Protagonists Tibro - Airtime GP Frog KP


Deja Vue!  Ted wearing Rick's business shirt as the master prepares to rap down his historic first route at Frog Buttress, "Corner of Eden"

Ted leading above the first crux on "Black Light", foolishly chosen as the warmup route for the day.  So far, so good - but the fuse is lit and the lactic clock ticking!


Cass demonstrates her off-hand locks used to subdue "Black Light"


Cass raps off "Theory" under Ted's beady eye.

Ted led the first ascent of "Black Light" with Rick on 30 September, 1973.  An (almost) 30-year anniversary climb was the incentive for another shot despite Ted's defection to the dark side of sport climbing and rusty skills on trad cracks.  These deficiencies manifested themselves by Ted weighting the pro several times above the halfway mark to fiddle in gear.  Rick's protogee Cass followed on her first sustained crack climb to restore some honour to the team.  After that, Ted thugged up theory with Michele, Cass, Greg and Mike for a splendid reunion on Theory Ledge in brilliant sunshine.


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