Saturn = 000
Moon = 120
Pluto = 120
Mars = 121
Sun = 211
Mercury = 220
Venus = 220
Neptune = 211
Jupiter = 232
Uranus = 311

Node = non-Transcendental (411)

Philippines: Independence day, 1991

Primary Transcendental Saturn; equally-underaspected Secondary Transcendental Moon, Pluto.

Jul 4, 1946
9.15.00 AM CCT (-08)
121E00'00"; 14N35'00"
Asc: 2Vi02; Mc: 3Ge14

Source: "Independence was granted by the USA on 4 July 1946. The critical moment was the lowering of the American flag at 9.15 am and the hoisting of the Philippines flag." Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes," p. 282.

other charts for Philippines


The Role of the Least-Aspected Planet In Astrocartography

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