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-P-Funk Tour List-

George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars

Review 04/17/98 From: Jack Abney

P Funk played at the Asheville(NC) Civic Center last night (04/17/98). They started at 8:35 PM. Ended 11:35 PM. The Civic Center lights started coming on at 11:30. Guess that was a hint to tell George to wrap it up. :-( Sad because they still were on a roll doing an instrumental Red Hot Mama. They put on a great show. I was expecting a show just like Dallas last week (internet concert). But there were lots of changes. They did Up for the Down Stroke. Never heard that one live. Also they did Let's take it to the Stage. Haven't heard that one in twenty years. :-) The usual group was there except for Louie. (Didn't see him at Duke either.) [ed. Louie hurt his back] Set list goes as: Funkentelechny Bootsy's chant "Who do you call, gonna be a party for days playing when the player plays." done with Funkentelechny background music. "The Mothership Connection is here" chant. Let's Take it to the Stage (been a long time since I heard that one, sounded real good, only wish Bernie could have been there working his keyboard magic like he did in the late 1970's for that one). (Reminded me of the 1978 P Funk live Earth Tour album too). "What you gonna do George? Whatever it takes. Whatever the party calls for." chant. done to Take it to the stage background music. "Tear the Roof Off" "Up for the Down Stroke" (never heard that one live before. Really good stuff.) "I don't care what you want baby when you hot" "When you hot you hot" "Look at what you got" I don't know this one. Sorry. Funky instrumental with a little voice over. "Night of the Thumpasorus People" (Great horns-crowd loved this one) "Something Stink and I Want Some" "Underground Angel" (Tracy did a rap song I was not familiar with. Funky beat behind it. Usually "Booty" comes here but not this time. Sorry didn't know that one.) "Belita's song" (First couple of times I heard this one, I didn't like it, but now I really enjoy hearing it. Belita Woods is very talented and has a great voice.) "Maggot Brain" (Always love that one) "Dog Star" (Like that one too) "Flashlight" "Knee Deep" "Sentimental Journey" "Atomic Dawg" (Woof Woof) "Hall of Fame" (George was directing this one. Not pointing at individuals. He was raising and lowering his hand for them to raise and lower the sound level to low, mid, and high.) (Always enjoy seeing this one done) "Radio Friendly DJ Spin Me For the Funk" (Really well done and FUNKY) (Somebody doing a rap, don't know what he was saying) "Red Hot Mama" Lots of people there and everyone had a great time. They would throw a beach ball on the stage and a different P Funk member would either kick it back or throw it back to the crowd during a good part of the concert. What can I say? Excellent concert as usual. Really tight and well done. Different from Duke where everything was kind of laid back and it was like try this and try that and see if they like it. Try out some new stuff on Duke. Don't get me wrong, I liked Duke too. Everything flowed from one song to the next really good in Asheville. Seemed to be more instrumental funk than usual and more mellow funk than other concerts. Nice change of pace. It is surprising how different one concert will be compared to the next. I heard the Dallas Internet concert 4/10/98 and figured I was in for almost the same thing but I was totally wrong. I think that I could follow them all over the country and never get tired because they are always playing different songs and changing and improving their work. I guess that's what makes the "P" great to me. You don't get tired of it. This was also my 10th P Funk concert in 20 years. I saw 4 from 1978-1980 or 81. 3 in Greenville SC and 1 in Greenwood SC. Then I started back in 1996 at the Olympics with my 5th 7/96, Greenville SC 6th 12/96, Atlanta Music Fest 7th 5/97, Charlotte NC 8th 7/97, Duke 9th 2/98, and now Asheville 10th 4/98. I know I was a little unfunky between 81 and 96. Lost track of what they were doing from Atomic Dog to Smell My Finger. But now I'm back to stay for good. :-) Thanks to all of you funky newsgroup people and funky Internet web people. It's easy to keep up with what the Funk mob is doing. The Asheville Entertainment newspaper did a good story about George too. He was on the front page for last week. Going to start working on my web page again soon and give some funky stories about all of those concerts and more. Just haven't had the time. Don't expect much in the way of set lists from the 70's. I'm doing good just the remember the year. :-) Take care everyone and have a good week. Jack "Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt." GC

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