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The Terrier Breeders list is a group of serious dedicated individuals who's main goals are to produce healthy quality Terriers true to their breed types. Each person on this list is dedicated to their respective breeds and have spent countless hours educating themselves; not only about their breeds; but in genetics, breeding, training and exhibiting their dogs.

At this site you can explore some of the various Terrier breeds and decide if a Terrier is right for your family. The individuals on this list will be happy to answer questions and refer you to responsible breeders in your area. You will also find links to the different breeds National Clubs as well as other useful information.


Is A Terrier Right For You?

A Terrier in one word? Personality! They are feisty, tenacious and energetic. 
They range in size from very small to quite large. Their ancestors were bred to hunt vermin and many still have that same authoritative personality.
They make wonderful pets but require an owner who has the determination and patience to match their dogs character. While the different breeds may vary in coat the majority have a wire coat but all the coats require some degree of maintenance and commitment from the owners. Being a Terrier owner is not easy! I requires a sense of humor but for the right person you couldn't ask for a better companion.



Please be aware that even if the standard states minimal grooming, most coated terriers still require some skill to make them appear as they do on these pages.  Except for the smooth coated breeds, smooth Fox Terriers, Manchesters, the Bull and Staffy breeds, your dog will need to be groomed,  either by yourself, your breeder or a professional groomer skilled at grooming hard coated breeds.  

If you choose a soft coated breed such as the Soft Coated Wheaten, Kerry Blue or Bedlington, to attain their looks they require shaving and scissoring.  The hard coated breeds are hand plucked or stripped to make them appear as they do on these pages.

It is not just for esthetics that we groom these breeds this way, but also for the health of the dog.  Please take the time to read this article on grooming BEFORE you choose a coated breed as a pet.

Why we groom 

Does Your Breeder Pass The Test? 

Breeding Dogs Or Pedigrees? 

Versatility is the best description of a Terrier, they can excel at many tasks.

Terriers At Work 
Terriers At Play 


Terrier Resources


Dog Resources


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