"The best number for a dinner party is two: myself and a damn good head waiter"
Nubar Gulbekian
(British industrialist, diplomat and philantropist)

Decide what you need to:

- plan the room
- number the tables
- organize service and everyone's timetables
- lay the tables (cutlery, tableware, wineglasses...)
- serve the meals/wine.


"By insisting on having your bottle pointing to the north when the cork is being drawn,
and calling the waiter Max
you may induce an impression on your guests
which hours of laboured boasting might be powerless to achieve.
For this purpose, however, the guests must be chosen as carefully as the wine."
"The Chaplet" by Saki
(Burmese-born British journalist, novelist and writer ofhumorous and macabre short stories)

Etiquette at Table

A Waiter's Guide

Tips for waiters

Language activity : Wine and the Elizabethans (reading comprehension, vocabulary and task)

Link Wine with Food