HOME    MODERN AGE   Baal & Associates

Created by Bob Justice


La Diabla
Alter Ego:
Occupation: Sorceress
Known Relatives: none living
Group Affiliation: Baal & Associates

In the distant past, there was an evil sorceress obsessed with her beauty and with gaining power. To that end, she secretly slew the queen of her land and seduced the king. She manipulated him into marriage and intended to slay him as well, but she became psychotically jealous of her stepdaughter who was even more beautiful than she and who owned her father’s heart completely. She became so obsessed with the girl that she poured all her efforts in to getting rid of the child. Having sold her soul to a minor demon to gain the power to seduce the king originally, she bargained it again to gain more power, so she could dispose of her rival undetected. Poisoning the girl in a shapeshifted form, she thought herself rid of the girl, but she failed, was thought killed, and her stepdaughter lived happily ever after. Her death caused a conflict in Hell as the demons fought over her. They agreed to share her and, eventually, she played one against the other so that the lessor was able to take the place of the greater. He allowed her to return to the material plane as a reward. She returned to Earth and began to amass power anew, making various unholy bargains, and taking so many different identities over the years that she no longer remembered her true name. After having a particularly good time during the Spanish Inquisition, a dying priest dubbed her "La Diabla", the Devil Woman. She took it as her name and continued doing evil for decades. To preserve her power and her youthful appearance, she would bathe in the blood of virgins and cast herself into periods of deep sleep. She was awoken from her last nap by the voice of Baal, the evil god whom she had invoked before and owed a debt to. He had decided to take over this dimension and that she should help him. Offering her a place of rulership over the Earth was a sufficient reward for her services and she agreed to do his bidding. She spent much time acting as a typical super-villain to test the mettle of various heroes, notably Speed and the Protectors.

La Diabla is pure evil. She has no redeeming qualities, existing only for her own pleasure. Her jealousy knows no bounds and her hatred for any woman that could be considered more beautiful than she is frightening to behold.

Quote: "Evil should not look this good."

Champions Character Sheet