGuid.

DeviceInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevs _
    (HidGuid, _
    vbNullString, _
    0, _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("SetupDiClassDevs")
DataString = GetDataString(DeviceInfoSet, 32)

'On return, MyDeviceInterfaceData contains the handle to a
'SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure for a detected device.
'the DeviceInfoSet returned in SetupDiGetClassDevs.
'the HidGuid returned in GetHidGuid.
'An index to specify a device.

'Begin with 0 and increment until no more devices are detected.
MemberIndex = 0

    'The cbSize element of the MyDeviceInterfaceData structure must be set to
    'the structure's size in bytes. The size is 28 bytes.
    MyDeviceInterfaceData.cbSize = LenB(MyDeviceInterfaceData)
    Result = SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces _
        (DeviceInfoSet, _
        0, _
        HidGuid, _
        MemberIndex, _
    Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces")
    If Result = 0 Then LastDevice = True
    'If a device exists, display the information returned.
    If Result <> 0 Then
        lstResults.AddItem "  DeviceInfoSet for device #" & CStr(MemberIndex) & ": "
        lstResults.AddItem "  cbSize = " & CStr(MyDeviceInterfaceData.cbSize)
        lstResults.AddItem _
            "  InterfaceClassGuid.Data1 = " & Hex$(MyDeviceInterfaceData.InterfaceClassGuid.Data1)
        lstResults.AddItem _
            "  InterfaceClassGuid.Data2 = " & Hex$(MyDeviceInterfaceData.InterfaceClassGuid.Data2)
        lstResults.AddItem _
            "  InterfaceClassGuid.Data3 = " & Hex$(MyDeviceInterfaceData.InterfaceClassGuid.Data3)
        lstResults.AddItem _
            "  Flags = " & Hex$(MyDeviceInterfaceData.Flags)
        'Returns: an SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA structure
        'containing information about a device.
        'To retrieve the information, call this function twice.
        'The first time returns the size of the structure in Needed.
        'The second time returns a pointer to the data in DeviceInfoSet.
        'A DeviceInfoSet returned by SetupDiGetClassDevs and
        'an SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure returned by SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces.
        MyDeviceInfoData.cbSize = Len(MyDeviceInfoData)
        Result = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail _
           (DeviceInfoSet, _
           MyDeviceInterfaceData, _
           0, _
           0, _
           Needed, _
        DetailData = Needed
        Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail")
        lstResults.AddItem "  (OK to say too small)"
        lstResults.AddItem "  Required buffer size for the data: " & Needed
        'Store the structure's size.
        MyDeviceInterfaceDetailData.cbSize = _
        'Use a byte array to allocate memory for
        'the MyDeviceInterfaceDetailData structure
        ReDim DetailDataBuffer(Needed)
        'Store cbSize in the first four bytes of the array.
        Call RtlMoveMemory _
            (DetailDataBuffer(0), _
            MyDeviceInterfaceDetailData, _
        'Call SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail again.
        'This time, pass the address of the first element of DetailDataBuffer
        'and the returned required buffer size in DetailData.
        Result = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail _
           (DeviceInfoSet, _
           MyDeviceInterfaceData, _
           VarPtr(DetailDataBuffer(0)), _
           DetailData, _
           Needed, _
        Call DisplayResultOfAPICall(" Result of second call: ")
        lstResults.AddItem "  MyDeviceInterfaceDetailData.cbSize: " & _
        'Convert the byte array to a string.
        DevicePathName = CStr(DetailDataBuffer())
        'Convert to Unicode.
        DevicePathName = StrConv(DevicePathName, vbUnicode)
        'Strip cbSize (4 bytes) from the beginning.
        DevicePathName = Right$(DevicePathName, Len(DevicePathName) - 4)
        lstResults.AddItem "  Device pathname: " & DevicePathName
        'Returns: a handle that enables reading and writing to the device.
        'The DevicePathName returned by SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail.
        HidDevice = CreateFile _
            (DevicePathName, _
            0, _
            OPEN_EXISTING, _
            0, _
        Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("CreateFile")
        lstResults.AddItem "  Returned handle: " & Hex$(HidDevice) & "h"
        'Now we can find out if it's the device we're looking for.
        'Requests information from the device.
        'Requires: The handle returned by CreateFile.
        'Returns: an HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure containing
        'the Vendor ID, Product ID, and Product Version Number.
        'Use this information to determine if the detected device
        'is the one we're looking for.
        'Set the Size property to the number of bytes in the structure.
        DeviceAttributes.Size = LenB(DeviceAttributes)
        Result = HidD_GetAttributes _
            (HidDevice, _
        Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("HidD_GetAttributes")
        If Result <> 0 Then
            lstResults.AddItem "  HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure filled without error."
            lstResults.AddItem "  Error in filling HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure."
        End If
        lstResults.AddItem "  Structure size: " & DeviceAttributes.Size
        lstResults.AddItem "  Vendor ID: " & Hex$(DeviceAttributes.VendorID)
        lstResults.AddItem "  Product ID: " & Hex$(DeviceAttributes.ProductID)
        lstResults.AddItem "  Version Number: " & Hex$(DeviceAttributes.VersionNumber)
        'Find out if the device matches the one we're looking for.
        If (DeviceAttributes.VendorID = MyVendorID) And _
            (DeviceAttributes.ProductID = MyProductID) Then
                lstResults.AddItem "  My device detected"
                MyDeviceDetected = True
                MyDeviceDetected = False
                'If it's not the one we want, close its handle.
                Result = CloseHandle _
                DisplayResultOfAPICall ("CloseHandle")
        End If
End If
    'Keep looking until we find the device or there are no more left to examine.

    MemberIndex = MemberIndex + 1

Loop Until (LastDevice = True) Or (MyDeviceDetected = True)

If MyDeviceDetected = True Then
    FindTheHid = True
    lstResults.AddItem " Device not found."
End If

End Function

Private Function GetDataString _
    (Address As Long, _
    Bytes As Long) _
As String

'Retrieves a string of length Bytes from memory, beginning at Address.
'Adapted from Dan Appleman's "Win32 API Puzzle Book"

Dim Offset As Integer
Dim Result$
Dim ThisByte As Byte

For Offset = 0 To Bytes - 1
    Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal VarPtr(ThisByte), ByVal Address + Offset, 1)
    If (ThisByte And &HF0) = 0 Then
        Result$ = Result$ & "0"
    End If
    Result$ = Result$ & Hex$(ThisByte) & " "
Next Offset

GetDataString = Result$
End Function

Private Function GetErrorString _
    (ByVal LastError As Long) _
As String

'Returns the error message for the last error.
'Adapted from Dan Appleman's "Win32 API Puzzle Book"

Dim Bytes As Long
Dim ErrorString As String
ErrorString = String$(129, 0)
Bytes = FormatMessage _
    0&, _
    LastError, _
    0, _
    ErrorString$, _
    128, _
'Subtract two characters from the message to strip the CR and LF.
If Bytes > 2 Then
    GetErrorString = Left$(ErrorString, Bytes - 2)
End If

End Function

Private Sub cmdContinuous_Click()
'Enables the user to select 1-time or continuous data transfers.

If cmdContinuous.Caption = "Continuous" Then
    'Change the command button to Cancel Continuous
    cmdContinuous.Caption = "Cancel Continuous"
    'Enable the timer to read and write to the device once/second.
    tmrContinuousDataCollect.Enabled = True
    Call ReadAndWriteToDevice
    'Change the command button to Continuous
    cmdContinuous.Caption = "Continuous"
    'Disable the timer that reads and writes to the device once/second.
    tmrContinuousDataCollect.Enabled = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdOnce_Click()
Call ReadAndWriteToDevice
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayResultOfAPICall(FunctionName As String)

'Display the results of an API call.

Dim ErrorString As String

lstResults.AddItem ""
ErrorString = GetErrorString(Err.LastDllError)
lstResults.AddItem FunctionName
lstResults.AddItem "  Result = " & ErrorString

'Scroll to the bottom of the list box.
lstResults.ListIndex = lstResults.ListCount - 1

End Sub
Private Sub Set_Port0_status(A)
  If ((A And 1) > 0) Then
  Text_0.Text = "1"
  Text_0.Text = "0"
End If
If ((A And 2) > 0) Then
  Text_1.Text = "1"
  Text_1.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 4) > 0) Then
  Text_2.Text = "1"
  Text_2.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 8) > 0) Then
  Text_3.Text = "1"
  Text_3.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 16) > 0) Then
  Text_4.Text = "1"
  Text_4.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 32) > 0) Then
  Text_5.Text = "1"
  Text_5.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 64) > 0) Then
  Text_6.Text = "1"
  Text_6.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 128) > 0) Then
  Text_7.Text = "1"
  Text_7.Text = "0"
End If

End Sub
Private Sub Set_Port1_status(A)
  If ((A And 1) > 0) Then
  Text_10.Text = "1"
  Text_10.Text = "0"
End If
If ((A And 2) > 0) Then
  Text_11.Text = "1"
  Text_11.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 4) > 0) Then
  Text_12.Text = "1"
  Text_12.Text = "0"
End If

If ((A And 8) > 0) Then
  Text_13.Text = "1"
  Text_13.Text = "0"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim A As Byte
Dim B As Byte

A = ReadCommand(2)
Set_Port0_status (A)
Zeitabstand.Text = Hex$(A)
 Timeout = False
    tmrDelay.Interval = 100
    tmrDelay.Enabled = True
    Loop Until Timeout = True

B = ReadCommand(3)
Zeitabstand2.Text = Hex$(B)
Set_Port1_status (B)
End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()
Port = 7
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim DeviceDetected As Boolean

'Report Header
lstResults.AddItem "HID Test Report"
lstResults.AddItem Format(Now, "general date")

OutputReportData(0) = &HA
OutputReportData(1) = &H0

'Find the device
DeviceDetected = FindTheHid
If DeviceDetected = True Then
    'Learn the capabilities of the device
    Call GetDeviceCapabilities
    'Write a report to the device
    Call WriteReport
    'The firmware adds 1 to each received byte and sends the bytes back
    'to the host.
    'Add a delay to allow the host time to poll for the returned data.
    Timeout = False
    tmrDelay.Interval = 100
    tmrDelay.Enabled = True
    Loop Until Timeout = True
    'Read a report from the device.
    Call ReadReport
End If

'Scroll to the bottom of the list box.
lstResults.ListIndex = lstResults.ListCount - 1

End Sub

Private Sub Command12_Click()
'Writes 14h to the Device
Dim DeviceDetected As Boolean

'Report Header
lstResults.AddItem "HID Test Report"
lstResults.AddItem Format(Now, "general date")

OutputReportData(0) = &H14
OutputReportData(1) = &H0

'Find the device
DeviceDetected = FindTheHid
If DeviceDetected = True Then
    'Learn the capabilities of the device
    Call GetDeviceCapabilities
    'Write a report to the device
    Call WriteReport
    'The firmware adds 1 to each received byte and sends the bytes back
    'to the host.
    'Add a delay to allow the host time to poll for the returned data.
    Timeout = False
    tmrDelay.Interval = 100
    tmrDelay.Enabled = True
    Loop Until Timeout = True
    'Read a report from the device.
    Call ReadReport
End If

'Scroll to the bottom of the list box.
lstResults.ListIndex = lstResults.ListCount - 1
End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()
'Writes 15h to the Device
Dim DeviceDetected As Boolean

'Report Header
lstResults.AddItem "HID Test Report"
lstResults.AddItem Format(Now, "general date")

OutputReportData(0) = &H15
OutputReportData(1) = &H0

'Find the device
DeviceDetected = FindTheHid
If DeviceDetected = True Then
    'Learn the capabilities of the device
    Call GetDeviceCapabilities
    'Write a report to the device
    Call WriteReport
    'The firmware adds 1 to each received byte and sends the bytes back
    'to the host.
    'Add a delay to allow the host time to poll for the returned data.
    Timeout = False
    tmrDelay.Interval = 100
    tmrDelay.Enabled = True
    Loop Until Timeout = True
    'Read a report from the device.
    Call ReadReport
    'Save read values to variables
End If

'Scroll to the bottom of the list box.
lstResults.ListIndex = lstResults.ListCount - 1
End Sub

Private Sub Command14_Click()
Call Command12_Click
DB_0 = DB_T0
DB_1 = DB_T1
Call Command13_Click
DB_2 = DB_T0
DB_3 = DB_T1
Spannung.Text = " "
Spannung.SelText = Hex$(DB_0)
Spannung.SelText = Hex$(DB_1)
Spannung.SelText = Hex$(DB_2)
Spannung.SelText = Hex$(DB_3)

End Sub

Private Sub Command15_Click()
Call Command12_Click
DB_0 = DB_T0
DB_1 = DB_T1
Call Command13_Click
DB_2 = DB_T0
DB_3 = DB_T1

Call Addbytes
DECVolt.Text = " "
DECVolt.SelText = DB
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Port = 0
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
Port = 1
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Port = 2
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Port = 3
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Port = 4
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()
Port = 5
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Port = 6
Call Portselect
Call Command14_Click
Call Command15_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
tmrDelay.Enabled = False
Call Startup
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Call Shutdown
End Sub

Private Sub GetDeviceCapabilities()
'Returns: a pointer to a buffer containing information about the device's capabilities.
'Requires: A handle returned by CreateFile.
'There's no need to access the buffer directly,
'but HidP_GetCaps and other API functions require a pointer to the buffer.

Dim ppData(29) As Byte
Dim ppDataString As Variant

'Preparsed Data is a pointer to a routine-allocated buffer.
Result = HidD_GetPreparsedData _
    (HidDevice, _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("HidD_GetPreparsedData")

'Copy the data at PreparsedData into a byte array.

Result = RtlMoveMemory _
    (ppData(0), _
    PreparsedData, _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("RtlMoveMemory")

ppDataString = ppData()
'Convert the data to Unicode.
ppDataString = StrConv(ppDataString, vbUnicode)

'Find out the device's capabilities.
'For standard devices such as joysticks, you can find out the specific
'capabilities of the device.
'For a custom device, the software will probably know what the device is capable of,
'so this call only verifies the information.
'Requires: The pointer to a buffer containing the information.
'The pointer is returned by HidD_GetPreparsedData.
'Returns: a Capabilites structure containing the information.
Result = HidP_GetCaps _
    (PreparsedData, _

Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("HidP_GetCaps")
lstResults.AddItem "  Last error: " & ErrorString
lstResults.AddItem "  Usage: " & Hex$(Capabilities.Usage)
lstResults.AddItem "  Usage Page: " & Hex$(Capabilities.UsagePage)
lstResults.AddItem "  Input Report Byte Length: " & Capabilities.InputReportByteLength
lstResults.AddItem "  Output Report Byte Length: " & Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength
lstResults.AddItem "  Feature Report Byte Length: " & Capabilities.FeatureReportByteLength
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Link Collection Nodes: " & Capabilities.NumberLinkCollectionNodes
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Input Button Caps: " & Capabilities.NumberInputButtonCaps
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Input Value Caps: " & Capabilities.NumberInputValueCaps
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Input Data Indices: " & Capabilities.NumberInputDataIndices
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Output Button Caps: " & Capabilities.NumberOutputButtonCaps
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Output Value Caps: " & Capabilities.NumberOutputValueCaps
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Output Data Indices: " & Capabilities.NumberOutputDataIndices
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Feature Button Caps: " & Capabilities.NumberFeatureButtonCaps
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Feature Value Caps: " & Capabilities.NumberFeatureValueCaps
lstResults.AddItem "  Number of Feature Data Indices: " & Capabilities.NumberFeatureDataIndices

'Returns a buffer containing an array of HidP_ValueCaps structures.
'Each structure defines the capabilities of one value.
'This application doesn't use this data.

'This is a guess. The byte array holds the structures.
Dim ValueCaps(1023) As Byte

Result = HidP_GetValueCaps _
    (HidP_Input, _
    ValueCaps(0), _
    Capabilities.NumberInputValueCaps, _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("HidP_GetValueCaps")

'lstResults.AddItem "ValueCaps= " & GetDataString((VarPtr(ValueCaps(0))), 180)
'To use this data, copy the byte array into an array of structures.

End Sub

Private Sub InitializeDisplay()
Dim Count As Integer
Dim ByteValue As String
'Create a dropdown list box for each byte to send.
For Count = 0 To 255
    If Len(Hex$(Count)) < 2 Then
        ByteValue = "0" & Hex$(Count)
        ByteValue = Hex$(Count)
    End If
    frmMain.cboByte0.AddItem ByteValue, Count
Next Count
For Count = 0 To 255
    If Len(Hex$(Count)) < 2 Then
        ByteValue = "0" & Hex$(Count)
        ByteValue = Hex$(Count)
    End If
    frmMain.cboByte1.AddItem ByteValue, Count
Next Count
'Select a default item for each box
frmMain.cboByte0.ListIndex = 0
frmMain.cboByte1.ListIndex = 128
End Sub

Private Sub ReadAndWriteToDevice()
'Sends two bytes to the device and reads two bytes back.

Dim DeviceDetected As Boolean

'Report Header
lstResults.AddItem "HID Test Report"
lstResults.AddItem Format(Now, "general date")

'Some data to send
'(if not using the combo boxes):
'OutputReportData(0) = &H12
'OutputReportData(1) = &H34
'OutputReportData(2) = &HF0
'OutputReportData(3) = &HF1
'OutputReportData(4) = &HF2
'OutputReportData(5) = &HF3
'OutputReportData(6) = &HF4
'OutputReportData(7) = &HF5

'Get the bytes to send from the combo boxes.
'Increment the values if the autoincrement check box is selected.
If chkAutoincrement.Value = 1 Then
    If cboByte0.ListIndex < 255 Then
        cboByte0.ListIndex = cboByte0.ListIndex + 1
        cboByte0.ListIndex = 0
    End If
    If cboByte1.ListIndex < 255 Then
        cboByte1.ListIndex = cboByte1.ListIndex + 1
        cboByte1.ListIndex = 0
    End If
End If

OutputReportData(0) = cboByte0.ListIndex
OutputReportData(1) = cboByte1.ListIndex

'Find the device
DeviceDetected = FindTheHid
If DeviceDetected = True Then
    'Learn the capabilities of the device
    Call GetDeviceCapabilities
    'Write a report to the device
    Call WriteReport
    'The firmware adds 1 to each received byte and sends the bytes back
    'to the host.
    'Add a delay to allow the host time to poll for the returned data.
    Timeout = False
    tmrDelay.Interval = 100
    tmrDelay.Enabled = True
    Loop Until Timeout = True
    'Read a report from the device.
    Call ReadReport
End If

'Scroll to the bottom of the list box.
lstResults.ListIndex = lstResults.ListCount - 1

End Sub

Private Sub ReadReport()

'Read data from the device.

Dim Count
Dim NumberOfBytesRead As Long
'Allocate a buffer for the report.
'Byte 0 is the report ID.
Dim ReadBuffer() As Byte
Dim UBoundReadBuffer As Integer

'Returns: the report in ReadBuffer.
'Requires: a device handle returned by CreateFile,
'the Input report length in bytes returned by HidP_GetCaps.

'ReadFile is a blocking call. The application will hang until the device
'sends the requested amount of data. To prevent hanging, be sure that
'the device always has data to send.

Dim ByteValue As String
'The ReadBuffer array begins at 0, so subtract 1 from the number of bytes.
ReDim ReadBuffer(Capabilities.InputReportByteLength - 1)
'Pass the address of the first byte of the read buffer.
Result = ReadFile _
    (HidDevice, _
    ReadBuffer(0), _
    CLng(Capabilities.InputReportByteLength), _
    NumberOfBytesRead, _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("ReadFile")

lstResults.AddItem " Report ID: " & ReadBuffer(0)
lstResults.AddItem " Report Data:"

txtBytesReceived.Text = ""
For Count = 1 To UBound(ReadBuffer)
    'Add a leading 0 to values 0 - Fh.
    If Len(Hex$(ReadBuffer(Count))) < 2 Then
        ByteValue = "0" & Hex$(ReadBuffer(Count))
        ByteValue = Hex$(ReadBuffer(Count))
    End If
    'Get the Values of DB0 and DB1 to the Temp Variable
    lstResults.AddItem " " & ByteValue
    'Display the received bytes in the text box.
    txtBytesReceived.SelStart = Len(txtBytesReceived.Text)
    txtBytesReceived.SelText = ByteValue & vbCrLf
Next Count
   DB_T0 = ReadBuffer(1)
    DB_T1 = ReadBuffer(2)
End Sub

Private Sub Shutdown()
'Includes actions that must execute when the program ends.

'Close the open handle to the device.
Result = CloseHandle _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("CloseHandle (HidDevice)")

'Free memory used by SetupDiGetClassDevs
'Nonzero = success
Result = SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("DestroyDeviceInfoList")

Result = HidD_FreePreparsedData _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("HidD_FreePreparsedData")

End Sub

Private Sub Startup()
Call InitializeDisplay
tmrContinuousDataCollect.Enabled = False
tmrContinuousDataCollect.Interval = 1000
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub tmrContinuousDataCollect_Timer()
Call ReadAndWriteToDevice

End Sub

Private Sub tmrDelay_Timer()
Timeout = True
tmrDelay.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub WriteCommand(Command As Byte, sendValue As Byte)
'Send data to the device

Dim Count As Integer
Dim NumberOfBytesRead As Long
Dim NumberOfBytesToSend As Long
Dim NumberOfBytesWritten As Long
Dim ReadBuffer() As Byte
Dim SendBuffer() As Byte
ReDim SendBuffer(Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength - 1)
SendBuffer(1) = Command
SendBuffer(2) = sendValue
'For Count = 1 To Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength - 1
 '   SendBuffer(Count) = OutputReportData(Count - 1)
' Next Count
NumberOfBytesWritten = 0
Result = WriteFile(HidDevice, SendBuffer(0), _
    CLng(Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength), NumberOfBytesWritten, _
End Sub
Private Function ReadCommand(Command As Byte) As Byte

' Read data from the device.

Dim Count
Dim NumberOfBytesRead As Long

Dim ReadBuffer() As Byte
Dim UBoundReadBuffer As Integer
Dim A As Byte

Dim ByteValue As String

'The ReadBuffer array begins at 0, so subtract 1 from the number of bytes.
ReDim ReadBuffer(Capabilities.InputReportByteLength - 1)
Call WriteCommand(Command, 0)
 Timeout = False
    tmrDelay.Interval = 100
    tmrDelay.Enabled = True
    Loop Until Timeout = True
'Pass the address of the first byte of the read buffer.
Result = ReadFile _
    (HidDevice, _
    ReadBuffer(0), _
    CLng(Capabilities.InputReportByteLength), _
    NumberOfBytesRead, _
If (NumberOfBytesRead > 1) Then
ReadCommand = ReadBuffer(2)
GoTo repeatread
End If

Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("ReadFile")

lstResults.AddItem " Report ID: " & ReadBuffer(0)
lstResults.AddItem " Report Data:"

txtBytesReceived.Text = ""
For Count = 1 To UBound(ReadBuffer)
    'Add a leading 0 to values 0 - Fh.
    If Len(Hex$(ReadBuffer(Count))) < 2 Then
        ByteValue = "0" & Hex$(ReadBuffer(Count))
        ByteValue = Hex$(ReadBuffer(Count))
    End If

    lstResults.AddItem " " & ByteValue
    'Display the received bytes in the text box.
    txtBytesReceived.SelStart = Len(txtBytesReceived.Text)
    txtBytesReceived.SelText = ByteValue & vbCrLf
Next Count
End Function

Private Sub WriteReport()
'Send data to the device.

Dim Count As Integer
Dim NumberOfBytesRead As Long
Dim NumberOfBytesToSend As Long
Dim NumberOfBytesWritten As Long
Dim ReadBuffer() As Byte
Dim SendBuffer() As Byte

'The SendBuffer array begins at 0, so subtract 1 from the number of bytes.
ReDim SendBuffer(Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength - 1)

'Sends a report to the device.
'Returns: success or failure.
'Requires: the handle returned by CreateFile and
'The output report byte length returned by HidP_GetCaps

'The first byte is the Report ID
SendBuffer(0) = 0

'The next bytes are data
For Count = 1 To Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength - 1
    SendBuffer(Count) = OutputReportData(Count - 1)
Next Count

NumberOfBytesWritten = 0

Result = WriteFile _
    (HidDevice, _
    SendBuffer(0), _
    CLng(Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength), _
    NumberOfBytesWritten, _
Call DisplayResultOfAPICall("WriteFile")

lstResults.AddItem " OutputReportByteLength = " & Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength
lstResults.AddItem " NumberOfBytesWritten = " & NumberOfBytesWritten
lstResults.AddItem " Report ID: " & SendBuffer(0)
lstResults.AddItem " Report Data:"

For Count = 1 To UBound(SendBuffer)
    lstResults.AddItem " " & Hex$(SendBuffer(Count))
Next Count

End Sub

Private Sub Pause(HowLong As Date)
Dim TempTime As Date
TempTime = DateAdd("s", HowLong, Now)
While TempTime > Now
End Sub

Private Sub Addbytes()
DB_0 = DB_0 And 7
DB = DB_0 * 256
DB = DB * 256
DB = DB * 256
DB = DB + DB_1 * 256 * 256
DB = DB + DB_2 * 256
DB = DB + DB_3
End Sub

Private Sub Portselect()
If Port = 0 Then
   OutputReportData(0) = &HA
   OutputReportData(1) = &H0

    If Port = 1 Then
        OutputReportData(0) = &HB
        OutputReportData(1) = &H0
         If Port = 2 Then
            OutputReportData(0) = &HC
            OutputReportData(1) = &H0
            If Port = 3 Then
               OutputReportData(0) = &HD
               OutputReportData(1) = &H0
              If Port = 4 Then
                 OutputReportData(0) = &HE
                 OutputReportData(1) = &H0
                If Port = 5 Then
                   OutputReportData(0) = &HF
                   OutputReportData(1) = &H0
                  If Port = 6 Then
                    OutputReportData(0) = &H10
                    OutputReportData(1) = &H0
                    OutputReportData(0) = &H17
                    OutputReportData(1) = &H0
                  End If
                End If
              End If
            End If
         End If
    End If
End If

Dim DeviceDetected As Boolean

'Report Header
lstResults.AddItem "HID Test Report"
lstResults.AddItem Format(Now, "general date")

'Find the device
DeviceDetected = FindTheHid
If DeviceDetected = True Then
    'Learn the capabilities of the device
    Call GetDeviceCapabilities
    'Write a report to the device
    Call WriteReport
    'The firmware adds 1 to each received byte and sends the bytes back
    'to the host.
    'Add a delay to allow the host time to poll for the returned data.
    Timeout = False
    tmrDelay.Interval = 100
    tmrDelay.Enabled = True
    Loop Until Timeout = True
    'Read a report from the device.
    Call ReadReport
End If

'Scroll to the bottom of the list box.
lstResults.ListIndex = lstResults.ListCount - 1

End Sub