Eric Ragnar.............................................. 102 points
  +75 points Wolffang

Eric Ragnar is a famed leader of mercenaries from the cold lands of Norsca.  He and his Wolves, a band of horsemen who wield viscious axes in combat, have fought for the Empire against Undead hordes and Chaos.  They have fought through many campaigns and have gained a reputation for ferocity in combat and for the effectiveness of their charge.  Ragnar has molded the unit into an extension of his will and has made it his powerful weapon to be wielded as he wishes.  Ragnar is a consumate axeman and a fine Horseman.  He rides his great grey stalion at the head of his troops and he inspires them with the ferocity with which he fights in hand to hand combat and with his daring deeds.  Ragnar has a nack of choosing the right generals to hire out to and has made a very successful career off the warrior's craft.


Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Eric Ragnar 4 6 5 4 5 2 5 3 10
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Weapons/Armour: Wolffang, his double-bitted axe, heavy armour and shield.

Save: 3+

Magic Items: Ragnar may have up to two magic items.  One of these must always be his axe Wolffang.

Special Rules:

Ferocious Charge: On the turn that Ragnar charges, he gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack.

Wolffang                 75 points

Wolffang is a double-bitted axe with a rune-encrusted head and a leather wrapped shaft. Ragnar found Wolffang in the horde of a Liche that he slew during the wars against the Dread King.

The axe gives the bearer +2 S and always strikes first.

Eric Ragnar Only

Ragnar's Wolves..............................................31 points

These warriors originate from the cold and inhospitable lands of Norsca where they fight under the command of Eric Ragnar, their leader. They ride into battle on mighty warhorses and are skilled in combat.


Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Ragnar's Wolves 4 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 7
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Weapons/Armour: Axe, heavy armour, and shield.

Save: 3+

Options: Ragnar's Wolves may carry a magic standard chosen from Warhammer Magic.

Special Rules:

Ferocious Charge: On the turn that Ragnar's Wolves charge, he gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack.