Barker Ranch continued with a gimpse into Myer's Ranch

Death Valley, California




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a beautiful look at the lattece-work at Barker


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inside the side room at Barker


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the dried up swimming pool at Barker


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a storage shack at Barker



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the main shed at the Barker side yard


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the "Helter Skelter" truck about a half mile from Barker


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another shot of the infamous "Helter Skelter truck"


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a view of the Barker side yard (where the bus was originally parked)


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another shot of me guarding Barker (notice the creepy crawl tat' and the El Coyote t-shirt)


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the place of Manson's "last stand"


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another view of the bathroom now full of rat feces and cigarette butts


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the Barker fireplace


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a view of the bedroom door and fireplace, the bookshelf is to the left


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a glimpse into the Barker messhall


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a view of the Barker kitchen


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yet another view of the kitchen


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the main bedroom at Barker Ranch


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the newly refurbished heater in the main bedroom at Barker


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inside the Barker Ranch side bunkhouse

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Myer's Ranch entrance

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Myer's Ranch storage shed


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the burnt remains of the main house at Myer's


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