Autism Sites
ABA Educational Resources LTD.
Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning (Sallie Bernard*.Albert Enayati, B.S.,Ch.E.,M.S.M.E.**,Heidi Roger.Teresa Binstock.Lyn Redwood, R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P.,Woody McGinnis, M.D.,)
Autism: An Overview and Theories of its Causes (Alternative Therapies for Children with Brain Injury and Developmental Disorders This site has an immediately accesible index to the following autism theories: Opioid Excess Theories, Opioid-like substances, Dipeptidyl peptidase deficiency, Opioids and secretin, Opioids and glutathione, Opioids and immunosuppression, Gluten/Casein Theories, Opioid receptors, Urinary IAG, Fatty Acids, Gamma Interferon Theory, Free Sulphate Theory, Cholocystokinin and Autism, Oxytocin and Vasopressin in Autism, Autism and Amino Acids, Autoimmune Theory, Viral Infection Theory, Vaccinations and Autism, DPT and brain damage, MMR vaccine and autism, Action of Secretin Theories, Secretin and cAMP, Lectins and secretin, Prenatal Aspartame Exposure)
Autism/Aspergers (Autism/Aspergers Medical-Educational-Information Links. "May this site lead you in the direction of the information that you so desire")
Autism-Asperger's Digest Magazine (Featuring original articles and material from sources around the world, each 52 page issue covers the latest people, products, research, news & viewpoints emerging in the autism field. )
Autism Biomedical Information Network (A gateway to science-based biomedical information and commentaries on autism/PDD for parents, teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, other interested professionals, and classroom aides who are dedicated to helping persons with autism. Our commentaries on biomedical aspects of autism are based on an attitude of respect for science and the dedicated researchers attempting to learn more about autism. We also believe that only research meeting the highest standards of "good science" is the way to discover evidence-based treatments for autism. )
Autism Cards (these cards explain a little about what Autism is. Always ready to hand them out when I need to. It shuts people up pretty quick and gives them a better understanding of the situation.)
Autism Center (Patient-Centered Guides are a mix of medical, practical and emotional information, grounded in Western medicine, told by people who have been there. As with our other publishing programs, this series grew out of recognizing a need for a particular kind of information. The writers and editors in this series have encountered illnesses that have threatened or changed their lives. When your life is turned upside down, your need for information is great. You have to make critical medical decisions, often with what seems little to go on. Plus you have to break the news to family, quiet your own fears, cope with side effects, figure out how you're going to pay for things, and sometimes still get to work and get dinner on the table.)
Autism Community Home Page (Welcome to the Autism Community Home Page Dedicated to sharing ideas on alternative living arrangements for autistic people The purpose of the Autism Community web page is to exchange information, resources & ideas specifically related to setting goals and planning for the future of people with autism who are in need of "assisted living" or who are otherwise unable to live independently. All visitors are invited to exchange their thoughts & concerns relevant to our theme. There are several ways that members can exchange information: via email, the Message Board, the Chat Room, or by submitting an article for the website.)
autismconnect (Autism
is a lifelong 'invisible' disorder which impairs an individual's ability
to learn, to communicate and to form friendships and relationships. Other
forms of autistic spectrum disorder include Asperger syndrome or high-functioning
autism, and pervasive developmental disorders. These conditions affect
nearly one in a hundred people worldwide. Between four and thirteen times
as many males as females are affected.
autismconnect is a FREE web site, which aims to be the first port of call for
anyone interested in autism, providing news, events, world maps, and rapid
access to other web sites with information on autism.autismconnect aims to
be a worldwide, interactive, personalised forum for the sharing of information
by people whose lives are touched by autism. This includes
people with autism, their parents, friends, educators and therapists, as well
as researchers, legislators and volunteers. If you are interested in getting
up-to-date information about autism, with the latest news items posted each
week on your personal notice board, register now.)
The Autism Depot (A resource for parents of autistic children. This site includes reviews of books on autism)
Autism and Developmental Disorders: A Developmental Approach This page focuses on a particular approach to working with children diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, variously called autism, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), PDD-NOS and Asperger's syndrome. Other terms for the diagnosis may include regulatory disorder, multi-system developmental disorder, semantic-pragmatic disorder, hyperlexia, and sensory integration disorder. The approach discussed here is what Stanley Greenspan calls a developmental, individual-difference, relationship-based approach (D.I.R.) to intervention--also known as "floor-time." The ideas of James MacDonald and others are also reflected in these pages)
The Autism File (The Autism File is a quarterly magazine dealing with all aspects of autism. It is written by: * parents, * doctors, * consultants, * teachers, * anyone in the field of autism who has anything to say on any subject concerning autism. We aim to give as much information as possible, with medical updates including: * vaccination coverage, * diet and nutrition, * recipe pages for gluten and casein free diets, * problems solved, * organisations and support groups advertised, * parents, * sibling and family views on treatments tried and tested, * books, * videos, * websites to look out for, * your say, * what you want and much more.)
Autism Independent UK (The Society has changed its name from (SFTAH) Society For The Autistically Handicapped to Autism Independent UK, with working names: SFTAH, and Electronic Names (www(web)) Autism Online and Autism For All. These have been deposited to the UK's Charity Commission for England and Wales The Society exists to bring an increased awareness of autism to the notice of all, together with well established and newly developed approaches in the diagnosis, assessment, education and treatment. The main goal is to improve the quality of life for persons with Autism, giving them a chance to take their rightful place within their local community. )
AUTISMINFO (This site is intended to provide information to parents, doctors, teachers, tutors, caregivers, and anyone interested in learning more about autism and autism spectrum disorders. This site provides information and links to other sites where additional information may be obtained. We do not promote one method or therapy over another. We believe that all of the autism treatments available have helped some people, and are therefore worth investigating. What may work for one family may not work for another. Treating autism is hard work and takes perseverance and dedication. Any treatment or therapy should be carefully reviewed with your healthcare professional prior to implimentation.This site is intended only to provide information on current treatments and therapies, it does not make specific recommendations for individuals. )
Autism Home Page Autism fact sheets, reviewed autism links, secretin info, and much more. )
Autism Network Resources for Physicians (Autism Network Resources for Physicians is a resource website listing links to autism research and related sites that will be of interest to physicians. The goal of this site is to assist the medical community in their efforts to understand autism and study the treatment options available in the hopes that someday, the treatments that prove to be the most beneficial for certain autistic populations are going to be accepted or recommended by the medical community. By taking part in the study of autism and its causes, we hope that the medical community will be able to identify at-risk children and will be able to follow or recommend certain measures to prevent autism. Physicians who view this site are asked to challenge the validity of the research, studies, and anecdotal accounts presented in the links. They are asked to be actively involved in the studies and to work with the doctors, researchers, and scientists who are studying autism.)
Autism One (Autism One is a nonprofit organization 501(c)(3) started by a small group of parents of children with autism to address three areas: education, advocacy, and fundraising. Parents are and must remain the driving force of our community, the stakes are too high and the issues too sacred to delegate to outside interests.)
Autism-PDD One moms view of Autism-PDD (Very well done! Lots of great information. Has a link to the CHAT test, diagnostic criteria and so much more. WORTH A LOOK!)
Autism/PDD Resources Network:Main Page (Online information, support and resources helping with issues pertaining to Autism Spectrum, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. A comprehensive, state by state, resource. The purpose of this site is to guide you to the key issues associated with spectrum disorders. There is a growing awareness of the nature of autism and the kinds of approaches to diagnosis, treatment and care that are likely to be effective in meeting the needs of autistic individuals and their families.) (Great Site!!)
The Autism Research Foundation (The Autism Research Foundation (TARF) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to researching the neurological underpinnings of autism and other related developmental brain disorders. TARF has long been at the forefront of autism research. We believe that only aggressive scientific & medical research will reveal the underlying neurological basis for autism, and that this will in turn, help us find better medical & therapeutic approaches to treatment, and hopefully, a cure for this lifelong disorder.)
The Autism Research Unit Durham Conference 2000 ( "Autism: Perspectives on Progress" Important news on Gluten and Casein Free Diet, What is Autism?, About the Unit Urinary Analysis, Autism and Vaccination
Autism Recovery Network The ARN is in central Florida so most of the resources are in that area, but we want to expand it statewide, so please send any additions you may have to us.)
Autism Research Institute (The Autism Research Institute (ARI) is the hub of a worldwide network of parents and professionals concerned with autism. ARI was founded in 1967 to conduct and foster scientific research designed to improve the methods of diagnosing, treating, and preventing autism. ARI also disseminates research findings to parents and others worldwide seeking help. The ARI data bank, the world's largest, contains over 40,000 detailed case histories of autistic children from over 60 countries.)
Autism Resources (Jim Wobus autism site)
Autism Speaks (At Autism Speaks, our goal is to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.We are dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder. We are committed to raising the funds necessary to support these goals.Autism Speaks aims to bring the autism community together as one strong voice to urge the government and private sector to listen to our concerns and take action to address this urgent global health crisis. It is our firm belief that, working together, we will find the missing pieces of the puzzle. Autism Speaks. It's time to listen.
Autism Society of Ontario (The ASO acts as a clearinghouse for timely and accurate information about treatments for autism)
Autism Society of Wisconsin (gives information on Autism, Wisconsin ASA chapters, Wisconsin and midwestern resources, and links to autism - related web sites
Autism Treatment Services of Canada (Home page of Autism treatment services of canada)
Autism 2000:A Tragedy (Copyright 2000 F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP. The following data, from Table AA11 of the twenty-first report of the United States Department of Education to Congress (IDEA) show that the accelerating increase in autism is continuing Nationwide, in a one-year period, 97-98 to 98-99, autism has increased by 26% among children ages 6 to 21 attending school in the United States. In the same population, the following relevant increases were reported in the same period:)
AHA/AS/PDD - The Advocates for Individuals with High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Corp. (We are a Long Island parent group whose primary purpose is to support one another as we advocate for the unique needs of children and adults with High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders.)
ASC-U.S.Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the United States, Inc. (We are a national non-profit organization committed to providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on Asperger Syndrome and related conditions, including:* Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)* High Functioning Autism (HFA)* Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD)* Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder* Hyperlexia
A.S.P.I Asperger's Syndrome Parent Information Environment
April Sklar- Childrens Resources Autism Special Education Help Center. (One mother's view of autism and how our family life is affected by having an autistic child. Also, my autistic son's work and progress in dealing with autism, and an autism mailing list to share experiences. )
The Autism Channel (Support/Chat/Information)
Asperger Syndrome (Education, Autism Information and Support)
An Inside View of Autism by Temple Grandin
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Resources (Essential information on educational intervention for autism and related pervasive developmental disorders: service providers, support groups, program resources, special education, legal help) (Site by Richard Saffron which is a MUST SEE!)
ASPEN of America (We are continually expanding this web site. You will find an extensive amount of information on many social and communication disorders, particularly Asperger Syndrome and Nonverbal Learning Disorder. Our goal is to be "your information source." ASPEN of America is working on the development of a major public awareness campaign to increase recognition of these social and communication disorders. It is our hope, in cooperation with individuals and groups at the local level, to provide a nationwide clearinghouse for information on matters of interest to our members such as schools, camps, and knowledgeable clinicians.)
A.S.S.G Autism Spectrum Support Group of Lebanon County
The Association For Behavioral Analysis (The Association for Behavior Analysis is dedicated to promoting the experimental, theoretical, and applied analysis of behavior. It encompasses contemporary scientific and social issues, theoretical advances, and the dissemination of professional and public information. Advancing behavioral science and its application have become an international effort as witnessed by the countries represented by our members)
Autistic Kids (This site contains resources for children with Autism and special education information for the San Diego and North County areas. The primary goal is to provide information, support, and encouragement to families of children with special needs.)
Autistic Net (Offers free information about the treatment and diagnosis of Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD, as well as information about clinics for autistic children, support groups for parents, & autism newsgroups
BACB-Behavior Analyst Certification Board (The Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc. (BACB™) was formed as a result of credentialing needs identified by behavior analysts, various agencies within a number of state governments, and consumers of behavior analysis services. The BACB’s main purpose is to develop, promote, and implement a voluntary national (and perhaps eventually international) certification program for behavior analyst practitioners. The BACB has established uniform content, standards, and criteria for the credentialing process. It seeks to ensure that the program meets 1) the legal standards established through state, federal and case law; 2) the standards for national certification programs as established by the National Organization for Competency Assurance and the National Commission for Certifying Agencies; and 3) the "best practice" and ethical standards of the behavior analysis profession.)
BBB Autism Website (We created this website because we were anxious to provide a place where a variety of information on Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) could be obtained.This is a good place to come whether you are new to the diagnosis or a seasoned pro. We offer all sorts of hints, strategies, links and suggested reading on topics. Based in Ontario)
Behaviors That May Be Personal Challenges For A Student With An Autism Spectrum Disorder (These forms were adapted from the Technical Assistance Manual on Autism for Kentucky Schools by Nancy Dalrymple and Lisa Ruble, which is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, and special education personnel.) ( THIS IS A GREAT CHECKLIST!!)
Center for the Study of Autism (The Center for the Study of Autism (CSA) is located in the Salem/Portland, Oregon area. The Center provides information about autism to parents and professionals, and conducts research on the efficacy of various therapeutic interventions. Much of our research is in collaboration with the Autism Research Institute in San Diego, California)
Centering On Children,Inc presents Shoebox Tasks (SHOEBOX TASKS are work activities in their simplest form. They are designed as starting points for young children with autism who are learning "how to work" and for those individuals diagnosed within the severe to profound range of mental retardation.SHOEBOX TASKS are recommended for parents, teachers and therapists who are beginning to establish a teaching and learning relationship with these young individuals.Shoebox Tasks are appropriate for any individual functioning within the 12-22 month age level. They are intended for supervised use in the classroom, home or clinic. These activities make initial sessions not only positive experiences but ones in which success is a present possibility.ABOUT SHOEBOX TASKS A complete set consists of 16 precision activities with instructions for use. The progression of skill development includes a variety of simple put-in tasks, one-to-one correspondence, pull-apart and put-in, stacking, and two-way object sort. All 200+ pieces are made of durable plastic and wood with a non-toxic, washable finish. Recycled materials are used whenever possible.)
The Children's Annex A School for Autistic Children (The Children's Annex is a private, not-for-profit program designed for children with special needs. We are approved by the New York State Office of Education of Children with Disabling Conditions and the New York State Health Department.The Children's Annex serves children between the ages of 2 and 15. A student may be classified as a preschooler with a disability, or when school age, as emotionally disturbed, autistic, multiply disabled or traumatic brain injured. Many students also have learning disabilities and communication needs. There is a wide range of intellectual ability and severity of need.Center-based Children's Annex programs are located in Kingston and Ellenville, New York.)
Clinical Practice Guideline Report of the Recommendations (Clinical Practice Guideline Report of the Guideline Recommendations Autism / Pervasive Developmental Disorders Assessment and Intervention for Young Children (Age 0-3 Years) Sponsored by New York State Department of Health Early Intervention Program This guideline was developed by an independent panel of professionals and parents sponsored by the New York State Department of Health, Early Intervention Program.
CSAAC: About Autism (CSAAC-Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children ; provides services for individuals with autism, which include early intervention, education, housing, employment, recreation, and behavioral technology)
The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism (The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism has been established by pro football player Doug Flutie, Sr. and his wife, Laurie Flutie, as their life-long commitment to make a difference in the lives of autistic children and their families. Shop here to benefit the Doug Flutie, JR. Foundation for autism.
Face Blind! By Bill Choisser (This is the world's first (and to date only) book about face blindness. It has been published on the Internet so people in all lands can have access to it readily, and so it can be continuously updated. In these pages, you will find information, much of which is not available anywhere else at this time. Until people with this rare condition began to meet each other on the Internet in mid-1996, assembling this kind of information would not have been possible. Even researchers who have had hopes of specializing in this condition have been frustrated by having seen only a handful of subjects over a lifetime. With the advent of the Internet, face blind people are coming together in heretofore unheard of numbers, and much is being learned with each passing month. )
Family Village - Autism (As usual the Family Village has great information)
Families of Adults Afflicted with Asperger's Syndrome ( (FAAAS) Our mission is to give support to the family members of adult individuals afflicted with Asperger’s Syndrome. Our goal is to educate the public to the existance of Asperger’s Syndrome in the ADULT population and to bring awareness of this neurological disorder and its ramifications on the ‘whole’ family to the medical communities who are directly or indirectly involved. Another key aspect to our work is to give the families a measure of reassurance so they can validate their concerns and frustrations as concrete issues rather than simple ‘family problems’.)
General Information on Autism and PDD (NICHCY Fact sheet on autism)
Generation Rescue (Generation Rescue was formed by parents of children who have been diagnosed with childhood neurological disorders (NDs). Through our own research and initiative we have discovered a truth that we feel every parent should know: Autism, Asperger's, ADHD, ADD, PDD-NOS, other learning disabilities are all environmental illnesses that can be treated through biomedical intervention. An overwhelming amount of evidence exists in the scientific and medical literature to support this position, however, the information has been slow to disseminate to the general public and to those who need it most: parents.)
The Handle Institute Providing a Holistic Approach to NeuroDevelopment and Learning Efficiency. (The HANDLE Institute is a non-profit organization providing an effective, drug-free alternative for identifying and treating most neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan. HANDLE incorporates research and techniques from many disciplines. It includes principles and perspectives from medicine, rehabilitation, psychology, education and nutrition. It is founded on an interactive, developmental model of human functioning. The institute offers clinical services, community information, and professional training programs. The main facility is located in Seattle, Washington.)
HealthlinkUSA Autism ("Links to websites which may include treatment, cures, diagnosis, prevention, support groups, email lists, messageboards, personal stories, risk factors, statistics, research and more. ")
JaynaGirl Website (Dedicated to understanding AUTISM/PDD-NOS. This Page Is For Anyone Living With, Or Trying To Understand, A Child With PDD-NOS Atypical Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), PDDNOS (Not Otherwise Specified), are names for neurobiological disorders at the "mild" end of the autistic spectrum, which affect language and social functioning, often with accompanying perceptual, cognitive, emotional and behavioral symptoms and sometimes motor problems. Autistic-like behaviors and language patterns are frequently evident. Because these are very serious and chronic disorders, affected children need special education, and often medical and psychological intervention, while their parents need encouragement and information.
Jypsy's Autism Links (The site is not being updated any longer but she still has hundreds of links archived so check it out. Ooops.....wrong planet master link page)
Kathy and Calvin's Home Page (Supporting Oregon Parents of Children With Autism) (*This is a wonderful site with lots of really great information and resources, including - Therapist Stuff, ABA Forms, ABA Manuals/Training, ABA Tips Tricks and Games. I highly recommend you check it out!*)
Keddy's Korner on Autism (A personal page on autism. It is my hope to help people understand autism and the stigmas that go with it by constructing this website.)
Kentucky Department of Education TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE MANUAL ON AUTISM FOR KENTUCKY SCHOOLS (this document is revised from the January 1997 version. The framework for this manual is based upon the Autism Competency Model (11995) developed by Nancy J. Dalrymple and Lisa A. Ruble. Teachers, Parents, staff from KDE and others from Kentucky local school districts piloted and reviewed the frame work using the KDE 1995 Draft Technical Assistance Manual)
Kerry's Place Autism Services (Provide services that aim to attain a lifestyle that will achieve social,educational,vocational and developmental potential and well being, for people with Autism)
Kids Camps (Kids' Camps, the Internet's most comprehensive directory of camps, summer experiences and camp jobs, has over 12,000 programs listed in its searchable database. From day camps to resort camps, special needs camps to teen tours, camp suppliers to camp jobs, the Kids' Camps directory has proven to be a a valuable free resource for families. A comprehensive searchable-by-region website of camps for kids, families, and special needs children. Includes photos, descriptions and contact information. This site provides a valuable (and free) service for parents!)
LIFE The Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention (The Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention is a research based Institute in California that specializes in teaching pre-school aged children with autism, pervasive developmental disorders, and related developmental disabilities. The behavioral intervention program was developed in the Psychology Department of UCLA under the direction of Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas. It is based on extensive clinical experience and more than 35 years of scientific research. Our focus is to serve children of all levels of functioning while providing an educational setting that allows them to achieve their individual potentials. The program is comprehensive - aimed at enhancing language and communication, social/play, pre-academic and independent living skills of young children so that they may take better advantage of opportunities in their communities and may require less professional attention as they grow older.)
Looking Up, The International Autism Newsletter ( Looking Up is a new, monthly, 40-page international autism newsletter, featuring all the very latest research findings, news and views from the world of autism. Adam Feinstein, Editor - subscription)
Magic Stream's Autism Resources (Autism Primer - Reprint from the National Information Center for Children and Youth Disabilities (NICHCY). Other web resources : An Inside View of Autism, Autism FAQ, Autism Network International, Autism Depot, etc...)
Maap Services A Newsletter For Families of More advanced individuals with Autism, Asperger's syndrome, and Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). (Maap Services, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and advice to families of More advanced individuals with Autism, Asperger's syndrome, and Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Through its quarterly newsletter, The Maap, the organization provides the opportunity for parents and professionals to network with others in similar circumstances and to learn about more advanced individuals within the autism spectrum. )
MEDLINEplus Autism (Links selected by the National Library of Medicine to information on clinical trials, research, specific aspects/conditions, organizations, and related areas.)
The Miller Diagnostic Survey (MDS): A Method to Help Parents Evaluate Their Special Children’s Progress (This is an innovative approach to two longstanding problems that parents have faced: How to tell if their child is progressing in his or her program... and how to tell if one program is better for that child than another. In this approach, the parent is the expert on their child and by answering the questions on the MDS they make it possible to isolate precisely where their child most needs help so that teachers and therapists can focus their efforts where it will do the most good.) (Click on the Miller Diagnostic Survey MDS link on the left)
National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Materials ( Autism resources, Stealth Virus Research Program, Autism FAQ, Infoguide Newsgroup,Autism Link Bulletin Board,The Autism Channel Link,etc)
New Theories As We Look At Autism (From Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorders "There are many new theories on the causes of Autism. Researchers are coming up with infomation constantly and testing these theories to the best of the scientific community's ability. Read about what is going on with the new research.")
Other Autism Related Resources on the Internet
PAAINS PUBLIC AUTISM AWARENESS IN NORTH SOMERSET (Welcome to our world of Autism. This Site is designed for Parents, Teachers, Carers and YOU. It offers a gentle step by step guide through the interesting and fascinating all consuming world that is Autism. Look upon it as a signpost. Each heading will take you to information and many links relevant to the heading itself. The site has been set up in North Somerset but we know the information does have a country wide appeal and will be used as a blueprint for other areas.)
Parents and Professionals & Autism (This is the site of Parents and Professionals & Autism, a registered charity in Northern Ireland whose aim is to promote the needs of people with Autism and their carers.It is PAPA's belief that information is empowering. Through this web site we hope to inform visitors on the structure of PAPA; the work with which we are involved; and the issues within Autism that are currently being addressed in Northern Ireland. PAPA seeks to help people make choices and here, as elsewhere, we feel that our role is to present the information in as accessible form as possible. It therefore can not be emphasised enough that views and opinions expressed on this web site are not necessarily those of PAPA.)
The PDD Assessment Scale/ Screening Questionnaire
PDD Support Home Page (These pages are meant to provide a central meeting place for those interested in, or coping with, children diagnosed with PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders). Although related to Autism, there are relatively few sources of information on the Web specifically devoted to PDD. We will be adding to this page as resources are found, so please excuse the sparseness right now!)
playB.A. inclusion socialization group A place for kids to be kids. (playB.A. is an integration of play, incidental teaching, and direct instruction supervised and delivered by staff trained in ABA. PLAY: There are many different toys, games, crafts, sports, computer games, musical instruments, and activities for kids to choose from. Additionally, there are music classes, computer instruction, and more. Trained ABA staff supervise and provide incidental teaching through play. LEARNING: In addition to play activities, there are also opportunities for more direct instruction. Trained ABA staff run small group instruction, 2:1 peer modeling sessions, and, upon request, some 1:1 ABA instruction. As much as possible, the children are encouraged to learn more from each other than from the staff. We like to make sure that the kids spend their time at playB.A. engaged, involved, and interacting with each other and the activities. However, we don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable — the kids are always treated with love, understanding, and respect. We understand that there are times when the play environment may become overwhelming and we handle those situations with care.)
PlaySteps Autism Teaching Materials Building skills for special children. (Children with special needs often require extra help to learn to play with toys. The new Playsteps books teach constructive play, step by step and are recommended for children 3-8 years old. The books have been field tested for two years with students with autism and multiple disabilities and provide a helpful tool for parents and teachers targeting independent play skills.) Teaching Children With Autism (Check this out!!)
Progress Through Partnership: A National Conference in Autism (To provide a comprehensive selection of current topics on autism spectrum disorders including" current national research, assessment, and effective interventions and services delivery models)
Red and Green Choices ( A Positive Behavioral Development Strategy for Students with Autism or Behavioral Predispositions) CHECK IT OUT
A Report to the Legislature (Changes in the population of persons with autism and PDD in California's Developmental Services System : Many reports on autism)
Room 5's Autism Page (Room 5 is a classroom web page dedicated to helping parents and teachers of students with autistic spectrum disorders.Here you will find classroom and home ideas as well as links to my favorite sites. Enjoy your stay) (Chris's page is heavy into TEACCH info, she does have some good information and examples of stuff here.)
Son-Rise Program Autism Treatment Center Of America (For Families of Children With Special Needs Serving parents and professionals seeking a loving, humane, and respectful method for helping children and adults with Autism (and all Autism Spectrum related challenges), Pervasive Developmental Disorder, PDD-NOS, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Cerebral Palsy , and other developmental, neurological and muscular disorders maximize their potential. )
Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARRC) (The Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARRC) is a nonprofit, community-based organization dedicated to autism research, education and resources for children and families. SARRC undertakes self-directed research, serves as a satellite site for national and international projects and provides up-to-date information, training and assistance to families and professionals about autism and related disorders.)
Special Families Guide: Robert Naseef, Ph.D. (Children with special needs can be endearing, lovable, and extremely challenging. On this site, psychologist, author, and parent Robert Naseef, Ph.D., shares his insights and experiences on family life for parents, siblings, and children with special needs. Autism, developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy, learning disorders, special healthcare needs, and many other conditions are discussed--with a focus on the special needs of families and emphasizing the role of fathers.)
specialkidsla (For Special Kids in LA, a Special URL. After two years of digging for information, the Levy's feel they now have a handle on Andrea's condition, but they are not stopping there. In order to make it easier for parents of children with special needs - from autism to cerebral palsy to ADD - they've created a Web site,contains a host of local resources for families living in Los Angeles, particularly on the Westside.)
Strategies for Teaching Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (The following information has been gleaned from a variety of sources. It consists of information and ideas which have been used in my classroom. All suggestions do not work with all students. What works for me may not necessarily work in your classroom. If you have problem areas, maybe I can help. If you have suggestions, send me a note and I will give them a try and/or post them on the Room5 page.Be sure to check back often for updates.)
TACA (Talk About Curing Autism provides information, resources, and support to families affected by autism. For families who have just received the autism diagnosis, TACA aims to speed up the cycle time from the autism diagnosis to effective treatments. TACA helps to strengthen the autism community by connecting families and the professionals who can help them, allowing them to share stories and information to help people with autism be the best they can be.)
Thursday's Child (Thursday’s Child is an Early Intervention program serving the needs of children diagnosed with PDD/Autism. We utilize the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Discrete Trial Learning in an intensive individualized instructional setting. Incidental Teaching and Observational Learning are an additional component used to foster a child’s learning and facilitate generalization of learned skills. Sensory needs are addressed using sensory integration techniques which are implemented by all clinical staff. An additional component to enhance socialization skills is available through daily interaction with typically developing peers in a daycare classroom at the center. Our Early Intervention program is funded and regulated by the New York State Department of Health and, in New York City, by the New York City Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Alcoholism Services. We are approved by the New York State Department of Mental Health and New York City Early Intervention. All services are provided at no cost to families.)
Tony Attwood (This website is a guide for parents and professionals whose lives are affected by Asperger's Syndrome. These pages are updated frequently with resources, information on my schedule, issues related to Asperger's Syndrome, and papers I have written on related topics.)
Touched by Autism (The ASCWC was formed by a group of local parents who are committed to increasing awareness, services, and support for families and individuals who are touched by autism. We are from Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties, located in southwest Washington State)
University of Nevada Early Childhood Autism Program (Specializing in early intensive intervention for young children with autistic behaviors, Autism links & Resources for further information about Autism and treatment interventions)
University Students With Autism and Asperger's Syndrome (Support and resources for students with autistic spectrum conditions in higher education)
Unlocking Autism (Mission:To bring the issues of autism from individual homes to the forefront of national dialogue.* To join parents and professionals in one concerted effort to fight for these children who cannot lift their voices to the nation for help.* To educate parents about pending legislation and existing laws.* To educate parents about the biomedical treatments.* To assist parents of newly diagnosed children by providing direction through a parent-to-parent support hotline in an effort to network families across the country. This will decrease the time parents need to research the disorder, allowing them to quickly find professionals and information about the therapies available in their immediate area.* To raise funds for biomedical research, behavioral research, and projects. * Work to increase society's ability to work with and understand people with autism.)
The World of Autism (Personal autism pages on the internet - parents introduce their autistic children, people with autism introduce themselves, people with autism write about autism)
Work Task Samples (Important things to remember about tasks are:1) the activities reinforce IEP goals.2) the student must be taught how to do the activity (get it, do it, & put it back.)3) the objective of the activity must be clear. 4) the activities need to be stabilized so they do not spill or scatter.5) the concept of "finished" needs to be taught.Here you will find samples of activities at different levels. The fine-motor/hand-eye coordination activities always begin with one object and one place to put it. Multiple objects with multiple places for things to go is a more advanced step. The activities here should give you ideas to use and expand on for your students. Remember, these are samples of activities I use in my own classroom. They are for younger students)