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Lethander Morninglory

I entered this land, way back back when the world was new and everything a suprise. I looked upon the land with the eyes of a child on Christmas morning.   Much has transpired since i came here in August of 1996, And I still have that gleam in my eyes. Yes you can learn the rules, the proceedures, what to do at any given time, and how to react to most situation.  But there is one variable you cannot expect, and that is the people that make this land such a special place.  It's not the new spells or items lying about, its the people which any individual interacts with that keeps one active and longing to see the next day.

I've been many things to many people during my stay in this land:   a friend to most, enemy to few, and lover to well; we won't talk about that here.   Its my view that everything you do to will come back to you at some point.  An act of kindness, no matter how small, will return to you, albeit long after you have forgotten and mayhap from someone you may not know.  Yet life brings everything full circle.  Just as acts of kindness bring repercussions, acts of aggression will be returned with an acts of aggression usually more harsh than the initial event.  Life is a wheel, constantly spinning  round and round, till one day by the decree of Shal'ille it all ends.

My life, although dedicated to Shal'ille and the good of my home of 102, has been slave to this uncompromising and omnipresent principle.  There have easily been as many bad times as the good, and like all things evil  leaves a deeper imprint on one's pysche any ten good experiences. But like all I carry on, knowing that one time the good will return and make 102 sparkle once more.