So You Want to Be a She Urt?
Common Misconceptions


Port Life For A She Urt
Example of Gorean Law pertaining to She Urts
A Few Quotes
Common Misconceptions

Here I will address some of the most common missunderstandings when it comes to our role.

1.) She Urts prostitute themselves.

This is false. Altho many do, some do not. It depends on what you want to do. Remember,too, slaves have far better skills in serving men sexually then women do.


She suddenly knelt before me. "I will please you as a slave girl, if you wish," she said.

"When I want a slave girl," I said, "I will have a real slave girl, not a free woman pretending to be a slave girl."

She looked up at me, angrily.

"On your feet, free woman," I said.

She got up angrily. She was not a slave. Why should I accord her the privilege of kneeling at my feet?

~Explorers of Gor~


2.)She Urts hate men.

It's wrong. We depend on Men and Women...well in Society as a whole. The She Urt is an interesting case. She's legally free, in a sense of being unowned, yet is restricted by her circumstances.. She depends on the charity of men to survive, doing what ever nescessary to gain that charity. In other words we do not work AGAINST men. There is no capturing/killing men. The best you can hope for is to get away, realistically. And perhaps the legal system looking your way, favorably. We are not panthers that dwell in the City. We are girls, forced into homelessness, and banding together as a family. We protect each other, we feed each other and we work together.

3.) She Urts carry weapons.

This is a HUGE no! We do not carry poison pins. We can barly feed ourselves..if I found a Poison Pin in the street I'd sell the thing for food/cloths/warmblanket. Same thing with knifes, daggers, or anything. This dosn't mean you can't defend yourself but use creative imagination and be realistic..not just of your suroundings but of your circumstance. Find the key goals of a She Urt. Fill that belly, stay warm and dry, surport your band/family. All these things keep you alive. Should a SheUrt 'cause harm on anyone they risk being placed up befor the Tribunal as well as the the rest of the Gang. Do not put the group in such a jeapordy.

4.She Urts are really thieves and steal.


I've had a few people ask me if She Urts stole.

acording to this quote, they sorta do.

QUOTE: "I stopped on the walkway. Ahead, some yards, was a girl dark-haired, lying on her belly on the walkway, reaching with her hand down to the canal, to fish out edible garbage. She was barefoot, and wore a brief, brown rag. I did not think she was a slave. Some free girls, runaways, vagabonds, girls of no family or position, live about port cities, scavenging as they can, begging, stealing, sleeping at night in crates and under bridges and piers. They are called the she-urts of the wharves. Every once in a while there is a move to have them rounded up and collared but it seldom comes to anything." Explorers of Gor page 47.

But I want you to take into consideration a few things...
First, stealing normally does land you in front of a tribunal. Expecially if it's a huge amount of money.
Second, would you be a she urt if you were wealthy? Nooooooo.
Third, the Theive's Guild would also be after you of stealing something of value or if word got out you were shaking people down.
Fourth, we are half starved free women..I definatly don't see us having the strength to land an attack and steal.. pick pocket maybe, but then again CoT would hear about it.

So why the 'steal' in this quote?

I have to assume it is more along the lines of food, or other nessesities.
Like a new fresh tunic off someone's cloth's line? Or half an eaten loaf of bread off a sleeping Crewman. Or perhaps what's left at the bottom of the bottle of some passed out drunk's wine bottle.

I know argument would be for the case of Sasi in the books, but remember, she was working with a man, Turgus, who told her what to do and how to do it. And in the end, they were both arrested and charged. I'd wonder what would happen should it become public knowledge to the guild, wich I'm sure it was. Banishment for Turgus was a good way to save his life, too. If he made it out of the City at all. We can only speculate.

So do we steal. Perhaps, but nothing of true value and not so much for profit as for survival.


More to come....