T e r r o r i s t   W a t c h


While you walk through this life so precious hold the flame of God's love gently in the palm of your hand, for the wind is fickle.

Terrorist Watch addresses the terrorist activities and the the methods used by al-Qaeda terrorist operatives in the U.S.,  with in-depth analysis of  the relationships that exist between al-Qaeda and Middle Eastern terrorist groups and their Middle East nation-state benefactors.


This Web site was first published in July of 1998, and has been  maintained and updated on a non-profit basis consistently since that time, without personal concern of retribution, despite a number of death threats, for the benefit of citizens worldwide who cherish their families, the right to live in a free and democratic society, and the freedom to worship the true God Almighty through the religion of their choice.


Terrorist Watch

    New Era Preface
    The Little Scroll
   America Strikes Back
    Preface to The Little Scroll
    The Little Scroll  Summary

    Iranian Ties to al-Qaeda

Kings and Generals of Nations

al Qaeda Description

The Walrus of the Sea

New Era Satellite View

State-Sponsored Terrorism

al Qaeda Terrorism In England

Terrorist Threat Confronting US

Usama bin Laden

    Ayman Al-Zawahiri FBI Poster

The Saudi Connection

    The USA Dollar Bill

The Al-Qai'da Manual Section 1

NORAD Security Breach

US Nuclear Missile Shield

Babylon of Usama bin Laden

Charter of Hamas

New Era OPS Members

Former al Qai'da Prophet

The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States

Counter-Terrorism Sites

Afghan/Taliban/al-Qaeda Links

Interpol's Bin Laden Site 

Congressional Quarterly Press

ERRI Site on bin Laden/al Qai'da

Official DoD Pentagon Photos

FBI Official Website Most Wanted Terrorists

The U.S. Constitution

The US Bill of Rights



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Kings and Generals of Nations


"The insurgent objectives and policies of identifiable nation-states such as Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya are being carried out by assembled teams of 'deniable' political and religious fanatics. "Clark Staten, Executive Director of the Chicago-based Emergency Response and Research Institute (ERRI) 1998


Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, and Sudan remain the seven governments that the US Secretary of State has designated as state sponsors of international terrorism. Iran continued to support numerous terrorist groups-- including the Lebanese Hizballah, HAMAS, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)--in their efforts to undermine the Middle East peace process through terrorism. US Department of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism: 1999.

"I think you have an 'atomic bomb' brewing between Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah and the Iranians. If these two huge forces are married, either could set off the spark. Sooner or later you are going to see more from these people." Kenneth Katzman, the Terrorist Analyst for the US Congress, 1998.

Iran's Role as Sponsor of International Terrorism

The Iranians, who funded Shiite Mujahadeen factions in Afghanistan, are deeply involved in Islamic Sudan which the governments of Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia accuse of training and aiding fundamentalists. Soon after the Tehran conference, Algeria and Egypt were hit by waves of assassinations and kidnappings reminiscent of the operations conducted by Tehran-backed Shiites in Lebanon between 1983 and the end of the civil war there in 1990.

Cairo security authorities claim there is a link between the Gulf financiers and Iran's intelligence services. Among those financiers closely connected with Iran is Osama bin Laden and his brother Khaled, whose family made a vast fortune in Saudi Arabia in the construction industry over the last two decades. He is a key figure behind the 'Afghan International'. Bin Laden founded the Islamic Salvation Foundation in Saudi Arabia through which he financed initially the Afghan Mujahadeen, later extending that to radical Islamic groups around the Arab world.


The following is excerpted from "The Terrorist Connection - Iran, The Islamic Jihad and Hamas," by Elie Rekhess. Dr. Rekhess is a senior research fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern & African Studies at Tel Aviv University. This paper was jointly prepared with Meir Hatina, a PH.D. candidate at Tel Aviv University's School of History.

         Following the end of the Iran-Iraq war, Iran no longer restricted itself to the Shi'i domains: instead, it opened itself up to a genuine effort to export its revolution to Sunni-populated areas, such as Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and the Palestinian area. The change in Iran's external policies coincided with the eruption of the intifada which brought forth the saliency of Islamic militancy in the form not only of the Palestine Islamic Jihad movement but, more forcibly, through Hamas. Following the deportation of the Islamic Jihad leadership to Lebanon in 1988, Iranian involvement with the organization was significantly enhanced.

         Politically, the Islamic Jihad's views on the Iran-Iraq war and the peace process were and are a mirror reflection of Iran's views on these issues.

         The deportation in 1988 of Fathi Asquaqui (leader of the Islamic Jihad) and others to Lebanon, and the transfer of the Palestine Islamic Jihad headquarters to Syria thereafter marked a turning point in the development of the Iranian-Islamic Jihad relationship. From this point on direct contact was established between the Islamic Jihad activists and their Iranian sponsors through Iranian embassies in Beirut and Damascus, through the (Iranian) Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon, and through Hezbollah.

         The State Department's office of counter-terrorism in its report on international terrorism clearly established that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad receives funding from Iran. It is also known that Hezbollah receives funding and arms from Iran on a regular basis. Both of these groups are considered to be 'umbrella' organizations of Iran, in that they act largely under the orders and support of Iran. Arms transported to these groups are primarily funneled through and with the cooperation of Syria.

         Hezbollah and Palestine Islamic Jihad also have an acknowledged base in an area of South America called the 'tri-border area' where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet. Iranian secret services agents and embassies in these three countries cooperate with these groups in the conduction of terrorist activities in South America, and in providing Iranian agents and other terrorists with false identity papers for travel to and from the US and other countries.

      For further information on this subject refer to: