Up-And-Coming Hockey Players
Clarke Wilm
Dmitri Tertyshny
Marian Hossa
Igor Karpenko
Tomas Kaberle
Richard Zednik
If You'd Like To See Any Other Up-And-Comers Please Contact Me
Christine or Tails
Jan Bulis
Cameron Mann
Jason Spezza Maxim Afinoguenov Teemu Elomo
Miika Elomo
Ollie Jokinen
Mika Noronen Oleg Saprykin
Jiri Fischer

as requested by Mirogirl81
AlexanderZevakhin Ivan Ciernik
Yan Golubovsky
I am no way involved with the NHL, it's teams or any of these players, this is a page for the fans. All articles, pictures and other stuff are copyrighted by them and are not used with permission.