Stepping lightly into the small woody glen you see a short woman with red, boycut hair and wearing ripped jeans and a violet tank-top.   She wasn't very feminine, that was obvious and she seemed oblivious to your presence, continuing scrubbing on something large and bulky behind her.  Curious, you step forward.  She gives a sudden jump but does not fail to continue scrubbing.

"My name is Skysong," She says with an unsure, cracking voice.   She clears her throat and continues, "This fat bulk is Former's Fault!   She is so lazy unless we're fighting nightmares."  she motions to the red thing she had been scrubbing.  You realize it is a dragon as it lifts an angry wedge head upward at her and glaring fiercely.  "She is a Tadrith dragon, a red, the rarest of all, even though she doesn't act it!  I was just scrubbing her with a special scale treatment I invented, it keeps her skin healthy and red coat shining so that she can proudly fight nightmares!"

Former's Fault

She suddenly burst a giggle very abruptly and you wonder curiously what could have caused it.  "Faulty says I shouldn't be giving guests false impressions of her!  Former, I assure you, no false impressions have been made," she says, turning to the dragon, speaking aloud only so that you may hear the conversation, "You are a lazy bum!"  The red smiles coolly and evilly and Skysong's expression changes from tongue-out in teasing to playful anger.  You wonder curiously what the dragon could have telepathically told her.  Cocking an eyebrow at Former's Fault she spins on her heel and marches off, gesturing you to follow.  The red rolls her eyes and slowly stands up and the two of you trail behind her.

You enter a small, untidy cave, scattered with skins that seem to be drawn on and a shower of dust.  You sneeze twice before continuing on.  A dragon-couch lays in the corner, slightly too small for the 6' red.  You realize that Skysong hadn't excepted to bond with such a high ranking dragon.  The sweet smell of vanilla coffee touches your nostrils and comes from a room that, as you peer in, must be the kitchen.  Turning back you realize that you have managed to loose your "tour guide" and spinning around, also the dragon.  Unsure of what to do you return to the first room and sit uncomfortably on the cold, stone dragon-couch, waiting and hoping that Skysong will notice that you are missing.

While you wait for Skysong to find you gone you gaze around the room you are in.  It is lit by two glow worm lights.  You notice a paper on the wall and rise to read it.

Former's Fault
Species: Tadrith Dragon
Genetic String: RSBa
Age: 14 years
Color: Red
Bondee: Skysong
Mate: None
Offspring: None

And you notice glowing blue lettering at the bottom of the sheet, sparkling and shining, and as you reach out to touch it you are immediatly transported to:

The World of Tadrith

Anything on the page is copyright to me, Skysong, the webmaster of The World of Tadrith.  If anything is taken without my permission you will be severely punished.