Wed, Feb 4, 2004
OKAY! The GROUP is back in business!!! I sincerely apologize to everyone who had come here before this time, in 03. I *JUST* (and I mean minutes ago) remembered my password to get into this tripod site!!! I fully lost the Group's yahoo e-mail address, so PLEASE, PLEASE - for anyone who wishes to contact us, PLEASE find the information below:
TheGroupOK is also the Oklahoma Phenomenal Experience Network (OPEN)
TheGroupOK/OPEN is based in Northeast Oklahoma (Tulsa area)
E-mail: (temporary e-mail until a solid Group/OPEN one is found)
Currently we do not have an official forums, but DO have a makeshift forums as part of Jpatt.Net which can be found here: - Forums
Again, PLEASE accept my desperate and humble apologies for being **SO STUPID** as to have lost the ability to login to this site! I encourage anyone with stories, questions or comments regarding any unusual or paranormal experiences to please contact us and/or visit the forums. Thank you for stopping by!
-Jason Patterson, TheGroupOK/OPEN Founder
Tue, Feb 18, 2003
Seems its been a little while since TheGroup was updated. Three of our members were invited to observe a night of paranormal research in central Oklahoma a few months back, coordinated by two of Oklahoma's top paranormal research and investigation groups; we were actually invited by the new third member of their trio, the Stillwater Paranormal Research Group, and would like to thank all of them for the opportunity - everyone was great and we all had a terrific time!
Fri, Sep 28, 2001
Welcome, everyone, to the online incarnation of "The Group", which represents and encourages honest communication and sharing of thoughts and ideas on important subjects, usually subjects which get little if any mainstream attention. Yes, this would cover such things as Bigfoot, Unidentified Flying Objects, ghosts, psychic powers, religion, witchcraft and other assorted anomlies and "fringe" material. But this isn't "just another" new age or paranormal website - we do not purport to be experts or authorities, but we WILL listen to you, and we ARE interested in genuine phenomenon and active investigations, reports and stories of such, and strongly encourage communication between our visitors, and welcome feedback, comments, suggestions, questions, etc.
The Group, which currently is and which initially began as a very small selection of like-minded friends interested in unusual sightings and events, is not unique - far from it. In fact, over the years, we have learned that numerous such "groups" exist, of other people who share this same mindset and curiosity about what "normal" people dismiss or outright ridicule. To this end, we felt it important that the Group go online as a single entity, which, with enough response from all your other Group members scattered around, can be the focal point, or meeting place for a central sharing of information between independent Groups, all dedicated to the same goals.
This particular group that we are based on is located in northeastern Oklahoma in the United States, and as such, our main personal focus for research and investigations will mostly center around phenomenae that is practical for us to investigate, such as nearby Oklahoma, and to a lesser extent, all of Oklahoma. This does NOT mean that we do not welcome and appreciate information and communication from anyone outside Oklahoma or our area, just that due to various factors, our sphere of influence and reasonable travel is finite and therefore we encourage more local interaction if at all possible, for OUR purposes. We will, owever, do whatever we can to provide help, cooperation and discussion and exposure to ANYONE dealing with any sort of "weirdness". FOr ease of reference, the Group refer to anomolies, phenomenae, hauntings, UFOs and other strange things as Enigmas, which could be a thing, a person, an event or a condition.