Keeper of Infinite Earths  -  INJUSTICE

Created by Matt Parmenter


Alter Ego:
Occupation: Member of Injustice
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Injustice

Roughly twenty years ago, an infant girl was found inexplicably in Australia in a field of dahlias, a flower indigenous to that region of the country. Since the only thing they knew about her was where she had been found, they called her Dahlia. Although she was a strikingly beautiful child, she remained in an orphanage until she was 18. Not because no one was interested in adopting her, but that she found no one suitable for her to accept as parents. She discovered as she grew up that she had a way of making people do her bidding. After leaving the orphanage, she used her abilities to get a number of rich men to take care of her and she lived a life of opulent luxury at their expense. Wearying of her boring existence as a kept woman and deciding to seek true power of her own, she sought out Injustice on her own. She joined the team and remains with them today.

She is self-absorbed, selfish, and cares only for herself. She seeks to be in a position to never have to worry or answer to anyone, like a child who never grows up.

Quote: "The Dahlia flower is beautiful like me, but the flower isn’t deadly!"

Champions Character Sheet