Heaven and Hell

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Heaven and Hell

A righteous man was permitted by God to attain foreknowledge of the world to come. In a celestial palace he was ushered into a large room where he saw people seated at a banquet table. The table was laden with the most delectable foods but not a morsel had been touched. The man gazed in wonder at the people seated at the table because they were emaciated with hunger and they moaned constantly for food even though it was in front of them.

"If they are hungry, why is it that they don't partake of the food that is before them?" asked the man of his heavenly guide. "They cannot feed themselves," said the guide. "If you will notice, each one has his arm strapped straight so that no matter how he tries, he cannot get the food into his mouth." "Truly, this is hell," said the righteous man as they left the hall.

The heavenly attendant escorted him across the hall into another room, and the man observed another table equally beautiful and laden with delicacies and choice foods. Here he noticed that those seated around the table were well-fed, happy and joyous. To his amazement, he saw that these people, too, had their arms strapped straight. Turning to his guide, he asked in perplexity "How is it that they are so well fed, seeing that they are unable to feed themselves?"

"Behold." said the guide. The righteous man looked and saw that each one was feeding the other. "In truth," he exclaimed, "this is really heaven!"

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Last updated: 09/25/03.