I'm a Drinker

I was born in Wiltshire where cider is made
So I drank it all night and I drank it all day
When I moved to Sussex I caused some dismay
By drinking and swearing like a dashing young blade

I'm a drinker, not a thinker,
By-o, bye and bye
"I'm helping the brewery" is my drunken reply
I'm in a bad temper whenever I'm dry
And I'll be in a stupour till the day that I die

Now when I went to school I got bloody good grub
But as soon as I'd got it I'd be off down the pub
I'd be down every lunchtime with some of the staff
For a pint and a smoke and a bloody good laugh

I got me a job working nine till five
To earn me some money to keep me alive
With whisky in my glass to keep myself warm
I'd hide in the toilets and keep out of harm

Now I'm lying on my deathbed all bloated and pale
Stuffed full of brandy and crates of brown ale
If I go to heaven way up in the stars
Well I hope they've got offies and bloody good bars

Copyright ©Cooper/Fish Brothers 1998