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George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars

Review 07/02/00 From: J-Thang

George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic with Special Guest Star Bernie Worrell. HOB-Chicago I'll give it 4 stars of a possible 5. I was hoping for something better. The show clocked in at 3 and a half hours, actually one of the shorter shows in recent years. Two words on Bernie: Magnificent & a little Disappointing. More later on that. Part I: The show opened with Bernie greeting the audience center stage, then taking the keys (I was situated right under him. Lucky me.) He started off with some otherworldly Baroque things and then slipped into a soulful "I'd Rather Be with You". He finished off with a stirring rendition of Jetrho Tull's "Aqualung". Then the band took the stage, and they played -- Shakey Ground! The temptations song that Billy Bass & Eddie Hazel played on 25 years ago. (I personally would have preferred "P-funk" -- a good Bernie song that woulda gotten us in the mood.) Next up was Funkentelechy, then Cosmis Slop, with GC making his entrance during the second half of the song. Next came Starchild with Lunchmeataphobia ending (that's right), Tear the Roof Off, Flashlight, & Knee Deep/Sentimental Journey. Nice little keyboard solo with Razor playing some serious classical sounding stuff. Bernie added a bit here, but it was essentially Razor Sharp's moment. A change in the setlist -- frontloading the monster hits in place of the medley. For a while during Knee Deep I worried that the show was almost ending. Part II: Then - surprise! It's time for Booty, but Louie was back! Pretty okay performance here, but nothing close to what they did last year when Treylewd rapped it. Next came Treylewd's section (GC: "Here comes my nasty-ass son again") He did a Bluesy number with Jerome Rogers on keys. Then he couldn't help himself. He did Billy Boy. That song is dated now ("Do you think you'll get impeached, Billy boy?") and ought to be put to sleep. Mike Hampton was up next with a stirring, Eddie-sounding Maggot Brain. And here's where my Bernie disappointment hits: Bernie did not join the band for Maggot Brain, and did not play then entrance to the song. I found this unbelievable. It's something I was truly looking forward to. Bernie also did not perform on Dog Star, which naturally came next. More disappointment. Part III: Started with what used to happen early in the show: Bop Gun. Bernie returned at this point. This led to Gamin on Ya, the whole thing. This used to be the beginnings of the medley near the start of the show (Pumping it Up, etc.) But only those two songs here. Next was Red Hot Momma, then Atomic Dog, finishing with the HOF riff. Then 2 minutes of Radio Friendly DJ and Ain't Nothin but a Jam. And Over & Out. My Bernie disappointment: Probably 90% of the crowd did not know who he was!!! Also, I wish he had been given more props by the band, as in, "Mr Bernie Worrell, author of every funkin hit we ever had" And a final acknowledgement at the end woulda been good too. He just walked off during the HOF riff. Not enough solos by Bernie. I don't know if he had equipment problems or what, but Garry & GC often looked to him to play something, and he didn't do much. Otherwise -- the band was tight, very tight. Everybody was pretty active and happy looking, Kidd Funkadelic was in good spirits. The EMOTIONAL side of seeing the Wizard of Woo with them was powerful. Almost brought tears to my eyes. After all these years, back together again. Billy & Bernie had their eyes locked for a moment & were obviously truly feeling one another. Garry & Bernie doing a little improv riff off to the side. Kidd Funkadelic, who was really a kid when he first played with Bernie. They shoulda brought him front & center for a big thank you at the end -- but Bernie's never been that kinda person anyway. I really wish he could have done a couple numbers -- maybe Hit It & Quit It, maybe Dissinfordollars. He ain't a bad singer. And, something I seriously wanted back in the day finally happened: Bernie played the bass synthesizer on Flashlight & Knee Deep & Atomic Dog. That alone makes this the best Flashlight I've ever witnessed.

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by Maxim,