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Gertrude “Anne” (Kelley) Cassidy
August 26, 1922 – April, 1996

 GIVEN BY:  Kevin Cassidy

             When I think of my mother’s passing, I think of a quote from Shakespeare.  I believe it to be a passage from Romeo and Juliet:

“When she has fallen
Take her and cut her out in little stars
And she will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night.”

             The most precious gift that our mother gave to us was what she held most dear to her...the gift of life.

            Our mother loved life; she loved her children, her grandchildren, her great grandchildren, her brothers and sisters, her nieces and nephews and her friends.  Yet, with all those people in her life, my mother had a special bond with each and everyone of you.  She touched our hearts, our souls and challenged us to be happy, to enjoy life, to enjoy each other because you are what she held most dear.  We were her life; we are her legacy.

            Our mother faced life armed with a good book and a smile.  She wasn’t one to contemplate life’s mysteries; she figured them out a long time ago...there weren’t any.  She embraced life with a youthful enthusiasm.  Even as her health declined, she never wavered; she never stopped enjoying her life.

            To pay homage to our mother is to be happy.  Enjoy your lives; enjoy each other, but most of all, don’t dwell on the negative; she hated negativity.  Always keep the lines of communication open;  never write anyone off no matter how hard it might be.

            Our mother will always be with us in our joys, our sorrows and in our achievements; a beacon of hope; a constant reminder that we were all very much loved by a very special woman.

“Thyself hast loved and I have heard thee say
No grief did ever come so near thy heart
As when thy lady and thy true love died.”