
Fetish FAQ
Other Looners

Welcome to the Ballooniverse!

If you're reading this, you fall into one of two categories: you've either found balloons alluring and exciting all your life and thought you were the only one, or you're curious about people that find balloons alluring and exciting. Either way, welcome to Common Knowledge.

For the curious: a good starting point for you should be the balloon fetish FAQ page and the balloon fetish glossary. Enjoy your time here, browse around on the links page, and come visit anytime.

Attracted to balloons yourself? Finding out for the first time that you're not alone? Wondering where to go next? Checkout my Newcomer's Guide to the Ballooniverse, and brew up a pot of coffee, because it'll probably be a very long night for you!

This site and its material are the intellectual property of The Common Loon and hosted by Lycos Tripod. Do not re-distribute in full or in part without the author's written consent.