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-P-Funk Tour List-

George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars

Review 10/08/99 From: Clement Pappas

[Electric Factory in Philadelphia, PA] Went to the show, a quick review, as I am short on time- Unfortunately, I missed much of Star Cullars opening act, so I can't really comment on it. Anyhow, as far as the Funk Mob was concerned... I start off by saying that a lame P-Funk show is better than most any other show you could possibly attend today. With that said, those of us who have seen a great P-Funk show are truly spoiled, and hold some pretty damn high expectations. I felt this how was average to slightly below average for P-Funk. This was my 19th show, and I would probably rank it around 14th if I really thought about it hard enough. For me, the highlights were Flashlight, Knee Deep, Atomic Dog, Cosmic Slop, and Red Hot Mama. Low lights were One Nation, Booty, and yep, believe it or not, Tear the Roof Off The Sucker. The band just didn't seem to come out smokin. While they were excellent as always, they didn't come out with that super-tight sound they have when they are dead on. After the intro tunes, they lit it up with Cosmic Slop, but then failed to keep it up with Tear the Roof and Mothership Connection. (George came out around this time) To me, they sleep walked through this classic number. Coupled with this was the uncooperative crowd, which started off strong as George came out, but seemed to lose interest after Mothership Connection. Bottom line is that it was tough crowd, bit the band failed to totally capativate us, like I know they can. Booty was a total flop. No audience participation, no laughter, nothing. As much as I hate to admit, this tune was better with Louie. He's more of a clown, and makes it a little more fun with George bobbing his head. Maggot Brain was great as always, but not particularly special. I agree with the previous review that other instruments (violin) take away from the tune. Dog Star was excellent as always. One Nation, for me, was the low point of the show. The band played an average version of the tune, but the crowd was thoroughly out of it. Garry BEGGED for participation, and got none. He wouldn't stop begging, and IMO, begged for too long- he should of let the band impress for a while before begging soo much. He actually got down on his hands and knees. He even mentioned that P-Funk used to sell out the Spectrum and tear the roof off the sucka at that joint. But the crowd really wasn't with it.... eventually George came out and got hings fired up again. He roused the band into the best part of the show-- Flashlight and Knee Deep. Flashlight was a great version- I love the horn solo's towards the end of the tune. Knee Deep into Sentimental Journey was great as well. By this point George was able to somewhat pull the crowd back into it, but the show had already lost some of its steam... ended on a high note with Hall of Fame (always unbelievable, but not as long as some ofther versions I have seen in the last year or two.) Radio Friendly DJ's was good as well. Another tune was thrown in, but I didn't reciognize it. White guy with a cowboy hat was rapping. Anyone know what this was?? Quick version of the Funk Mellow Tip was also thrown in. Finally, Red Hot Mama tore it up after half the place was gone... Random notes: No Shonda?? Who is that Cowboy dude?? George was particularly quiet on this night, he didn't say much at all and wasn't singing as much as usual. I wonder, was he feeling alright? All and all an a good show- as I said even a sub-par P-Funk show kicks the shit out of most any other live acts- but definitely not their best. The combination of the band not being completely into it at times, George keeping pretty quiet, and the crowd being a little less forgiving, stopped the show from getting that monster P-Funk vibe that takes control of the joint at a great show. I felt like it never quite reached that all out frenzy where everybody in the whole damn buidling is singing and dancing and lost in the Funk. Just never quite got there. I was pretty close to the front, and at times I would look around and notice people not dancing or singing or clapping or anything. Some of them weren't even watching. Definitely the sign of less than great show. Oh well, it was still by far the best way to spend my Friday night, I'll be seeing them Nov 9th at the Stone Baloon in Delaware. Last time I saw them there, it was the BOMB! Probably the smallest venue they play these days, so the equipment is way too loud for the joint, and place gets mobbed. I would highly suggest going if you're anywhere in the area. Later, Clement

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by Maxim,