Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Knights of Freedom

Created by Matt Parmenter

American Eagle
Alter Ego:
Jay Youngblood
Occupation: Adventurer
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: The Knights of Freedom
Base of Operations: The Freedom Tower, Washington, DC

Jay was a Navy man stationed at Pearl Harbor when the bombs fell, he was injured in the attack and was medically discharged. Returning to the reservation where he grew up, he was angry, first because he wanted to pay back the cowardly attack and secondly because the Navy was supposed to be his way off of the reservation. Because of the war, the Covenant had awakened Manitou from his suspended animation-like sleep because he was the most powerful mage available. After a few missions, Manitou was overcome with the feeling that he was not destined to fight this battle, but that his true task was yet to come, so he sought a replacement. His mystical divination led him to Jay, who had descended from a line of Indian shamans, although his people had long forsaken those beliefs. Manitou gave him the winged cloak of his forefathers and explained the powers that it had granted him. He put on the cloak, his injuries seemed to vanish, and he was much stronger. Seeing this as his chance to avenge his injuries and to become a hero, he accepted the responsibility and the power. He did a few missions for the Covenant and, when he apprehended the infamous Meat-hook Mauler, came to the attention of the Knights of Freedom who asked him to join the team. He did and served proudly with the until his death in the final, last ditch effort by Death Squad, Axis Force, and the Thunder Family to save the Reich.

Basically a normal guy, he joined the Navy to have a better life than living on the reservation. He grew to be a soldier and took a deep passion for his work and his country. Angry, but not bitter, he determined to find a way to contribute after his injuries and Manitou offered him a way beyond his wildest dreams. He became a hero and died as a hero to stop the threat to freedom posed by the Axis powers.

Quote: "I will make my ancestors proud"

 Champions Character Sheet