Main / Art / The Tim / Contact / Commissions


Preliminary notes
This disclaimer applies to everyone, without exceptions.  I don't care how much you like my art, I don't care how long I've known you, I don't care how long you've known me.  This disclaimer still applies to you.

If your website contains material that goes against my disclaimer, please do not put my art on your site.

If you already have my art on your website and your site contains material that goes against my disclaimer, please take my art off of your site.  If at any time you add any content to your site that goes against my disclaimer, please take my art off of your site before or when you add that content.

If you have content on your site of which you are unsure whether or not it goes against my disclaimer, my advice is to assume that it does.  However, please don't hesitate to contact me if you are still unsure.

Tim Flanagan does not draw anything promoting bigotry, excessive use of profanity, nudity, sexual or sexually suggestive content, or shounen ai / shoujo ai (respectively, boy/boy mushy stuff and girl/girl mushy stuff; this obviously includes yaoi and yuri). Do not post any artwork by Tim Flanagan on any site containing bigotry, excessive use of profanity, nudity, sexual or sexually suggestive content, shounen ai, or shoujo ai. All characters are copyright and property of their respective creators/owners. All artwork is copyright and property of Tim Flanagan. Tim Flanagan reserves the right to alter any artwork at any time for any or no reason. Artwork is available for use only with explicit permission from Tim Flanagan, and permission to use artwork may be withdrawn any time (meaning that art on a site may have to be taken down) for any or no reason. Additionally, website owners reserve the right to take down any artwork by Tim Flanagan from their site(s) at any time for any or no reason.

Main / Art / The Tim / Contact / Commissions