August 9
Memphis , Tennesse

(hosts: Tom Watson and Louis Grizzard)

** The HCWF is undergoing a major recruitment period, if you know of any dedicated roleplayers of a high quality who might want to join our ranks,E mail me with their addresses.**

As Rocks kicked off from Memphis, the new team of loose cannons; Jimmy James, Chucky D, The Eagle and Phantom Sting collectively known as the Nest made their way to the ring. Each of them bragged about how they would beat their opponents of the evening and arrogantly laughed about what they had done to Jack Rider last week. Just as they were about to leave, The Rev-Tron screen above the entryway came to life, and sitting in a deck chair at the side of a pool sipping a drink with the summer sun is setting behind him, Adam Mercer told the foursome that he had other plans and thought it was only fair that they recieved some punishment after their recent actions. He started off by announcing that Phantom Sting was to be given the night off and Jimmy James would have to fight Permanent Midnight in a handicap match. Next, he told Chucky D and the Eagle that if either of them won the North American Title in the main event of the evening, the title holder will fight Justin Phoenix in a match refereed by Mercer himself, next week on Rocks. Finishing, Mercer told them that if any of them interfered in each others matches, they would be fired! The angry Nest members told Mercer that they would prove that they are the best group of athletes to ever grace the ring by agreeing to his demands.

North American Title Tournament Match
Dominic Fuchelli vs. Chucky D
-Winner: Chucky D
(The match started off very quick. Chucky D hit Fuchelli with a brainbuster, sending him out of the ring and hitting a springboard tope. It did not take long for Dominic Fuchelli to get back to his feet and use some techincal moves to keep his opponent reeling. After some exchanges, Chucky D clotheslined his opponent over the top rope and the battle was taken to the outside. On the outside, Chucky and Fuchelli brawled down the isle out of the referees view. From out of no where came Mike Callious, hitting Fuchelli over the head with a steel chair. Quickly, Chucky D saw his chance for victory and dragged Fuchelli back to the ring, finishing the match with his "Chucky D Diamond Cutter" and the three count. After the match, Fuchelli got on the mic and said that he wanted Callious one on one at Rocks next week.)

Backstage, Korey Johnson tried to find out what Reflexive's suprise for the evening would be, Reflexive told him that it would involve sex. Johnson looked shocked and asked if HCWF Owner Adam Mercer knew about the suprise. Reflexive said it didn't matter if he knew because he has no right to censor any footage that Reflexive wants to show.

North American Title Tournament Match
Eagle vs. Core
-Winner: Eagle
(Core started out by offering a handshake, but kicking Eagle in the corner. Eagle came back quickly with kicks and a huracanrana that knocked his opponent to the outside. Eagle went for a powerbomb, but Core escaped. Quickly, Core nailed a superkick on Eagle, causing him to flip towards the announcers table. Core hit a side Russian Legsweep into the guardrail on Eagle followed by a back breaker. Core tossed his foe back into the ring and set him up for the "Biohazard". Eagle escaped the move and hit a piledriver on his opponent, before going up top and delivering a big elbow drop. After a near fall, Eagle executed the Eagle's swoop on Core getting the three count and thus advancing to the tournament final to face Chucky D.)

In the parking lot, Jen Johnstone was breaking into Crazy Tony's car. Watching from a tv moniter backstage, Crazy Tony raced from his locker room and out to the car park. Just as he arrived, Johnstone quickly drove the car away.

Back at ringside, Tom Watson informed us that Jack Rider could be out for anything from four to six weeks, Watson said that he had spoken to Rider who told him that he wanted to kick Jimmy James' ass at Resurrection on September 20th.

Handicap Match
Permanent Midnight vs. Jimmy James
-Winner: Permanent Midnight via DQ
(Trent Davis took the early advantage by knocking Jimmy James off the top rope to the outside, and by using snap and back suplexes to take near falls on his opponent. Marcus Black got tagged in and immediatly reached a crecendo when he broke up James' cross face chicken wing on Davis and tossed the CEO of Jimmy James industries to the outside. Once on the outside, Black took control dropkicking James into the front row, and then nailed him with a big elbow drop off the gaurdrail. Jimmy James slowly managed to fight back with kicks, lariats, atomic drops and a twisting forearm. Following numerous interferences from Davis, Black took command by ramming James into the turnbuckle and hitting him with a piledriver. After a near fall, James saw his chance and dropkicked Davis off the apron before hitting his partner with a powerslam and a belly to belly suplex. After Black was forced to tag out, Davis had James reeling with a quick flurry of meaneuvers and after he crotched James on the ropes, he struck an overhead belly to belly, but James managed to retaliate with a flying forearm and an axe kick, only for Davis to crotch him again - this time on the top turnbuckle. Follwing a suplerplex, Jimmy James kicked out the pin and went to the outside visciously started to assualt Permanent Midnight and hit both members with a steel chair.)

Korey Johnson interviews Justin phoenix backstage and asks him his opinion on the evening's main event. Phoenix tells Johnson that it doesn't matter who he fights for the North American Title, because the Eagle and Chucky D are both as bad as each other. Phantom Sting attacks Phoenix from behind with a steel pipe and sprays the word 'Nest' on his back.

Ryan Robichaud vs. Mike Callious
-Winner: Ryan Robichaud
(Robichaud started things with a big running lariat and a suplex. Callious eventually used a dropkick to counter a fist-wielding cross body from Robichaud, before DDTing his opponent onto the ringsteps. From here bedlam ensued as Callious exploded on the Canadian, sandwiching him with a spinning legdrop from the apron. Robichaud is not a quitter as he showed retaliating with a bulldog from the middle turnbuckle back inside the ring. After kicking out of the Quebec native's coverted spinning heel kick, Callious returned fire with a tumbling gorilla press and a drop toehold onto a chair, then turned his attention to Robichaud's valet Melissa moore, enabling Robichaud to reach his feet and catch Callious off gaurd with a flying clothesline. A shoulder first Irish whip into the turnbuckle meant that Callious found himself on the recieving end of a huracanarana and a wakigame take down, which acted as precursors to the dreaded "Robinater". Just as the pin was being made, the Crazy Itallians came out of the crowd and nailed referee Alex Newlands with a big right hand, after which they pleaded with Robichaud to let them have the finishing shot on Callious. Robichaud eventually agreed and the Crazy Itallians quickly retrieved a table from under the apron, setting it up in the ring. Both Crazy Tony and Dominic Fuchelli then proceeded to pull Callious to his feet, executing a "Itallian Drop" sending him through the table. As the referee regained conciousness, the Itallians ran back down the isle and out of site allowing Robichaud the victory. )

As Robichaud celebrated in the ring, Reflexive came out and told Robichaud that he had a little suprise. Suddenly, footage of a scratchy home movie shows on the screen, it shows a young woman and young man making love in the dark lit by slight light from surrounding candles. The footage is slightly distorted and looks quite dark. Robichaud watches the segment with a confused look, shaking his head. The two people stop moving and a figure comes toward the camera lighting a match and showing that he is none other than Reflexive, the camera zooms in on the woman in the bed to reveal that she is none other than Melissa Moore. The footage ends as Reflexive laughs and winks at Moore. A angry Ryan Robichaud tells Moore that their relationship is finished and chases Reflexive down the isle as Moore breaks down in tears in the ring.

Backstage Permanent Midnight were attacked by a group of masked men in the parking lot, the masked men quickly drove off as HCWF officials approached the area.

North American Title Tournament Final
Chucky D vs. The Eagle
-Winner: Eagle
(Following a battle of wear down, Chucky and Eagle went for a quick win by hitting the Chucky D Diamond Cutter and the Eagle's swoop respectively; both kicked out. From there Chucky D connected with a flurry of thuderous uppercuts and a piledriver for the near fall, before the Eagle hit back with big chops, a backbreaker, tombstone piledriver and a sidewinder suplex. The match went back and forth and with his third powerslam blocked, Chucky D countered with a Diamond Cutter attempt, but 'the bird of prey' saw it coming and responded with a barrage of elbows, grabbing his opponent's legs, Eagle endeavoured to apply the sharpshooter, as Chucky D fought it with all his might, and finally locked it for the win by submission. A brief stare down followed, before Chucky D handed the Eagle the title and the two shook hands. Jimmy James and Phantom Sting walked down the isle to join in the celebrations. Jimmy James grabbed a microphone and said that Mercer could kiss his ass because nothing could hold down the Nest. With that, Rocks went off air as the four men raised hands. )

- Results written by Adam Mercer -