Chiron in the 8th House ******************* The eighth house has much to do with your involvement in what other people own and transfer, be it possessions, big business, wills, legacies, and even sex. Chiron in this house indicates a struggle to acquire a sense of balance in one or more of these areas. Emotions may range from one extreme to another here and include secretiveness, obsessions with death, and manipulation of others. If you have little or no power, there is a tendency towards violence. If you have power, you may wield it heavy-handedly. As a result, you might identify with living in the darker side of life. The key to working with this placement is to recognize that the darker side of life is simply a contrast to the pleasant and beautiful. Being more aware and acquiring a stronger sense of values will assist greatly. Those who evolve to a higher conscious awareness will likely embrace the mystical elements of life. Ultimately, if you are a healer, you will be drawn to assist those trapped in the darker aspects of life.