Ice Williams

The ice-breaker is here again. After a short, but catastrophic appearance with the competition - and we use the term quite loosely - Ice attained the necessary insight and wisdom to value the advantages of a professional organization. Williams owes it to Magic that he was accepted again into our ranks.

Additional remarks: Owing to his patient and friendly manner, he is the ideal teacher. He prefers automatic weapons.

Click here to hear Ice (sorry in German).

My Rating: Good

My opinion: Good Marksman, Nice Mechanical, and Health/Agility.

Name Ice Williams
Nickname Ice
Health 90
Agility 88
Leadership 23
Dexterity 87
Strength 84
Wisdom 78
Medical 7
Explosives 3
Mechanical 42
Marksmanship 86
Level 3
Day $1000
Per Week $6200
2 Weeks $11000
Medical Dep. $2200

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