Keeper of Infinite Earths - Mutant Force

Created by  Bob Justice

Alter Ego:
Walter Corry
Occupation: Member of Mutant Force
Known Relatives: William & Carla Corry, parents
Group Affiliation: Mutant Force
Base of Operations: Mutant Force HQ, Cincinnati OH

Walter was a bit arrogant because of how good he was at virtually everything. In high school, he was the academic and sports star heading for fame and fortune as a college quarterback. Unfortunately, his cockiness offended the second string QB whose father had links to the Sterilizers. He claimed that Corry had to be a mutant and Corry himself had always touted himself as being three times as good as anyone else. When the Sterilizers came to check, they discovered he was indeed a mutant and attempted to capture him. Dr. Whyte intervened and rescued Walter. Convinced that his life was over and that his parents would consider him a freak, he accepted the Doctor’s offer of haven and began training to join Mutant Force. He excelled at it, his mind especially suited for tactics and leadership, and he became the field leader of the team.

Still a bit egotistical, Walter believes in the Doctor’s goals and subscribes to ‘the end justifies the means’ theory. He is fiercely loyal to the Doctor, the team, and Popper, his girlfriend. He takes defeat very poorly.

Quote: "They say I’m 3 times a normal man, that makes me a hundred times the man you are!"

 Champions Character Sheet