Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Knights of Freedom

Created by Matt Parmenter

Bullet Boy
Alter Ego:
Gardner F. Green
Occupation: Adventurer
Known Relatives: Frank & Pauline Green, parents deceased, Legal guardian Dr. Samuel Solomon
Group Affiliation: The Knights of Freedom
Base of Operations: The Freedom Tower, Washington, DC

The Greens were American scientists who had studied with the German Dr. Samuel Solomon. As the Nazis took power, they went overseas to help their friend escape. Unfortunately, they were discovered and only Dr. Solomon and their son, Gardner, survived. The Doctor felt responsible for their deaths and raised Gardner in their honor. He was working on a prototype flight suit, but they simply could not make it work at full size. Gardner volunteered to help test the suit and Dr. Solomon reluctantly agreed. It seemed to work for no one other than Gardner. They tried short and slight of build men and even jockeys, but no one else could use it. The Thunder Family were hired by Nazi sympathizers to kidnap Dr. Solomon and Gardner put on the suit to help stop them. Between Gardner’s skill and Dr. Solomon’s genius, the Thunder Family was beaten. The press ran with the story of the mysterious ‘bullet boy’ who flew out of the clouds and the name stuck. He and Dr. Solomon joined the Knights of Freedom and fought evil through the 40’s. He retired as Bullet Boy when he outgrew the suit.

Gardner is bright and energetic, an all American boy. He uses his suit to avenge the deaths of his parents and to make them and Dr. Solomon proud.

Quote: "Golly, don’t thank me good deeds are their own reward."

 Champions Character Sheet