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The following Sites have won the "About Women" award for cool site:

  • The Internet News Bureau makes it affordable to write press releases and get it out to the public. I haven't tried it (not planning to put this in front of journalists), but it looks good. If someone out there has tried it, please email me. Love to know how well it works and I will put the info right here.

  • Self Promotion is a really cool place where you can submit your site to many engines at once. I know that these type of services are a dime a dozen, but this seems to be a cut above. I haven't really tried it, so if someone who has will email me there results, I'll post it here.

  • The Douglas Adams Page. If you are a fan of The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, then this site is for you. Written by Adams himself (or at least his ghostwriter(s) if any), you can find Douglas Adam's email address, where you can email him and have him read it, before ignoring it (according to him). But don't touch his nose.dna_nose_icon.jpg (4726 bytes).hitch1.gif (5519 bytes)

  • v3sban.gif (796 bytes) come.to. This is a great service. As many of you know, there are a growing number of locations where you can get a free webpage. In fact this very page is hosted for free by www.tripod.com. Unfortunately, since there are so many free pages hosted by these sites, it's really hard to remember the url. For example, the url of this site is https://members.tripod.com/thewomenof/. By registering with com.to, you can get a much shorter url, like I did. Type come.to/woman in your browser instead of the long url, and presto, you are here. And note that the url come.to/woman stays in your broswer's address window!

  • extreme.gif (1853 bytes) Extreme Tracking is the best tool I've come across yet to track what kind of traffic you are getting to your website. They even tell you which search engines linked to you, and what keywords they used to get there! Very cool.

  • vpbutton.gif (2675 bytes) www.virtualpromote.com is an excellent site for webmasters looking to promote their site. They have a lot of cool tips, resources, and simply do a great job.

  • associate.gif (10990 bytes) www.associateprograms.com. If you run a website with significant traffic, you can sign up with different vendors who will pay you for sales that result from the link at your site. Allan Gardyne came up with this great idea to list many of these sites in a directory, so you can find a program which might be relevant to your site.

  • Animationonline.com. This is a really cool website. If you maintain a website of your own, and would like to create a cool animated ad banner, just go to this site, fill out the form, pick your design, and go! Here's an example:

animbanner.gif (14104 bytes)

  • jkbanner3.jpg (9260 bytes)
      This site is a great example of site design, features a webmaster who knows and loves the web, and you can read a whole bunch of really funny men jokes!

  • iplogoni1.gif (730 bytes) Iprint.com. This is a great site! You can design, create, view or modify business cards automatically, online, with graphics and all in real-time! Since I first used this site a long time ago, they have now added many new items like letterhead, t-shirts, magnets, mousepads and more.

  • Aprilfools.com. This is a cool site where you can create a prank ESPMNETSPORTSZONE web page, with fake headlines about you or a friend, which you can send as an email.

  • Banner World
    has a great tutorial on creating animated banners, plus a whole bunch of useful samples banners to begin with. I know there's a whole bunch of sites out there with free backgrounds and banners, but this one is pretty cool.

  • Infospace. Do you have caller ID? Ever gotten a call and didn't recognize the number? Go to the "Reverse Lookup" feature of  infospace to find out the name and address of that number.

Submit your site today!