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Accept Checks by the Fax, Phone, Email! Increase Your Sales Instantly By Using...CheckMAN 

CheckMAN has Many, Many, features.... 

Ability to Print Your Customer's Checks (Accepted by the fax, phone, etc, without signature). 

Ability to Print Your Own Checks complete with Payor Info. 

Ability to Print Your Own Blank Checks (No need to order checks again). 

Ability to Print Checks "Selected", or by "Dates". (Print one at a time, or a whole batch) 

*Ability to Print Deposit Summaries. 

*Ability to Add Artwork to Your Checks. 

*Ability to actually "stamp / endorse" the back of your printed checks. 

*Automatically "Remembers" All Banking Info (You'll only need to type transit #). 

*Ability to Easily Handle and Print Recurring Transactions (At any interval; monthly, quarterly, etc.). 

*Ability to Print Your Actual Signature Right On Your Check. 

*Ability to Run Your Own Check Printing "Service Bureau" (Print checks for many clients). 

*Ability to Print, a "File Copy", and a "Customer Receipt" (Even fits in a #9 window envelope). 

* All features market with " * " are available only with the PRO version of CheckMAN 

Yes, I want to increase my sales now! Tell me more about CheckMan!
Click here now for full details on CheckMan Software and reseller information

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