Should you ever want to pay your last respects to her, this page contains instructions on how to find the final resting place of Christine McIntyre.
Christine is interred at Holy Cross Cemetery, Culver City, California. This is the burial spot for many famous Hollywood figures. The exact location of Christine's gravesite was determined with information supplied by Mr. Richard Marsh (Dick is a nephew of J. Donald and Christine on the Wilson side and knew them as "Jay and Christine"), and it was he who helped make the original burial arrangements.
Culver City is a suburb of L.A.; it is somewhat to the southwest of the heart of Los Angeles. Holy Cross Cemetery is actually due south of Culver City itself.
The cemetery property (located within the gray squares on the first two maps) is at 5835 W. Slauson Avenue. If you wish to call ahead, Holy Cross' phone number is (310) 670-7697...the staff is extremely courteous and helpful (though, it should be noted, by anyone seeking out her site, that Christine was not interred with "celebrity status" as were some of the other entertainers buried here).
Christine's section is "Z" (the green, highlighted letter on the left of the diagram at the bottom of this page). Section Z is on the far western portion of Holy Cross, next to the cemetery's Overland Avenue access.
The precise location of her site in Section Z is Tier 6, Grave #15. She shares a marker with J. D., on her right, who is interred in Grave #16. On the left side of Christine are her brother John McIntyre (Grave #13) and her sister Annes McIntyre (Grave #14). Both her brother and sister have separate markers.
[Some of the graphics for this page have been supplied by Christine fan Mike Rodwell, who has visited Holy Cross Cemetery on more than one occasion, particularly on Christine's 90th birthday, 4/16/2001, and who has provided the cemetary diagram and the grave marker photo below.]