As written by Martin Fish
Additional artwork by Chesty Charnsworth


Martin Fish
Overweight and smelly, Martin (formerly Edith whilst on drugs) has a habit of losing his voice and forgetting his own lyrics. Also to be spotted trying to be semi-serious on guitar in Barnstormer (with Attila the Stockbroker) he claims that Fish Brothers fame would definately be the death of him, so if Sony are reading this, FUCK OFF. As well as being chief songwriter he is also a writer, with many short stories published and his co-written novel - Seaton Point - being released. He wants to head into TV, films, in fact anything in which he can show off.

Chesty Charnsworth
Talented, svelte and oozing charm, Chesty has excelled himself with frantic fingering. He also does all the artwork for the band and gets all the attention from the ladies. Can drink 10 pints.

M. M. McGhee
His initials stand for Mass Murderer, but don't worry -- he's a big fat softy really. Boom! Blatt! He rattles his tubs and has an uncanny ability to stay awake all night. Do not approach though if he's having a lie in! Also appeared with Martin Fish in the short lived Sci-Fi series - Arcangel Thunderbird - which went out on the Sci-Fi channel.

Rumpy Stiltonkiltskin
Young and virile, Ste plucks the bass strings and smiles a lot.

Blonde Wanton
He's not gone for good. He'll still pop up for keyboards for recordings and occasional gigs in a sort of John Paul Jones way (or whatever that geezers name was in Led Zeppelin). A star of many dimensions. He can really rock it!


Les Pubshitter
Les pubshitter used to play bass. He wanted to settle down (ugh) and even stopped drinking to lower his sperm count. These disgusting non-fishy acts forced him to be expelled from the most holy of bands, and he was subsequently replaced by Blonde Wanton, the nine-stone waif-like rent boy.