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-P-Funk Tour List-

George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars

Review 07/20/98 From: Clement Pappas

Went to the show in Brooklyn at Wingate Field last night. Crazy crowd, lots of funkin goin on... Lineup- GC Clip Lige Skeet Billy Bass Kidd Funkadelic P-Nut Blackbyrd Amp (I think, couldn't see him too well, but I don't think it was Razor Sharp) Greg Thomas Bennie Cowan Scott Taylor Belita Shonda Treylewd Ron Wright (I think, I don't think it was Frankie Cash) Sir Noze MIA: Garry Shider, Paul Hill, Steven Boyd (I didn't see these last two, but maybe they were there, I missed the early part of the show, and I couldn't see too well), Louie Kababbie, Cardell Boogie Mosson (Melissa has him listed as currently touring, but I haven't spotted him in months) Set list (approx): ????? (Got there late after several subway disasters) Funkentelechy Give up the Funk (with a little Bootzilla) Rythm and Rhyme Flashlight Get Up For the Down stroke Knee Deep->Sentimental Journey Sum Stank and I want some Underground Angel Treylewd Tune (Never heard this tune before..see below) US Custom Coast Guard Dope Dog Belita Tune (You Came, You Loved, You Left??? Help me here people) Maggot Brain Dog Star Atomic Dog Hall of Fame Ain't Nuthin But A Jam Y'all/Radio Friendly DJ's (cutoff after about two minutes) Rev Al Sharpton Speech Really a fun show- I caught about 2.5 hours as I got there at around 8:30. They were slated to start at 7:30, but it didn;t seem like I had missed all that much of the show when I got there. They were eventually cut off around 11-11:15 or so. Highlights- Crowd was large and in charge baby!!! Brooklyn was in tha House!! Everything was pretty much tha bomb, but my favorite for the night was Knee Deep. Greg Thomas was extra special on the scat, he really turned it out and the band was ultra tight going from Knee Deep into the skat then back into Knee Deep, then into the "Fly, won't you come fly" portion of the tune, then into Sentimental Journey, then back into Knee Deep! I always love to hear Funkentelechy, which seems to be pretty rare from the shows I've seen, and its one of my favorite tunes/ GC had a chant which I'd never heard before during this tune, something like "On the back burner you can just chill on out, on the front burner you gotta burn" I liked it.. The Belita Tune was great too. This was a new one too (for me at least); it wasn't the "Its in the way she moves" tune. The only lines I remember were "You came, You loved, You left." It was slow, mellow, and really soulful... I thought it made great use of Belita's voice. Clip played flute which was also a highlight, while Blackbyrd backed up on guitar. Shonda continues to surprise and impress me with the Some Stank and I want some tune... she's got a lot of funkin' attitude when she sings this tune, anditr always gets the crowd riled up. Flashlight, not the best version I've seen recently, but still really good. Love the horn arrrangement they do in the middle of that tune. Also sir noze did his usual ridiculously good contortionist shit. I wish I could dance like that... At the very end of the show, Reverend Al Sharpton wishing GC a happy birthday (7/21) - "As the Mayor in exile of New York City, I proclaim tommorrow George Clinton Day in New York" and "George wrote down what he wanted me to get him for his birthday-'some stank and he want some'?? , I don't know George.." Lowlights: No Garry. The sound was loud enough (surprisingly loud given the show was outside at a huge field and the joint was packed!) unfortunately, they kept funkin up the micing. Someone would start singing and you could barely hear them for a few minutes before they turned the mic up. Like Clip coming out with "When I say P, you say Funk" You could barely hear it, it kinda ruined the effect of getting the crowd riled up. Other people/instruments were also under/over miced all night. I would say I liked the Maggot Brain, but the Kidd was trying to do some prety wild stuff, which sometimes came across great and sometimes sounded like shit given the outdoor sound system. A lot of reverb and stuff. It was definitely different. Treylewd- I'm sorry to any fans, but as far as I'm concerned, he sucks. I've tried really hard to like his stuff, but I just don't. Sometimes he has some clever lyrics (like in this new tune he got a lot of appluase for "Your mouth is a motel and my dick has a reservation"), but you can barely ever hear him. He is anything but a smooth, flowing rapper, and IMHO he would never be on any stage if he wasn't GC's son. Anyway, that my $.02, I probably missed a couple of tunes and a couple of band members, so help me out.. See you guys at the Apollo on Saturday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE!!!!!!!!! Clement

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