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-P-Funk Tour List-

Original P

Review 10/17/98 From: PFUNK53

At Tramps - New York City Oops ! I missed the start of the show last night but was informed that it was only the first song (Thupasaurus Peoples). Tramps was packed last night for the Original P. It was hot and cramped, and filled with more than enough hardcore funkateers, judging by the swaying and P Funk signs waving in the air at the start of the show. I haven't seen Tramps packed this tight for quite some time. I wasn't sure what to expect but I knew it would be something special judging from some of the other reviews posted here. They sure as hell weren't the "Village People" as one Supreme Maggot Overlord had stated a while back. These guys, The Original P, can throw down with the best of them. The band behind the Funky Four was pretty good. They are not as good as the All Stars, but then again, who is? But I must give them props for the way they held down the groove. Maggot Brain was good. I enjoyed the flute being added once again to Maggot Brain. It took me back to the Maceo days of P Funk. Ray, Calvin, Fuzzy, and Grady took the audience back in time, early in the show, with some Parliament classics. Testify and The Goose, two songs I had been waiting to hear for years, were performed to perfection. These gentlemen can flat out sing. I have seen Ray and Grady several times before with the P Funk All Stars. I was there to see and hear Fuzzy & Calvin, who I hadn't seen since the P Funk Earth tour. I was still a teenager back then and I only had about three Parliament albums in my collection. Sorry to say that I probably didn't even know half of the band members or the singers way back then. All I know is that those concerts in the late 70's made me a P Funk fan for life. I was totally in awe of seeing these guys back on stage together once again. The 15 minutes at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony just didn't cut it for me. I had to see them live. I won't go into a detailed song list. I will leave that up to Dr. Brookenstein. His reviews are much more thorough than mine. I just wanted to share my opinions of the show. I couldn't believe how great Fuzzy sounded. His voice and energy were incredible. Fuzzy definately took me back to another time. Calvin was also superb. His soft singing voice and his songwriting skills are still amazing. Not only did the Original P play the old school stuff, they added some new tunes that can best be described as funk ballads. New stuff or old stuff the four original singers of Parliament put on and incredible show that was full of energy and nostalgia. I truly had a great time, and suggest that you catch them in your part of town. They also said that the new cd should be out very very soon. I am hopeful but not holding my breath. Thanks once again to Fuzzy, Calvin, Grady, and Ray for making it a wonderful night in the Big Apple. Hey, it was worth missing the first game of the World Series.

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by Maxim,