Tammy's home page

This home page is in memory of my daughter Tammy.

She lived a very happy but short life:born june 15,1961-passed away June 21,1978 she was born in Mobile,Ala

at that time she had 3 brothers & 1 sister, later on, came 2 more brothers.

when she was born she had colic very bad.we both lost many nights of sleep because of it this went on for 9 months.

tammy loved life to the fullest and never met an enemy.she wasn't afraid of anything.

she would use to catch ground rattler snakes and
put them in jars.it would scared me to death.one
time she caught 5 lizzards and put them in my

i had a fit when i found them in my aquarium,i scream and she came running whats wrong mother,these damn lizzards she said they were her pets i said oh no young lady get them out now she did to( lol )she would wear them for earrings to.

tammy and i was not just mother and daughter,we were friends also some nights we would just sit and talk after everyone went to bed about everything.

tammy got me to watching dallas,i use to hate that show.tammy loved to dance.she enter a dance contest.i was very proud of her when she won the contest.she broke her knee when she was square dancing at school.

on her 17th birthday i took her dancing.her favorite was wipe out. i would sit and watch her and think my god i would break every bone in my body if that was me.

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