Stuff i have to do


Check out this book on electronics from
the Phoenix Public Library. It covers
the 3 types of transistor amplifiers
real well (gets into common emitter,
common base, and common cathode). 
And it has a good secion on osscilators
thats based on the transistor amplifer
circuits. It also covers diodes good.
And it even has a cool section on

"Teach yourself Electricty and Electronics
Third Edition".

by Stan Gibilisco

621.3 G355T 2002

get this book

Its very good and explains the science behind cooking things.

"How to read a french fry and other stories of intriging kitchen science"

by Russ Parsons

another good book on cooking to buy

"Alton Brown's Gear for your kitchen"

buy this book to learn adobe acrobat

"Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Standard Classroom in a book"


another nice book. it tells how to live off
the land and survive. its really good and
its written by the U.S. Military 

"FM 21-76 U.S. Army Survival Manual"

I saw it at Phoenix College and its
check out number is

   GF 86.U82 1994

it shows how to go fishing my way.

it shows how to find chemicals in
natural things like beans, that
can be crushed and then thrown into
the water to stun the fish and make
them rise to the top.

it gives the plant names of these

pretty cool way to fish.

Information on alzheimer's disease

barley legal stuff