Now that "Malcolm in the Middle" has proven to be enormously popular (as we always thought it would be), information on the show is all over the Internet. Still, it seems, we remain the premiere (in every sense of the word) source of information on Christopher Kennedy Masterson, who plays Malcolm's eldest brother, Francis. Accordingly, we present this page of images (which we will change periodically) as a means for Christopher's fans to keep up-to-date with the sorrowful life of poor Francis. But first, the legalese:
All images and characters from "Malcolm in the Middle" are ©1999, ©2000 and 2001 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Regency Entertainment (USA), Inc., and Monarchy Enterprises B.V. All rights are reserved. Regency Television Productions is the author of "Malcolm in the Middle." Do not print, transfer or distribute these images without this copyright notice or for any commercial purposes. All text ©2000 and 2001 by Jaundiced Eye Productions except where otherwise specifically indicated; all rights are reserved.
This page is not an official site for Christopher Kennedy Masterson nor any cast member of "Malcolm in the Middle," nor for Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Regency Entertainment (USA), Inc., Monarchy Enterprises B.V., or any of their related entities. Graphics and information on this site are presented for non-commercial, informational purposes only. Or, in other words, you better believe that Fox will stomp all over you if you print or try to sell these pictures -- they protect their property rights!
As if it wasn't bad enough that millions of Americans have watched poor Francis be tortured by the unfeeling cruelty of his mother, and the grinding strictness of the Marlin Academy, now "Malcolm in the Middle" is being telecast in Britain, and people across the Atlantic are watching the cruel mistreatment of America's favorite bad boy. (Well, maybe second favorite, after Bart Simpson. . . .)
Cadet, if you have to ask that question, you lack the proper clearance for the information. Report for duty to Private Riley Finn immediately! . . .
Hansen, of course.
Ranch foreman.
Because it's owned by GRetchen and OTTO.
He claims it's all about protecting Gretchen and Otto, but we're pretty sure it has something to do with his Mother.
No. He did get a new pick-up truck from Otto, though, but it's really just not the same....
That's what he would like to know. Okay, so he was caught in bed with his skanky girlfriend -- he was in love with her! Okay, so he blew the car up -- that was an accident! Okay, so he . . . come on, he's no worse than his brother Reese, is he?
In Alabama, which is not where Francis's family lives.
He never said. . . . Francis did, however, once describe the school as a "steaming hotbed of repressed homosexuality."
No, he's not.
Er, yes, actually. Commandant Spangler found out that even though Francis regularly loses at pool when he plays against the Commandant at the Marlin Academy, a certain young hustler who looks remarkably like Francis has been making a bundle at the local pool halls, so the Commandant has given Francis an ultimatum: PLAY WELL . . . OR ELSE! The problem is, if Francis plays well and beats the Commandant, the other cadets will suffer, and make Francis suffer even worse. If Francis deliberately loses again to Commandant Spangler, the Commandant will make Francis suffer, too.
Poor Francis. What could he do but play so well that . . .
Today we received the following scraps of brown paper (at least we hope it was brown paper) in the mail along with the photographs which follow:
His mother:
We've mentioned previously that we have an international audience. Now EuroSeek™ has made it official. After only being listed with Euroseek™ since 10 April 1999, we have received about 94,000 "hits," so that . . .