Trainer Trivia
Here's the scoop on the best-known trainers around.

        Ash Ketchum wants to catch 'em all! (Get it - catch 'em, Ketchum?) And he wants to be the best. He doesn't have many Pokemon yet, but Ash is determined to win the Pokemon League Regional Championships and become the World's Greatest Pokemon Master. Ash began his Pokemon training in Pallet Town on his tenth birthday. He was so late getting to Professor Oak's lab to pick up his first Pokemon, he almost didn't get one. But once Ash puts his mind to something, he doesn't give up. He begged for a Pokemon until Professor Oak finally gave him a Pikachu. Their first meeting was shocking. But now Ash and Pikachu are great friends.
        Ash knows that the most important thing about having Pokemon is what you teach and what you learn. He still has a lot to learn, but it looks like becoming a Pokemon Master is his destiny.
Ash's Pokemon:
Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Kingler, Muk, Tauros, Pidgeot, Lapras. At one time he also had a Butterfree and a Primeape.
        Gary is Professor Oak's grandson, and one of the best Pokemon trainers around. He's been learning about Pokemon since the day he was born. Gary's goal is to become the World's Greatest Pokemon Master and he will stop anyone who gets in his way. Super competitive, he's always one step ahead of other Pokemon trainers his age - including Ash Ketchum. Ash is Gary's biggest rival. They grew up next door to each other and have competed over almost everything.
        Gary can be a bully and a bragger. But despite his attitude, he is a good trainer. He keeps rotating his Pokemon so they all get to battle and get bigger and stronger. He has a total of two hundred Pokemon. That means he has more than one of some Pokemon. But it doesn't mean he has one of every single Pokemon. Gary's policy is catch 'em first, ask questions later. Why? You can never have too many Pokemon. The more you have, the better position you are in a battle.
Gary's Pokemon:
Pidgeot, Alakazam, Rhydon. . . . There are too many to list!
        Team Rocket is the most notorious band of Pokemon thieves in the world. There are tons of Team Rocket soldiers. The most famous ones are the bumbling teenage trio, Jessie, James, and their Pokemon Meowth. Team Rocket's goal is the steal rare Pokemon for their boss, Giovanni. Jessie, James, and Meowth are on a mission to snatch Ash Ketchum's electrifying Pikachu. They have come up with a gazillion plans to catch Pikachu, but they seem to bungle them all.
        What is Jessie and James' claim to fame? Giovanni once left them in charge of the Viridian City Gym. It was the day Ash Ketchum earned his Earth Badge!
        Jessie is the female half of Team Rocket. She can be bossy and cunning. There is no denying who is in charge of this dynamic duo.
       Jessie didn't grow up with a lot of money. Her biggest childhood wish was for a set of Pokemon Princess dolls of her very own.
        Jessie dreams of fame and fortune - and stealing rare Pokemon to make the Boss happy. To get all that, she'll have to get her hands on Ash's Pikachu.

Jessie's Pokemon: Arbok, Likitung, Meowth
        James is the male half of Team Rocket. When it comes to thinking up plots to steal Pikachu, James has a million of them. He'll need them - since they all tend to fail!
        James comes from a wealthy southern family. He ran away with the help of his pet Growlie (a Growlithe) when his parents tried to marry him off to a girl named Jessebelle. James' dream is to enter the Pokemon League - after he has stolen Pikachu!

James's Pokemon: Weezing, Victreebel, Growlithe (stays at home with his family), Meowth

Pokedex Pick:
Jessie and James aren't the only Team Rocket twosome around. Butch and Cassidy, with the help of their Raticate, also do Giovanni's dirty work. What was Butch and Cassidy's biggest scam? They turned a Pokemon breeding center into a Pokemon stealing center.

Jessie and James' Motto:
Prepare for trouble
And make it double!
To protect the world from devastation
To unite all peoples within our nation
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket! Blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth! That's right!

        Professor Oak is the ultimate authority on all things Pokemon. He gives many new trainers their own Pokedex, Poke Balls, and their very first Pokemon. Professor Oak spends most of his time doing research at his lab in Pallet Town. One of his projects is to keep an updated Pokedex. He collects information from trainers around the world about the Pokemon they have seen and caught. He has also made many important discoveries himself. Professor Oak discovered Mew, the 151st Pokemon.
        Professor Oak also stores the Pokemon of Pallet Town trainers in his lab. He created special habitats for each element of Pokemon. Every Pokemon that Professor Oak cares for not only becomes a part of his research, but a part of life.
        So what is a day in the life of this Pokemon expert like? Professor Oak starts each day by checking on all the Pokemon. He lets them out of their Poke Balls for a little fresh air and exercise. Then he feeds them breakfast. As soon as he's done, it's time for lunch! Professor Oak's afternoon is devoted to research. Then it's dinnertime and back into the Poke Balls the Pokemon go!
        No matter what town or city you enter, you will find Nurse Joy, or one of her cousins (also named Joy) at the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy's biggest joy in life is taking care of sick and injured Pokemon. She is a Pokemon expert. She is also an official member of the Pokemon League. Joy's job doesn't give her a lot of time to travel far and wide catching and training Pokemon. She had to take a super hard test to join the Pokemon League. But she passed with flying colours!
        Jenny is a police officer. Her job is to protect all Pokemon and their trainers from the likes of Team Rocket and other wrongdoers. Officer Jenny plays by the rules. Nothing gets her and her specially trained team of Growlithe. She's also compassionate - the perfect person to have around a crisis. No matter what the challenge, Officer Jenny will get the job done.
