Keeper of Infinite Earths  - The Overseers of the Law

Created by Matt Parmenter

African American
Alter Ego:
Andrew Washington
Occupation: Soldier / Officer
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: The Overseers of the Law
Base of Operations: Washington, DC

Orphaned at 14 in a car accident that killed the rest of his family, Andrew grew up bouncing from relative to relative. He joined the military as soon as he turned 18. He did well and volunteered for the new attempt at duplicating the Star and Stripe formula with Roone Spears, who became All American 2. They were the only two successes of the program. When Law Keeper started the Overseers of the Law, he secretly offered the team leader position to Andrew. Realizing that the offer was being made for political reasons and that he just did not have complete trust in Law Keeper, he refused. Law Keeper made the offer to Roone as though he had been the only logical choice, so All American 2 became the leader. Andrew kept silent, but continued to keep a close eye on the activities of Law Keeper. After Roone left, Law Keeper wanted him to become All American 3, but he refused. He serves with the group even though he does not have a great deal of trust in Law Keeper or his Military advisors.

Andrew stays with the team because it is the best life he can imagine. He makes decent money and gets to do some good.

Quote: "I hope I can set a good example for all people."

 Champions Character Sheet