Keeper of Infinite Earths - Mutant Force

Created by  Bob Justice

Alter Ego:
Shannon Douglas
Occupation: Member of Mutant Force
Known Relatives: David & Bethany Douglas, parents
Group Affiliation: Mutant Force
Base of Operations: Mutant Force HQ, Cincinnati OH

Shannon was born to wealthy parents and was spoiled rotten. She was accustomed to getting everything she wanted until her teleportation powers manifested. Her parents declared her a monster and sent her to Dr. Whyte with the demand that he remove her powers. Instead, he trained her to use them and she became a loyal team member of Mutant Force. The team became her new family and she has a different outlook on life because of it.

She is used to not being taken too seriously because of her looks and uses them to her advantage whenever possible. The rejection by her parents has given her a resentment for normals that clouds her judgment at times.

Quote: "Time to go!"

 Champions Character Sheet